Lost Spring Chapter Question & Answers Class 12 English Core

Lost Spring Chapter Question & Answers Class 12 English Core: ‘Lost Spring’ is the 2nd lesson in the class 12 English Core book ‘Flamingo’. This article provides answers to intext-questions and the chapter end textbook exercises. All matter given here is top notch standard for CBSE exams.

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In-Text Questions

Page: 13

Notice these expressions in the text. Infer their meaning from the context.

  1. looking for
  2. perpetual state of poverty
  3. slog their daylight hours
  4. dark hutments
  5. roof over his head
  6. imposed the baggage on the child


Here are the expressions from the text and their inferred meanings from the context:

  1. looking for: The context implies that Saheb and others left their homes in search of something better, possibly economic opportunities or a way to improve their lives. The phrase suggests a quest for a better future.
  2. perpetual state of poverty: This expression indicates that poverty is a long-lasting, ongoing condition. It suggests that the people in the community are constantly dealing with poverty and have been for an extended period of time.
  3. slog their daylight hours: This phrase suggests that the individuals, particularly the children and young workers, work tirelessly and laboriously throughout the day. The word “slog” implies hard work and effort.
  4. dark hutments: The phrase refers to the small, poorly lit dwellings or huts where the bangle makers live and work. The word “dark” implies that these dwellings lack sufficient lighting.
  5. roof over his head: This phrase indicates that the individual has a place to live, a shelter or home. It signifies having a basic necessity fulfilled.
  6. imposed the baggage on the child: This expression suggests that the system and circumstances have burdened the child with challenges and limitations. It implies that the child is inheriting difficult conditions and responsibilities.

By understanding these expressions in their respective contexts, we can grasp the nuanced meanings and emotions conveyed in the passage.

Think as you read

Page 16: Questions

  1. What is Saheb looking for in the garbage dumps? Where is he
    and where has he come from?
  2. What explanations does the author offer for the children not wearing footwear?
  3. Is Saheb happy working at the tea-stall? Explain.


  1. Saheb is looking for gold in the garbage dumps. He is located in the narrator’s neighborhood and has come from a place called Dhaka, where his home used to be amidst green fields. Saheb and his family left Dhaka due to the loss of their fields and homes caused by storms.
  2. The author provides two explanations for children not wearing footwear:
    a) Tradition: One explanation is that in some areas, it’s seen as a tradition to go barefoot. This might not necessarily be due to a lack of money but rather a cultural practice.
    b) Excuse for Poverty: The author also contemplates whether this tradition is used as an excuse to rationalize their perpetual state of poverty. The lack of shoes might be attributed to tradition, but it could also reflect their economic hardships.
  3. Saheb’s happiness while working at the tea stall is not explicitly mentioned in the provided text. However, his facial expression and demeanor change after taking up this job. Earlier, he was searching for gold in garbage dumps, but now he is employed and being paid 800 rupees along with meals. While the text doesn’t explicitly state whether he is happy, the change in his circumstances might suggest a level of improvement in his life.

Page 19: Questions

  1. What makes the city of Firozabad famous?
  2. Mention the hazards of working in the glass bangles industry.
  3. How is Mukesh’s attitude to his situation different from that of his family?


1. The city of Firozabad is famous for its glass-blowing industry, particularly for producing glass bangles. Many families in Firozabad are engaged in making bangles, and the city is known for its expertise in this craft.

2. The hazards of working in the glass bangles industry include:

  • High Temperatures: Workers, including children, are exposed to high temperatures in glass furnaces, which can lead to burns, dehydration, and heat-related illnesses.
  • Dim Lighting: Working in dimly lit environments to create intricate designs on bangles can strain the eyes and lead to vision problems.
  • Health Issues: Inhaling glass dust and fumes can cause respiratory issues and other health problems.
  • Lack of Protective Gear: Workers often lack proper protective gear, such as masks or gloves, increasing their vulnerability to hazards.

3. Mukesh’s attitude toward his situation is different from his family’s in that he displays a glimmer of aspiration and determination. Unlike his family members who seem resigned to their circumstances and lack the initiative to change, Mukesh expresses a desire to become a motor mechanic. He is willing to walk a long distance to learn and work, which indicates a proactive approach to improving his situation. This sets him apart from his family members who are more resigned to the status quo.

Textbook Exercise Questions

Understanding the text


  1. What could be some of the reasons for the migration of people from villages to cities?
  2. Would you agree that promises made to poor children are rarely kept? Why do you think this happens in the incidents narrated in the text?
  3. What forces conspire to keep the workers in the bangle industry of Firozabad in poverty?


  1. Some possible reasons for the migration of people from villages to cities include:
    • Economic Opportunities: People often move to cities in search of better job prospects, higher wages, and improved livelihoods.
    • Education: Access to better educational facilities and opportunities for their children might motivate families to move to cities.
    • Better Services: Cities typically offer better healthcare, infrastructure, and amenities compared to rural areas.
    • Family and Social Factors: Migration might be influenced by the desire to join family members who have already moved to cities or to access a different social environment.
  2. It can be argued that promises made to poor children are often not kept due to a variety of reasons. In the incidents narrated in the text, the promises made to Saheb and Mukesh are likely unfulfilled because of the complexities of poverty, lack of resources, and the challenging circumstances in which they live. The individuals making the promises might genuinely intend to help, but they might lack the means or ability to follow through. Additionally, systemic issues like poverty and lack of education might limit the opportunities available to these children, making it difficult to fulfill such promises.
  3. Several forces contribute to keeping workers in the bangle industry of Firozabad in poverty:
    • Exploitative Middlemen: Middlemen take advantage of the vulnerable workers, paying them low wages for their labour and maintaining a cycle of dependency.
    • Lack of Education: Many workers lack access to quality education, limiting their opportunities for better employment.
    • Lack of Alternatives: The absence of viable alternatives in terms of job opportunities or skill development keeps workers tied to the bangle industry.
    • Unregulated Conditions: Poor working conditions, low pay, and lack of protective measures contribute to the perpetuation of poverty among the workers.
    • Systemic Injustice: The lack of effective government policies, lack of enforcement of labor laws, and a lack of social safety nets contribute to the workers’ continued poverty.

These factors combine to create a cycle where workers are trapped in difficult circumstances with limited options for improvement.

Talking about the text


  1. How, in your opinion, can Mukesh realise his dream?
  2. Mention the hazards of working in the glass bangles industry.
  3. Why should child labour be eliminated and how?


  1. In order for Mukesh to realize his dream of becoming a motor mechanic, a multi-faceted approach is needed:
    • Education: Mukesh should receive access to quality education that equips him with the necessary skills and knowledge for his chosen profession.
    • Skill Development: He needs training and skill development opportunities related to motor mechanics to enhance his expertise.
    • Supportive Environment: Mukesh requires an environment that nurtures his aspirations and encourages him to pursue his dream.
    • Community Effort: Collaborative efforts involving his family, educational institutions, local community, and potentially NGOs or government initiatives can provide the necessary support and resources.
    • Overcoming Barriers: Addressing obstacles such as financial constraints and geographical distance from educational or training facilities is crucial.
  2. Hazards of working in the glass bangles industry include:
    • Exposure to High Temperatures: Workers, including children, face the risk of burns, heat exhaustion, and heat-related illnesses due to the high temperatures in glass furnaces.
    • Eye Strain: Dim lighting while working on intricate designs can lead to eye strain and vision problems.
    • Respiratory Health Issues: Inhaling glass dust and fumes can cause respiratory problems and long-term health issues.
    • Lack of Protective Measures: Absence of proper protective gear like masks and gloves puts workers at risk.
    • Lack of Regulation: Poorly regulated working conditions and safety standards contribute to the hazards faced by workers.
  3. Child labour should be eliminated for several reasons:
    • Human Rights: Children have the right to education, play, and a safe childhood. Child labour deprives them of these rights.
    • Physical and Mental Health: Child labour exposes children to hazardous conditions, leading to physical injuries, health problems, and psychological stress.
    • Cycle of Poverty: Child labour perpetuates the cycle of poverty by denying children the opportunity for education and skills development, which are essential for breaking out of poverty.
    • Unfair Exploitation: Child labour involves the exploitation of vulnerable individuals who are unable to advocate for their rights.
    • Long-Term Development: Eliminating child labour contributes to the overall development of a society by ensuring that children grow up to become productive and responsible citizens.
    • How: Eliminating child labour requires a combination of legal frameworks, effective enforcement, improved access to quality education, poverty alleviation programs, and awareness campaigns. Governments, NGOs, and international organizations play a vital role in creating and implementing policies that protect children’s rights and ensure their well-being. Additionally, consumers and businesses can contribute by supporting products and services that are produced ethically and without child labour.

Thinking about language

Carefully read the following phrases and sentences taken from the text. Can you identify the literary device in each example?

  1. Saheb-e-Alam which means the lord of the universe is directly in contrast to what Saheb is in reality.
  2. Drowned in an air of desolation.
  3. Seemapuri, a place on the periphery of Delhi yet miles away from it, metaphorically.
  4. For the children it is wrapped in wonder; for the elders it is a means of survival.
  5. As her hands move mechanically like the tongs of a machine, I wonder if she knows the sanctity of the bangles she helps make.
  6. She still has bangles on her wrist, but not light in her eyes.
  7. Few airplanes fly over Firozabad.
  8. Web of poverty.
  9. Scrounging for gold.
  10. And survival in Seemapuri means rag-picking. Through the years, it has acquired the proportions of a fine art.
  11. The steel canister seems heavier than the plastic bag he would carry so lightly over his shoulders.


Here’s the identification of the literary devices in each example:

  1. Metaphor: Saheb-e-Alam being referred to as “the lord of the universe” contrasts the grand title with Saheb’s reality of poverty and struggle.
  2. Metaphor: “Drowned in an air of desolation” uses the metaphor of drowning to convey a deep sense of emptiness and sadness.
  3. Simile: “A place on the periphery of Delhi yet miles away from it, metaphorically” uses the word “metaphorically” to indicate that this is not a literal comparison, but it uses the idea of distance to describe the isolation of Seemapuri.
  4. Contrast: This is not a specific literary device, but rather a contrast between the perspective of children and elders regarding the value of garbage.
  5. Simile: “Her hands move mechanically like the tongs of a machine” compares the movement of her hands to the mechanical motion of tongs.
  6. Metaphor: “She still has bangles on her wrist, but not light in her eyes” uses the metaphor of “light in her eyes” to convey her lack of joy or vitality.
  7. Hyperbole: “Few airplanes fly over Firozabad” exaggerates the scarcity of airplanes flying over the area.
  8. Metaphor: “Web of poverty” compares the entanglement of poverty to a web, suggesting complexity and difficulty in escaping.
  9. Hyperbole: “Scrounging for gold” exaggerates the act of searching through garbage as if searching for something as precious as gold.
  10. Metaphor: “Survival in Seemapuri means rag-picking” uses the metaphor of “survival” to describe the necessity of rag-picking for livelihood.
  11. Contrast: The contrast between the weight of the steel canister and the ease of carrying the plastic bag is used to create a vivid comparison of the burdens Saheb faces.

These literary devices enhance the text’s impact by creating vivid imagery, comparisons, and contrasts, making the factual events more evocative and poetic.

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