Notes & Answers: Little Women Novel: Part 3-The Two Girls Enjoy at the Party

Little Women Novel: (Part 3) – The Christmas Presents: This part is explained with vocabulary and summary. Question and answers are also given here. Click here for all the parts of the novel and Notes

Part 3- The Two Girls Enjoy at the Party


Here’s the explanation, vocabulary, short summary, and questions for Part 3 – The Two Girls Enjoy at the Party:

  • Jo and Meg are invited to a New Year’s Eve party. Meg is excited but worried about their old cotton dresses. Jo, being less concerned about appearances, offers a humorous solution to wear mismatched gloves.
  • Before the party, Jo accidentally burns Meg’s hair while trying to curl it. With some creative efforts, they still manage to get ready and look charming, not because of their dresses, but due to their natural grace.
  • At the party, Meg enjoys dancing, while Jo, feeling awkward, hides behind a curtain. There, she meets Laurie, the boy next door. They talk about his life abroad and Jo’s burnt dress, and they dance in a quiet hall away from the crowd.
  • Meg sprains her ankle while dancing, and Jo tries to help. Laurie offers to take them home in his grandfather’s carriage, and they all return happily.
  • The younger sisters eagerly ask about the party, and Jo shares the fun moments, making them laugh.

Short Summary:

Meg and Jo attend a New Year’s Eve party, despite their old dresses and some misfortunes like Jo burning Meg’s hair and Meg spraining her ankle. Jo befriends Laurie, the boy next door, and they share a fun time. Laurie kindly offers them a ride home, and the girls return feeling pleased with the night’s adventures.


Word/PhraseContextual English MeaningContextual Hindi Meaning
InvitationA formal request to attend an eventआमंत्रण, किसी कार्यक्रम में आने का अनुरोध
DelightfullyWith great happiness and pleasureखुशी से
FussingWorrying too much over small thingsछोटी-छोटी बातों की चिंता करना
Prim and properBehaving in a very formal and proper mannerबहुत अनुशासित और विनम्र तरीके से बर्ताव करना
TongsA tool for gripping and lifting, here used for curling hairचिमटा (बालों को घुंघरालू बनाने के लिए)
LamentedExpressed regret or sorrowशोक व्यक्त किया
Innate charmNatural beauty and graceस्वाभाविक सुंदरता और आकर्षण
GossipCasual or informal talk about othersदूसरों के बारे में अनौपचारिक बातें
AlcoveA small, secluded area in a roomकमरे में एक छोटी सी जगह
BeckonedMade a gesture to call someoneइशारे से बुलाना
SpilledAccidentally poured out liquidगिरा देना (तरल पदार्थ)
Gala timeA fun and joyful timeबहुत मजेदार समय
BuzzA fun word gameएक खेल जिसमें शब्द जल्दी-जल्दी कहने होते हैं
Bound upTo wrap or bandageपट्टी बांधना
SprainedTo injure by twistingमोच आना

Answers to Questions:

1. What was Jo doing when Meg called her?

Ans. Jo was sitting in the attic, absorbed in reading a book.

2. What was the girls’ problem for going to the party?

Ans. The girls had only old cotton dresses to wear to the party and no gloves, which made them feel self-conscious.

3. How were Meg and Jo different in their attitude? Give three examples.

Ans. A few examples are given below:

  • Meg: Meg cared about appearances and wished for a silk dress. She was worried about looking perfect at the party.
  • Jo: Jo was less concerned about fashion and didn’t mind wearing old dresses or gloves. She was more carefree and bold.
  • Meg: Meg wanted to behave properly and was cautious about how others saw her.
  • Jo: Jo was rebellious, refusing to wear gloves and not caring much about what people thought.

4. How did the two girls get ready for the party?

Ans. Meg and Jo got ready with the help of their younger sisters. Jo tried to curl Meg’s hair, but it got burnt. Despite the mishaps, they managed to look charming due to their natural grace.

5. What happened to Meg’s curls?

Ans. Jo accidentally burnt some of Meg’s hair while using hot tongs to curl it.

6. How did Meg and Jo behave differently when they reached the party?

Ans. Meg quickly joined the other girls and started chatting, while Jo felt awkward and out of place. She hid behind a curtain to avoid dancing.

7. What pleasant surprise awaited Jo in the alcove?

Ans. Jo found Laurie, the boy next door, hiding in the alcove. They struck up a friendly conversation.

8. How did Jo and Laurie behave with each other?

Ans. Jo and Laurie behaved like old friends. They talked comfortably about various topics, and Laurie didn’t laugh at Jo’s burnt dress but instead made her feel comfortable.

9. What did Laurie tell Jo about his own life?

Ans. Laurie told Jo about his schooling abroad, his travels, boating on the lake, and spending holidays in Switzerland and Paris.

10. How did Laurie sort out the problems of Jo and Meg?

Ans. Laurie offered to take Jo and Meg home in his grandfather’s carriage when Meg sprained her ankle, which solved their problem of returning home.

11. How did the two girls feel when they returned home?

Ans. Despite their old dresses and minor mishaps, the two girls felt happy and satisfied, especially after riding home in a carriage, which made them feel special.

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