Resources Chapter Notes Class 8 NCERT Geography Chapter 1

Class 8 NCERT Geography Chapter ‘Resources’ Notes: Chapter 1 of Class 8 NCERT Geography focuses on Resources. The chapter notes given here cover various types of resources, including natural, human-made, and human resources.

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Class 8 Geography Chapter Notes – Resources


  • Water, electricity, rickshaw, vegetable and textbook are resources.
  • Utility or usability makes an object or substance a resource.
  • Things become resources only when they have value.
  • Value means worth, some resources have economic value and some do not.
  • Time and technology can change substances into resources.
  • People are the most important resource.

Types of Resources:

Natural Resources:

  • Resources drawn from Nature and used without much modification.
  • Air, water, soils, minerals are all natural resources.
  • Natural resources can be broadly categorized into renewable and non-renewable resources.
  • Renewable resources get renewed or replenished quickly, but careless use of certain resources can affect their stock.
  • Non-renewable resources have a limited stock, like coal, petroleum, and natural gas.

Human-Made Resources:

  • Natural substances become resources only when their original form has been changed.
  • People use natural resources to make buildings, bridges, roads, machinery, and vehicles.
  • Technology is also a human-made resource.

Human Resources:

  • People are the most important resource.
  • Education and health help in making people a valuable resource.
  • Improving the quality of people’s skills is known as human resource development.

Conserving Resources:

  • Using resources carefully and giving them time to get renewed is called resource conservation.
  • Balancing the need to use resources and also conserve them for the future is called sustainable development.
  • Sustainable development ensures the future of our planet and its people
  • Each person can contribute by reducing consumption, recycling, and reusing things.
  • The future of our planet and its people is linked with our ability to maintain and preserve the life support system that nature provides.


  • It is our duty to ensure that all uses of renewable resources are sustainable.
  • The diversity of life on earth must be preserved.
  • Together we can make a difference in conserving resources.
  • Everyone can contribute to conserving resources through reducing consumption and recycling and reusing things

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