Jimmy Valentine Question & Answers Class 7

Jimmy Valentine Question & Answers Class 7: The article here includes summary, question & answers including answers to intext-questions.

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“A Retrieved Reformation” by O. Henry follows the story of Jimmy Valentine, a skilled safecracker and notorious criminal. After serving time in prison, he decides to reform and start a new life under the alias Ralph Spencer. He moves to a small town, Elmore, where he wins the respect of the community and falls in love with Annabel Adams, the daughter of a local banker. However, Jimmy’s past catches up with him when Detective Ben Price, aware of Jimmy’s criminal history, arrives in Elmore. A crisis occurs when Annabel’s sister’s daughter, Agatha, is accidentally locked inside a bank vault. Jimmy, revealing his true identity, uses his safecracking skills to rescue Agatha. Witnessing Jimmy’s expertise, the townspeople, including Annabel, are left in awe. In a surprising twist, Detective Price decides not to arrest Jimmy, acknowledging his reformation and valuing the life he has chosen. The story highlights themes of redemption, second chances, and the power of love and goodness in transforming a person’s life.

Intext Questions

Q. What does this reveal about Jimmy’s character?

Ans. Jimmy Valentine is maintaining a facade of innocence and virtuousness, despite the warden’s insinuations about his involvement in a crime in Springfield. When the warden questions him about the Springfield job and suggests possible reasons for his imprisonment, such as refusing to prove an alibi or facing prejudice from a jury, Jimmy continues to deny any wrongdoing. He adamantly maintains his innocence, claiming that he has never been to Springfield in his life.

This situation portrays Jimmy as a skilled and composed individual who can lie convincingly and remain calm under pressure. It suggests that he might be a professional criminal who is adept at deceiving others, even in the face of authority figures like the warden. Jimmy’s ability to maintain his innocence and composure despite the warden’s probing questions reveals his cunning and manipulative nature, traits that are often associated with seasoned criminals.

Q. What do you think Jimmy did with the tools?

Ans. Jimmy, after being released from prison, retrieves his hidden burglar’s tools from a concealed space in his room. The tools are described as the finest set of burglar’s tools in the East, indicating their high quality and effectiveness. Jimmy fondly gazes at his tools, suggesting a sense of familiarity and comfort with his criminal skills. The passage raises questions about Jimmy’s intentions and whether he plans to return to a life of crime or if he has another purpose in mind for these tools after his release from prison. The reader is left in suspense, wondering about Jimmy’s next move and how he intends to use his skills and tools.

Q. What does Ben mean by Jim Valentine’s autograph?

Ans. When Ben Price refers to “Dandy Jim Valentine’s autograph,” he is metaphorically speaking about the distinctive style or method used by Jimmy Valentine in his safe-burglary operations. The term “autograph” here doesn’t mean a handwritten signature but rather a figurative way of saying that the way the burglaries were carried out bears the unique mark or signature of Jimmy Valentine’s techniques.

Ben Price, the detective, recognizes certain patterns and methods in the burglaries that are consistent with Jimmy Valentine’s past work. These methods are so specific and recognizable that they are metaphorically referred to as “Valentine’s autograph.” Essentially, Ben Price is saying that the manner in which the safe-burglaries were executed is characteristic of Jimmy Valentine’s expertise, indicating that he is the likely culprit behind these recent crimes.

Q. What does this tell you about Elmore?

Ans. We can infer several things about the town of Elmore:

1. Small and Peaceful Community: Elmore appears to be a small town, as indicated by the limited public transportation, like the mail-hack. Small towns often have a close-knit community where everyone knows each other.

2. Lack of Young Men: The passage suggests that young men of Jimmy’s style and looks (implying his charm and good looks) were rare in Elmore. This scarcity indicates that the town might not have a large population, particularly of young adults.

3. Limited Exposure to Outsiders: The fact that Jimmy Valentine attracts attention because of his appearance implies that outsiders, especially those with a sophisticated or city-like demeanor, are not common in Elmore. This suggests that the town might be somewhat isolated and doesn’t see a lot of new faces.

4. Traditional and Conservative Values: The young lady’s reaction to Jimmy’s presence, blushing and lowering her eyes, indicates a sense of traditional and conservative values prevalent in Elmore. Such a reaction suggests that the townsfolk might be polite, reserved, and not accustomed to encounters with strangers.

5. Safe and Non-threatening Environment: The town appears to be safe enough for people like the young lady to walk around unaccompanied. This suggests that Elmore is likely a peaceful and non-threatening place to live, where residents feel secure enough to go about their daily activities without fear.

In summary, Elmore seems to be a small, conservative, and peaceful town with a limited population and a sense of community where outsiders, especially those like Jimmy Valentine, stand out due to their rarity. The town’s residents appear to be unaccustomed to encountering strangers, particularly those with urban sophistication, indicating a relatively sheltered and tranquil environment.

Q. Why do you think Ben says so?

Ans. Ben Price, the detective who had been pursuing Jimmy Valentine, recognizes him in Elmore despite his new identity as Ralph D Spencer. When Ben sees Ralph, he sarcastically refers to him as “Jimmy,” implying that he knows the truth about Ralph’s real identity. The phrase “Going to marry the banker’s daughter, are you, Jimmy?” reveals Ben’s realization that Ralph Spencer is, in fact, Jimmy Valentine, the notorious cracksman he had been hunting.

Ben’s sarcastic tone and the use of Jimmy’s old name indicate his surprise and amusement at Jimmy’s transformation. Despite the new identity and the respect, he has gained in the community, Jimmy’s past catches up with him through Ben’s observation. The passage leaves the readers in suspense, wondering what actions Ben Price might take upon this discovery.

Q. Why do you think Jimmy asked for the rose from Annabel?

Ans. Jimmy Valentine’s request for the rose from Annabel holds a symbolic significance in this context. The rose serves as a metaphorical representation of his love and connection with Annabel, and it marks a pivotal moment of transformation in the story.

By asking for the rose, Jimmy is subtly urging Annabel to trust him, to believe in his abilities and, most importantly, to recognize his true identity. When she hands him the rose, it becomes a silent agreement, a symbol of their mutual understanding and connection. By accepting the rose, Jimmy is accepting his real self, shedding the facade of Ralph D Spencer, and embracing his true identity as Jimmy Valentine, the skilled safecracker.

This act also signifies Jimmy’s willingness to take action, to use his expertise for a noble cause. By removing his coat and rolling up his sleeves, he is preparing to apply his skills to rescue Agatha, demonstrating his commitment to the people he cares about, especially Annabel. The rose, in this context, becomes a catalyst for his transformation, prompting him to embrace his past skills for a positive and heroic purpose.

In summary, the request for the rose represents a turning point for Jimmy Valentine. It symbolizes his acceptance of his true self, his commitment to the people he loves, and his readiness to use his unique skills for a noble cause, ultimately leading to his redemption.

Q. Why do you think others were under a spell?

Ans. The phrase “under a spell” in the context signifies that the onlookers, including Annabel and her family, were deeply captivated and entranced by Jimmy Valentine’s actions. His display of exceptional expertise, confidence, determination, and mystery, as he swiftly and orderly set up his tools to rescue Agatha from the vault, created an aura of competence and silent confidence that held their rapt attention. The unique combination of his skills, focus, and enigmatic transformation from Ralph Spencer to the renowned safecracker Jimmy Valentine left the observers in a state of silent awe, making them watch him intently and almost hypnotically as he worked to save Agatha.

Textbook Question & Answers



1. Jimmy opened a shoe stored. because he wanted to start a new life with his wife.
2. Jimmy changed his nameb. because he didn’t wish to get Jimmy arrested.
3. Ben pretended he didn’t know Jimmya. because he realised that Jimmy had started leading an honest life.
4. Ben Price turned and strolled down the streetc. because he didn’t want to rob anymore.
  1. Me?’ said Jimmy, in surprise. ‘Why, I never cracked a safe in my life.’
    a. Who was Jimmy speaking to?
    b. Where was Jimmy?
    c. What had the person asked Jimmy?
    d. What does ‘cracked a safe’ mean here?
  2. …the phoenix that arose from Jimmy Valentine’s ashes—ashes left by the flame of a sudden and alterative attack of love…
    a. Who was the phoenix?
    b. Why has the word phoenix been used to describe this person?
    c. What had caused an attack of love?
    d. What had this attack led to?
  3. ‘My precious darling!’ wailed the mother. ‘She will die of fright! Open the door! Oh, break it open! Can’t you do something?’
    a. Who was the precious darling?
    b. What had happened to her?
    c. What did the mother want?
    d. Who helped her and how?


1. ‘Me?’ said Jimmy, in surprise. ‘Why, I never cracked a safe in my life.’

  • a. Jimmy was speaking to the warden.
  • b. Jimmy was in the prison shoe-shop.
  • c. The person (warden) had asked Jimmy about the reason for his imprisonment and whether he had cracked a safe.
  • d. In this context, ‘cracked a safe’ means committing a safe-cracking burglary, a criminal act of breaking into and stealing from a safe.

2. …the phoenix that arose from Jimmy Valentine’s ashes—ashes left by the flame of a sudden and alterative attack of love…

  • a. The phoenix refers to Jimmy Valentine.
  • b. The word phoenix has been used metaphorically to describe Jimmy because, like the mythical phoenix rising from its ashes, Jimmy undergoes a transformative experience (alterative attack of love) and emerges anew.
  • c. An attack of love was caused by Jimmy’s emotions, likely triggered by a romantic experience.
  • d. This attack of love led to Jimmy’s transformation and a change in his life, symbolized by the metaphorical phoenix rising from the ashes.

3. ‘My precious darling!’ wailed the mother. ‘She will die of fright! Open the door! Oh, break it open! Can’t you do something?’

  • a. The precious darling refers to Agatha, the nine-year-old girl.
  • b. Agatha had been accidentally locked inside the vault.
  • c. The mother wanted someone to open the door and rescue Agatha.
  • d. Jimmy (Ralph D Spencer) helped her by using his skills as a former safe-cracker to open the vault and rescue Agatha.

1. Why did Jimmy go to prison?

2. How long did Jimmy stay in the prison?

3. What did the warden tell Jimmy when he was released from the prison?

4. What was the first thing that Jimmy did after he left the prison?

5. What was in Jimmy’s suitcase?

6. Why did he reach out for his suitcase again?

7. What did Jimmy do to earn money after he left the prison?

8. What did Jimmy decide once he fell in love with Annabel?

9. What was Jimmy’s relationship with Annabel’s family like?

10. How was Agatha saved from the vault?

11. Why did Ben let Jimmy go in the end?

12. Comment on the ending of the story. What note does the story end on? Support your answer with details from the story


  1. Jimmy went to prison for safe-cracking, a criminal act involving breaking into and stealing from safes.
  2. Jimmy stayed in prison for nearly ten months, serving a four-year sentence.
  3. Upon release, the warden handed Jimmy a pardon signed by the governor, encouraging him to make a man of himself and lead a straight life.
  4. After leaving prison, the first action Jimmy took was heading straight to a restaurant to enjoy the initial joys of liberty, including a satisfying meal featuring a broiled chicken.
  5. Inside Jimmy’s suitcase were the finest set of burglar’s tools in the East, symbolizing his past life as a skilled safe-cracker.
  6. Jimmy reached out for his suitcase again when he decided to revert to his previous life of safe-cracking, retrieving the tools that once defined his criminal endeavors.
  7. To earn money after leaving prison, Jimmy returned to his familiar life of safe-cracking, utilizing his skills for illicit financial gain.
  8. Once Jimmy fell in love with Annabel, he underwent a significant transformation, deciding to leave his life of crime behind and lead an honest and respectable life.
  9. Jimmy’s relationship with Annabel’s family became positive, as he became engaged to Annabel, and Mr Adams, Annabel’s father, approved of him.
  10. Agatha, the nine-year-old girl, was saved from the vault by Jimmy (Ralph D Spencer), who used his skills to open the door and rescue her from the accidental lock-in.
  11. Ben Price, the detective, ultimately let Jimmy go because he recognized positive changes in Jimmy’s life, observed his genuine love for Annabel, and saw his determination to lead an honest life.
  12. The ending of the story is optimistic and positive, highlighting Jimmy’s significant transformation, his newfound love for Annabel, and the possibility of a fresh, honest beginning. The narrative concludes on a hopeful note, symbolized by Jimmy’s decision to settle down, get engaged, and embrace a reformed life. Even the detective, Ben Price, acknowledging and respecting Jimmy’s transformation, adds to the uplifting tone of the conclusion.


1. except; expect 2. dear; dare 3. compliment; complement 4. advice; advise 5. aloud; allowed 6. desert; dessert 7. serial; cereal


We are here, explainig first and then making sentences.


  1. except; expect
    • Except is a preposition meaning excluding or not including. Example: Everyone attended the meeting except Sarah.
    • Expect is a verb meaning to anticipate or look forward to. Example: I expect the delivery to arrive tomorrow.
  2. dear; dare
    • Dear is an adjective expressing affection or fondness. Example: She wrote a letter to her dear friend.
    • Dare is a verb meaning to have the courage to do something. Example: I dare you to jump off the diving board.
  3. compliment; complement
    • Compliment is a noun or verb expressing praise or admiration. Example: She received a compliment on her new dress.
    • Complement is a noun referring to something that completes or goes well with something. Example: The red shoes were a perfect complement to the outfit.
  4. advice; advise
    • Advice is a noun meaning recommendations or guidance. Example: I need some advice on choosing a career.
    • Advise is a verb meaning to offer suggestions or counsel. Example: Can you advise me on which route to take?
  5. aloud; allowed
    • Aloud is an adverb indicating that something is spoken audibly. Example: Read the passage aloud so everyone can hear.
    • Allowed is the past tense of the verb allow, meaning to permit or give permission. Example: Smoking is not allowed in this area.
  6. desert; dessert
    • Desert is a noun referring to a dry, arid region with little vegetation. Example: The Sahara is a vast desert.
    • Dessert is a noun representing a sweet dish typically served at the end of a meal. Example: We had chocolate cake for dessert.
  7. serial; cereal
    • Serial is an adjective describing something occurring in a series or sequence. Example: The TV show is a gripping serial.
    • Cereal is a noun denoting a common breakfast food made from grains. Example: I had a bowl of cereal with milk for breakfast.


  1. except; expect
    • Except: Everyone attended the party except for Tom, who was out of town.
    • Expect: I expect the package to arrive by noon.
  2. dear; dare
    • Dear: She wrote a heartfelt letter to her dear grandmother.
    • Dare: I dare you to try the spicy salsa; it’s incredibly hot!
  3. compliment; complement
    • Compliment: The teacher gave Emma a compliment on her excellent essay.
    • Complement: The red accessories complemented the neutral tones in her outfit perfectly.
  4. advice; advise
    • Advice: I sought her advice on how to improve my time management skills.
    • Advise: Can you advise me on the best strategy for investing in stocks?
  5. aloud; allowed
    • Aloud: Please read the passage aloud so that everyone can hear.
    • Allowed: Talking is not allowed in the library.
  6. desert; dessert
    • Desert: The camel is well-adapted to the harsh conditions of the desert.
    • Dessert: After dinner, we enjoyed a delicious chocolate cake for dessert.
  7. serial; cereal
    • Serial: The detective novel became a popular serial, with each chapter published weekly.
    • Cereal: For breakfast, I usually have a bowl of cereal with milk and fresh fruit.

1. I bought this car in ………………………… to the house. (addition/edition)

2. He sat ………………………… me. (besides/beside)

3. This ………………………… has been introduced this year. (coarse/course)

4. They saw a ………………………… of sheep in the forest. (heard/herd)

5. The ………………………… of our school gave away the prizes. (Principal/Principle)

6. I have been ………………………… tired of late. (quiet/quite)

7. My ………………………… did not allow me to steal. (conscience/conscious)

8. I like to ………………………… fresh air. (breath/breathe)

9. Their family celebrated the ………………………… of a child. (berth/birth)

10. Please play a different ………………………… on your guitar. (cord/chord)


  1. I bought this car in addition to the house.
  2. He sat beside me.
  3. This course has been introduced this year.
  4. They saw a herd of sheep in the forest.
  5. The Principal of our school gave away the prizes.
  6. I have been quite tired of late.
  7. My conscience did not allow me to steal.
  8. I like to breathe fresh air.
  9. Their family celebrated the birth of a child.
  10. Please play a different chord on your guitar.


1. The doctor who treated me is Dr Kim Chang. ……………

2. Our dog will run away if the door is open. ……………

3. As the girls were late for school, they missed the fun. ……………

4. This is the new book that you bought yesterday. ……………

5. The movie was good although it was long. ……………

6. Rohan heard what his sister said, though he couldn’t understand it. ……………

7. The Sun shone in the sky while we worked hard. ……………

8. At the end of the day, our friend thanked us for all our help. ……………


  1. The doctor who treated me is Dr Kim Chang. (Dependent)
  2. Our dog will run away if the door is open. (Independent)
  3. As the girls were late for school, they missed the fun. (Dependent)
  4. This is the new book that you bought yesterday. (Dependent)
  5. The movie was good although it was long. (Dependent)
  6. Rohan heard what his sister said, though he couldn’t understand it. (Independent)
  7. The Sun shone in the sky while we worked hard. (Dependent)
  8. At the end of the day, our friend thanked us for all our help. (Independent)

1. They visited the school ………………………….

2. ………………………… we reached on time.

3. Gopi gave me her bag ………………………….

4. Radha ate the pulao happily ………………………….

5. My dog slept peacefully ………………………….

6. Our gardener planted some roses in the garden ………………………….

7. I couldn’t see anything in the box ………………………….

8. My car gave me trouble ………………………….


  1. They visited the school where their daughter studies.
  2. Although it was raining, we reached on time.
  3. Gopi gave me her bag because I forgot mine at home.
  4. Radha ate the pulao happily after a long day at work.
  5. My dog slept peacefully while the thunderstorm raged outside.
  6. Our gardener planted some roses in the garden where the sun shines the most.
  7. I couldn’t see anything in the box because it was too dark.
  8. My car gave me trouble when I was on the way to an important meeting.

Another set of answers:

  1. They visited the school where their daughter studies.
  2. Although we were stuck in traffic, we reached on time.
  3. Gopi gave me her bag because I forgot mine at home.
  4. Radha ate the pulao happily since it was her favourite dish.
  5. My dog slept peacefully after a long walk in the park.
  6. Our gardener planted some roses in the garden where the tulips were growing.
  7. I couldn’t see anything in the box since it was too dark.
  8. My car gave me trouble when I was on my way to work.

1. Even though she was late ………………………….

2. ………………………… before I reached home.

3. After we had packed our bags, ………………………….

4. As soon as she saw us, ………………………….

5. ………………………… unless you complete your work.

6. ………………………… where you get enough sunlight.

7. ………………………… whom we met in the park.

8. ………………………… when it started raining.


  1. Even though she was late, she managed to catch the last bus.
  2. I had dinner before I reached home.
  3. After we had packed our bags, we realized we had forgotten our passports.
  4. As soon as she saw us, she waved enthusiastically.
  5. You won’t be able to go out unless you complete your work.
  6. Choose a room where you get enough sunlight.
  7. We were pleasantly surprised by the friend whom we met in the park.
  8. We decided to take shelter when it started raining.

Another set of answer:

  1. Even though she was late, she managed to catch the last train.
  2. I was exhausted before I reached home.
  3. After we had packed our bags, we set off on our road trip.
  4. As soon as she saw us, she rushed over to say hello.
  5. You won’t be able to go out unless you complete your work.
  6. Choose a room where you get enough sunlight for your plants.
  7. We were surprised by the kindness of the elderly couple whom we met in the park.
  8. We decided to stay indoors when it started raining.

1. Mamta achieved success because of her hard work. ……………

2. Rashi is a friendly person as she gets along with everyone. ……………

3. She did not try hard enough, so she couldn’t get the project. ……………

4. Do not waste time over petty arguments. ……………

5. He didn’t want help nor did she offer it. ……………

6. The doctor gave me a medicine which cured me completely. ……………

7. The people in the auditorium looked irritated and restless. ……………

8. Ill health is unimaginable when we are in good health. ……………

9. Meenakshi does not talk too much in class. ……………

10. Shanaya was unwell, yet she fared well in the test. ……………


1. Cpx 2. Cpx 3. Cmp 4. S 5. Cmp 6. Cpx 7. S 8. Cpx 9. S 10. Cmp


Your essay must include:

  • an introduction (the habit you would like to develop and why, who inspired you to develop the habit)
  • body (how you would like to go about developing the habit, whose help you would take)
  • conclusion (the challenges you might face, how you hope to overcome those challenges)


Title: Cultivating the Habit of Daily Reflection


The habit I am eager to develop is that of daily reflection. In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it is easy to lose sight of the bigger picture and forget to take a moment for self-reflection. The inspiration to cultivate this habit came from my mentor, a seasoned professional whose success can be attributed, in large part, to his commitment to self-awareness and continuous improvement.


To embark on this journey of daily reflection, I plan to start by setting aside a specific time each day dedicated solely to introspection. I have observed that the morning hours, with their tranquility and freshness, provide an ideal backdrop for such contemplation. The early moments of the day, before the demands of work and daily responsibilities take center stage, offer a serene canvas for self-discovery.

In my pursuit of this habit, I recognize the importance of seeking guidance from those who have successfully integrated daily reflection into their lives. I intend to seek advice from my mentor, the very person who inspired me to embark on this journey. Learning from someone who has mastered the art of introspection will undoubtedly provide valuable insights and strategies for navigating the challenges that may arise.

Furthermore, I plan to incorporate the use of journaling as a tool for my daily reflection. Documenting my thoughts, aspirations, and challenges will not only serve as a record of my personal growth but also act as a source of motivation. Additionally, sharing experiences with a close friend or family member can provide an external perspective and encouragement, turning this habit into a shared endeavor.


While I am enthusiastic about developing the habit of daily reflection, I anticipate challenges along the way. The demands of a busy schedule and the allure of immediate tasks may pose obstacles to consistent introspection. To overcome these challenges, I plan to stay committed to the process and view it not as an additional burden but as an investment in my personal and professional development.

In conclusion, the habit of daily reflection is a journey toward self-discovery and improvement. Inspired by a mentor who exemplifies the benefits of introspection, I am committed to carving out time each day for thoughtful contemplation. With the guidance of experienced individuals and the incorporation of tools like journaling, I hope to navigate the challenges and make this habit an integral part of my routine, fostering continuous growth and self-awareness.

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