Jane Eyre at Lowood Institution: Summary Meanings and Question Answers Class 7

Jane Eyre at Lowood Institution: Here you will get Meanings of difficult words, summary and answers to textbook exercise questions of the chapter ‘Jane Eyre at Lowood Institution’. Students may put their doubts and queries in the comment box.

Meanings: Jane Eyre at Lowood Institution

Look after To take care of देखभाल करना, ध्यान रखना  
Raise  Bring up  पालना -पोसना  
Callous Unfeeling, cruel निर्दयी, कठोर  
Exclude To keep away or prevent from participating शामिल न करना  
Tendency An inclination to do something आदत, प्रवृति, झुकाव या रुझान  
Deceive Cheat, mislead धोका देना  
Modestly Simple with no show off of any importance   विनम्र, साधारण, मामूली, बिना कोई दिखावा करते हुए  
Dread Fear, be afraid of डरना  
Endure To bear or tolerate सहन करना, बर्दाश्त करना  
Accusation A charge or blame of wrong doing आरोप, इल्जाम  
Refectory A room where meals are served भोजन कक्ष  
Retire Withdraw or leave, go to or from a place हट जाना या चले जाना  
Spell Charm, enchantment, magical effect, a strong influence वशीकरण जैसा गहरा प्रभाव  
Dissolve  Melt or break up  खत्म हो जाना  
Overwhelming Very great or strong  जबर्दशत  
Grief  Sorrow, suffering, unhappiness दुख, कष्ट  
Seize  To take hold of suddenly by force, capture the attention or imagination of जकड़ लेना, अपने वश में कर लेना  
Prostrate  Lying flat दंडवत लेटा हुआ  
Sustain  Support सहारा देना  
Abandon  To give oneself completely to  छोड़ देना  
I had meant Sincerely intended to do so मेरा पूरा मन था  
Visible  That can be seen  जो नजर आए  
Warmly  With love and affection, in a friendly manner  प्यार ओर गर्मजोशी के साथ  
Appreciatively Gratefully  कद्र  ओर सराहना  करते हुए  
Received  Accepted  अगवानी करना, स्वीकार करना, अपनाना  
Crushed   जो कुचल दिया गया हो  
Tread  To walk over with feet  के ऊपर से पैर रखते हुए चल जाना  
Ardently  Passionately  बहुत मन से  
Crumb  A tine piece of bread  रोटी का टुकड़ा  
Choke  To be unable to breath  दम घुटना  
Embrace  To put your arms around  बाहों में भरना, आलिंगन करना  
Rest  To lie, lean टेकना या टिकाना  
Despise  To hate, dislike, look down upon  घृणा या नापसंद करना  
Pity  Feel sorry for somebody दया दिखाना, तरस खाना  
Covert  Secret or hidden  छुपा  हुआ  
Dare  Show boldness and courage  हिम्मत, साहस  
Coldly  Unfriendly, without any favorable reaction  बड़े रूखेपन से  
Concealed  Hidden  छुपा हुआ  
Persevere  To continue doing despite all odds and difficulties निरंतर प्रयत्न  करते रहना, डटे रहना  
Chafed  Rubbed रगड़ा  
Entire  Whole  पूरा  
Conscience  Thoughts and your sense of right and wrong  अंतरात्मा की आवाज  
Approve  Accept and agree  अपनी मंजूरी देना  
Absolve Forgive, make free from a blame  छमा करना, दोषमुक्त करना  
Guilt  The feeling of shame and regret  अपने आप को दोषी महसूस करना  
Solitary  Alone  अकेला  
Charge  Blame or any allegation  आरोप  
Weakly  Lacking strength  जिसमे दम न हो  
Pompous  Behavior showing that you are important than others  दिखावा करना  
Repose  Rest with calm and quiet  शांत पड़े रहना  
Intricate  Complicated with turns and twists  जटिल, जो सीधा न हो  
Apartment Room कमरा  
Accuse To blame  दोष लगाना  
Accused  Charged with crime or offence  अभियुक्त  
Prove Shiw with facts and evidence साबित करना  
Benefactress  A woman who helps people or institutions with money and aids शुभचिंतक  
Of own accord  Of one’s own free will or desire  अपनी खुद की इच्छा से  
Keep me  To look after and take care of रखना, देखभाल करना  
Defend  To protect against a charge  बचाव करना  
Exaggerate  Large or over estimation  बढ़ाचढ़ा कर कहना  
Moderate  Within reasonable limits संयमित ओर संतुलित  
Resolve Take a firm decision  संकल्प लेना, निश्चय करना  
Coherently  Clearly अपनी बात को तार्किक ढंग से रखना  
Exhausted  Completely used up and tired  खत्म या थका हुआ  
Subdued  Quiet and restrained tone  दबा-दबा सा ओर धीमा  
Theme  Subject or topic of discussion  विषय  
Mindful  Aware  का ख्याल रखते हुए  
Indulgence  Yielding to desires ad whims  मन का संतोष ओर इसको पाने के लिए की जाने वाली के लिए की जाने वाली कोशिश 
Resentment  Feeling of anger and unhappiness  क्रोध-नाराजगी  
Infuse into  To introduce or add or mix into  किसी के मन या दिमाग में कोई बात डाल देना  
Gall and wormwood  A strong feeling of bitterness and resentment मन की कड़वाहट, गहरी नाराजगी ओर आक्रोश  
Fit  The period of strong feeling of shock  सदमा लगना, दौरा पड़ना  
Regard To look into a particular way  देखना-घूरना  
Imputation  Blame, accusation आरोप  
Contented  Feeling happiness and pleasure संतुष्ट  
Proceeded  Moved ahead and continued talking  आगे बढ़ते हुए बात-चीत जारी रखना  
Pensive  Thinking deeply विचारमग्न, गंभीरता से सोचते हुए  
Rousing  Become acting and aware to take action needed  उत्साह बढ़ाने वाला, कोई कदम उठाने के लिए तत्पर  
Fragrant  With pleasant smell  सुगंधित  
Dismay  Sad feeling at unpleasant happenings निराशा  
Discerned  Saw  देखा  
Withdraw  To move back हटना, वापस हो जाना  
Deficient  Shortage  कमी  
Morsel  A small amount of food भोजन का एक कौर  
Generous  More than is necessary, large amount उदार ओर प्रचुर मात्र में  
Famished  Very hungry बहुत भूखा  
Appetite  Desire for food भूख  
Delicate  Delicious स्वादिष्ट, बढ़िया  
Fare  Food भोजन, खाना  
Liberally  Giving in large amount  दानशील, उदार हृदय वाला  
Summoned  Called  बुलाया गया  
Indeed  Really  सच में, वास्तव में,  
Privilege  Honour, something that you are proud and lucky to have the opportunity to do  सौभाग्य, गौरव  
Alleged  Declared but not yet proved  तथाकथित, सिर्फ कहा गया पर सच पता नहीं  
Ranks  Groups, rows  मंडली, कतार  
Relieved  Feeling relaxed and glad after getting free of any duty, obligation, guilt etc.  राहत, छूट   
Grievous  Painful and burdensome  दुखदाई  
Toil  Work hard  कड़ी मेहनत  
Barmecide  Lavish and plentiful in imagination only, illusory सिर्फ कल्पना जगत में, एक प्रकार से छलावा  
Wont to  In the habit of doing something  किसी चीज की आदत  
Cravings  Strong desires for something  तमन्ना, उत्कट इच्छा  
Feast  Eat with pleasure भोज का आनंद लेना  
Spectacle  Sight, view नजारा  
Picturesque  Pretty, charming, interesting or quaint  सुरम्य  और  सुंदर 
Privation Lack of basic necessities needed for a living, hardship, poverty  चीजों ओर सुविधावों का अभाव और कमी  


This is an extract from the novel Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. After class ends at five o’clock, the students scatter and Jane falls to the ground, deeply ashamed. She believes that her reputation at Lowood has been ruined, but her friend and fellow student, Helen, assures her that most of the girls felt sorry for Jane rather than despising her for her unproven accusations. Jane tells Miss Temple, the headmistress, that she is not lying and recounts the story of her miserable childhood at Gateshead. Miss Temple believes Jane and writes to Mr. Lloyd to confirm her account of events. Miss Temple offers Jane and Helen tea and seed cake, further endearing herself to Jane. When Mr. Lloyd’s letter arrives and corroborates Jane’s story, Miss Temple proclaims Jane’s innocence to the entire school. Feeling comforted and at ease, Jane immerses herself in her studies.

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Answers. A

  1. Jane was in a state of misery after Mr Brocklehurst accused her of being ungrateful and a habitual liar in front of the entire school.
  2. Helen Burns arrived to offer comfort to Jane.
  3. Coffee and bread were brought by Helen for Jane.
  4. Miss Temple intentionally visited Jane, knowing that she was upset about Mr Brocklehurst’s accusations.
  5. Mrs. Reed had provided Mr. Brocklehurst with false information about Jane’s behavior, claiming that she was not only ungrateful but also a liar.
  6. As Jane’s aunt, Mrs. Reed was responsible for her care since her uncle had passed away.


  1. a. Jane Eyre.
    b. Helen Burns is her friend and another pupil in the school.
    c. The speaker said ‘nothing sustained me’ as she was overwhelmed with her grief. She was feeling
    extremely sad because of what Mr Brocklehurst had said about her to others.
    d. ‘Abandon myself’ here means that she was allowing the sorrow to overwhelm her.
  2. a. Jane was mistaken about herself. After what Mr Brocklehurst had told everyone about her, she
    thought that everyone would despise here and dislike her.
    b. The speaker is Helen Burns.
    c. The speaker thought that people in the school pitied Jane as everyone knew about Mr
    Brocklehurst’s attitude and behaviour. So when he accused Jane about being ungrateful and
    telling lies, everyone pitied Jane for the same.
    d. The speaker is talking about the Lowood school.
  3. a. ‘She’ is Miss Temple here.
    b. The speaker means that she understands the position of Jane and all that she had been accused
    of by Mr Brocklehurst in the school that day. It meant that Miss temple did not give in to what
    Mr Brocklehurst said about her.
    c. She told Miss Temple the story of her sad childhood and stated her state of affairs while she
    was with Mrs Reed, her aunt.
    d. Helen was unwell as she had cough and pain in her chest.


  1. Jane was consumed by an overwhelming sense of grief and sadness, brought on by Mr. Brocklehurst’s public accusations against her at school. She wept uncontrollably and lay prostrate on the ground, feeling terrible.
  2. Jane’s concern about her reputation is evident throughout the text, particularly when Mr. Brocklehurst accuses her of lying and ingratitude. She worries about how her peers and teachers perceive her and fears being despised and disliked. Despite this, she longs for affection and is willing to endure physical pain to gain it.
  3. Helen reassures Jane that despite Mr. Brocklehurst’s accusations, many at Lowood Institution hold friendly feelings towards her. Helen believes Mr. Brocklehurst was influenced by Mrs. Reed’s negative opinions and repeats them weakly and pompously.
  4. Helen tells Jane that Mr. Brocklehurst’s accusations were unfounded and that he was disliked by many at Lowood. She believes he was swayed by Mrs. Reed and repeated her opinions without much thought.
  5. Miss Temple exhibits a kind and compassionate attitude towards Jane, comforting her and taking her and Helen to her quarters. She even gives Jane the opportunity to defend herself against the charges of falsehood, proving herself to be a caring and fair-minded teacher.
  6. Jane resolves to be moderate and impartial when recounting her story, mindful of Helen’s warning against indulging in resentment. Despite her bitterness and sadness, she avoids adding her woes to her story.
  7. Jane reveals to Miss Temple that Mrs. Reed was her uncle’s wife and had only taken her in begrudgingly. She had promised her dying husband to care for Jane, but did not do so out of love.
  8. Miss Temple announces that an inquiry has cleared Jane of all charges, bringing her immense relief and happiness.
  9. With her mind at ease, Jane is able to focus on other matters, such as translating a French story shown to her by Madame Pierrot. She is so relaxed and excited that she does not dream of food that night.
  10. Write for yourself.

Perfect Vocabulary


1. deeply  

2. extremely  

3. strongly  

4. bright  

5. quick  

6. detailed

7. comedy  

8. board  

9. cheese  

10. caught  

11. run  

12. doing



  1. begins
  2. forgets
  3. am preparing
  4. are quarrelling
  5. have won
  6. has swept
  7. has been reading
  8. has been playing
  9. has been saying
  10. have been working

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Anonymous

    Thank you for help of your questions

  2. Chitra

    Very good

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