Evelyn Glennie Listens to Sound without Hearing It MCQs

MCQs based on the Class 9 English lesson ‘The Sound of Music’ Part 1 ‘Evelyn Glennie Listens to Sound without Hearing It’. MCQs are followed by answers at the end of each set of MCQs. So, enjoy free MCQs practice here. 😊

MCQs: Evelyn Glennie Listens to Sound without Hearing It

MCQs Set 1

  1. What challenge did Evelyn face on her first day at the Royal Academy of Music?
    a) Language barrier
    b) Stage fright
    c) Profound deafness
    d) Lack of musical talent
  2. When did Evelyn’s mother first notice something was wrong with her hearing?
    a) When she was playing the piano
    b) When she was talking to friends
    c) When she was attending school
    d) When she was waiting for the train
  3. How did Evelyn discover her ability to sense different notes?
    a) Through her ears
    b) By watching others play instruments
    c) By feeling vibrations in different parts of her body
    d) By using hearing aids
  4. What did Evelyn decide to make her life when she was sixteen?
    a) Painting
    b) Dancing
    c) Music
    d) Writing
  5. What accolades did Evelyn receive at the Royal Academy of Music?
    a) Top academic honours
    b) Most improved student
    c) Highest marks in history
    d) Outstanding leadership award
  6. How does Evelyn communicate with people despite her deafness?
    a) Reading lips and facial expressions
    b) Using sign language
    c) Writing notes
    d) Speaking loudly
  7. How does Evelyn experience music physically?
    a) Through her voice
    b) Through her eyes
    c) Through her fingertips and body
    d) Through her hearing aids
  8. What award did Evelyn win in 1991?
    a) Soloist of the Year
    b) Percussionist of the Year
    c) Best Deaf Musician
    d) Philharmonic Society Award
  9. Apart from regular concerts, where does Evelyn also perform?
    a) Schools and universities
    b) Prisons and hospitals
    c) Music festivals
    d) Art galleries
  10. What impact has Evelyn Glennie had on the perception of percussion in the orchestra?
    a) Brought it to the front of the orchestra
    b) Made it obsolete
    c) Encouraged other musicians to play percussion
    d) Created new percussion instruments


  1. c) Profound deafness
  2. a) When she was playing the piano
  3. c) By feeling vibrations in different parts of her body
  4. c) Music
  5. c) Highest marks in history
  6. a) Reading lips and facial expressions
  7. c) Through her fingertips and body
  8. a) Soloist of the Year
  9. b) Prisons and hospitals
  10. a) Brought it to the front of the orchestra

MCQs Set 2

  1. At what age did Evelyn Glennie’s hearing loss become noticeable?
    a) 8
    b) 11
    c) 17
    d) Gradual, so it was not easily discernible
  2. What instrument initially sparked Evelyn’s interest in music?
    a) Piano
    b) Xylophone
    c) Drums
    d) Violin
  3. How did percussionist Ron Forbes encourage Evelyn to sense sound differently?
    a) By urging her to listen carefully
    b) By instructing her to use hearing aids
    c) By tuning drums to different notes
    d) By recommending a specialist for her hearing impairment
  4. Which language(s) has Evelyn Glennie learned despite her deafness?
    a) French
    b) Japanese
    c) Both French and Japanese
    d) None, as her focus is primarily on music
  5. How does Evelyn Glennie experience music physically?
    a) Through her voice
    b) Through her ears, with the help of hearing aids
    c) Through vibrations in her body and fingertips
    d) Through visual cues and lip-reading
  6. In what year did Evelyn Glennie win the Royal Philharmonic Society’s Soloist of the Year Award?
    a) 1991
    b) 2000
    c) 1985
    d) She has never won this award
  7. Apart from her regular concerts, where does Evelyn Glennie prioritize performing?
    a) Schools and universities
    b) Prisons and hospitals
    c) Music festivals
    d) Private events for the elite
  8. How does Evelyn Glennie’s story inspire deaf children, according to Ann Richlin?
    a) It shows them that they can pursue any career they desire
    b) It proves that music can be enjoyed without hearing
    c) It demonstrates that even severe impairments can be overcome
    d) It encourages them to take up percussion instruments
  9. What impact has Evelyn Glennie had on the perception of percussion in the orchestra?
    a) Brought it to the forefront and elevated its importance
    b) Made it obsolete with the rise of electronic music
    c) Encouraged other musicians to focus more on percussion
    d) It had no significant impact on the perception of percussion
  10. How does Evelyn Glennie describe her approach to achieving success?
    a) She attributes it to luck and natural talent
    b) She emphasizes the importance of hard work and determination
    c) She credits her teachers for her accomplishments
    d) She believes it was a result of her unique physical abilities


  1. b) 11
  2. b) Xylophone
  3. c) By tuning drums to different notes
  4. c) Both French and Japanese
  5. c) Through vibrations in her body and fingertips
  6. a) 1991
  7. b) Prisons and hospitals
  8. c) It demonstrates that even severe impairments can be overcome
  9. a) Brought it to the forefront and elevated its importance
  10. b) She emphasizes the importance of hard work and determination

MCQs Set 3

  1. What was Evelyn Glennie’s biggest challenge when she started at the Royal Academy of Music?
    (A) She was deaf.
    (B) She was from a Scottish farm.
    (C) She was only 17 years old.
    (D) She had never played the xylophone before.
  2. How did Evelyn Glennie learn to sense different notes in different parts of her body?
    (A) She watched the lips of the other musicians.
    (B) She felt the vibrations of the notes through her skin.
    (C) She listened to the echoes of the notes off of walls and other objects.
    (D) She used a special type of hearing aid.
  3. What is Evelyn Glennie’s most well-known achievement?
    (A) She became the world’s most sought-after multi-percussionist.
    (B) She was presented with the Royal Philharmonic Society’s prestigious Soloist of the Year Award.
    (C) She gave free concerts in prisons and hospitals.
    (D) She inspired millions of people with her story.
  4. What does Evelyn Glennie say about her ability to hear music?
    (A) She can hear music just as well as anyone else.
    (B) She can hear music in a different way than most people.
    (C) She can’t hear music at all.
    (D) She doesn’t know how she can hear music.
  5. What does Evelyn Glennie say about her work ethic?
    (A) She doesn’t work very hard.
    (B) She works harder than most classical musicians.
    (C) She doesn’t like to work.
    (D) She only works when she feels like it.


  1. A – Evelyn Glennie was deaf, and that this was her biggest challenge when she started at the Royal Academy of Music.
  1. B – Evelyn Glennie learned to sense different notes in different parts of her body by feeling the vibrations of the notes through her skin.
  1. A- Evelyn Glennie became the world’s most sought-after multi-percussionist, and that this is her most well-known achievement.
  1. B – Evelyn Glennie can hear music in a different way than most people. She can sense the sound passing up the stick into her fingertips, and by leaning against the drums, she can feel the resonances flowing into her body.
  1. B – Evelyn Glennie works harder than most classical musicians. She says that she “just got to work … often harder than classical musicians. But the rewards are enormous.”

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