‘In The Kingdom of Fools’ Summary Class 9 English

Summary of the lesson ‘In The Kingdom of Fools’ published in NCERT Class 9 Supplementary Reader ‘Moment’: The summary given here explains the story of ‘In The Kingdom of Fools’ in brief. Click here for more study materials.

Summary of “In The Kingdom of Fools”

The story “In the Kingdom of Fools” revolves around a kingdom where the king and his minister make irrational decisions that turn day into night and night into day. The people obey these orders out of fear of death. A guru and his disciple visit the city and find everyone asleep during the day and awake at night. They explore the city during the day and encounter strange pricing where everything costs the same.

A thief dies while attempting a burglary, and his brother accuses a merchant of having a weak wall that caused the death. The merchant blames the bricklayer who built the wall. As the accusations escalate, the real cause is traced back to a dancing girl’s distraction of the bricklayer.

The court proceedings continue, involving the dancing girl, a goldsmith, and the merchant. However, the true culprit, the merchant’s deceased father, is identified. The guru intervenes, revealing the interconnectedness of events.

The guru’s disciple decides to stay in the kingdom due to the cheap food. The guru, through a series of revelations, saves his disciple from execution. He orchestrates a plan that involves both of them being executed on a stake, which is believed to lead to their reincarnation as king and minister.

The disciple realizes the guru’s wisdom when they plan their own escape. The guru’s selfless act saves his disciple, and they leave the city. Later, the people of the kingdom realize the folly of their ways and request the guru and disciple to become their new king and minister, restoring sanity to the kingdom. The story explores themes of foolishness, consequences, interconnectedness, and the value of wisdom.

Summary in Hindi

कहानी “मूर्खों के राज्य में” एक राज्य के चारों ओर घूमती है जहां राजा और उसका मंत्री तर्कहीन निर्णय लेते हैं जो दिन को रात में और रात को दिन में बदल देते हैं। लोग मृत्यु के डर से इन आदेशों का पालन करते हैं। एक गुरु और उसका शिष्य शहर का दौरा करते हैं और सभी को दिन में सोते और रात में जागते हुए पाते हैं। वे दिन के दौरान शहर का पता लगाते हैं और अजीब मूल्य निर्धारण का सामना करते हैं जहां सब कुछ समान खर्च होता है।

चोरी का प्रयास करते समय एक चोर की मृत्यु हो जाती है, और उसका भाई एक व्यापारी पर एक कमजोर दीवार होने का आरोप लगाता है जो मौत का कारण बना। व्यापारी दीवार बनाने वाले मिस्त्री को दोषी ठहराता है। जैसे-जैसे आरोप बढ़ते हैं। मिस्त्री दोष लगाता है एक नर्तकी पर जो सड़क से आया-जाया करती थी ओर कहता है की उसकी पायल की छनछन की आवाज से उसका ध्यान भटक जाता था जिसकी वजह से दीवाल ठीक से नहीं बन पाई।

अदालत की कार्यवाही जारी है, जिसमें नृत्य करने वाली लड़की, एक सुनार और व्यापारी शामिल हैं। हालांकि, असली अपराधी, व्यापारी के मृत पिता की पहचान की जाती है।

गुरु का शिष्य सस्ते भोजन के कारण राज्य में रहने का फैसला करता है। गुरु, रहस्योद्घाटन की एक श्रृंखला के माध्यम से, अपने शिष्य को फांसी से बचाता है। वह एक ऐसी योजना का आयोजन करता है जिसमें दोनों को एक दांव पर निष्पादित किया जाता है, जिसके बारे में माना जाता है कि राजा और मंत्री के रूप में उनका पुनर्जन्म होता है।

शिष्य को गुरु के ज्ञान का एहसास तब होता है जब वे अपने भागने की योजना बनाते हैं। गुरु का निस्वार्थ कार्य उसके शिष्य को बचाता है, और वे शहर छोड़ देते हैं। बाद में, राज्य के लोगों को अपने तरीकों की मूर्खता का एहसास होता है और गुरु और शिष्य से अनुरोध करते हैं कि वे उनके नए राजा और मंत्री बनें, राज्य में पवित्रता बहाल करें। कहानी मूर्खता, परिणामों, परस्पर संबंध और ज्ञान के मूल्य के विषयों की पड़ताल करती है।

Summary with key points

In the Kingdom of Fools

In the Kingdom of Fools, the king and the minister make unconventional decisions, changing day into night and vice versa. The people follow these orders out of fear of death.

Arrival of Guru and Disciple:

A guru and his disciple arrive in the city. They find everyone sleeping during the day and awake at night. Intrigued, they explore the city during the day and notice that everything is priced the same, regardless of quantity.

Accusations and Trials:

  • A thief’s death during a burglary leads his brother to accuse a merchant of having a weak wall that caused the death.
  • The merchant blames the bricklayer who constructed the wall.
  • The dancing girl, responsible for distracting the bricklayer, is also accused.
  • The goldsmith, who delayed the dancing girl, is implicated.

Revelation of the Real Culprit:

The court proceedings lead to the revelation that the true culprit is the merchant’s deceased father, who had demanded the jewellery that led to the distractions.

The Guru’s Wisdom:

The disciple decides to stay due to cheap food. The guru’s words, “This is a city of fools. You don’t know what they will do next,” resonate when they find themselves in a precarious situation.

Rescue and Escape:

The guru arrives just in time to save the disciple from execution. He devises a plan where they both face execution on a stake, aiming to be reborn as king and minister.

Rejection and Departure:

The guru’s plan confuses the king. The guru requests to be executed first, eventually escaping with the disciple as the execution is postponed. They leave the city, avoiding their intended fate.

A New Perspective:

The people realize the king and minister’s folly upon discovering their bodies. The kingdom falls into panic and confusion. Seeking stability, they approach the guru and disciple, requesting them to be their new king and minister.

Restoration of Sanity:

The guru and disciple agree, under the condition that they can change old laws. They restore order, bringing back the regular cycle of day and night, and abandon the irrational pricing system.


The story explores themes of foolishness, interconnectedness, and wisdom. Through the experiences of the guru and disciple, it emphasizes the importance of rationality and sound decision-making in leadership.

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