‘Sneezles’ Poem Question and Answers Class 7 English Book Lavender

‘Sneezles’ is a funny poem to enjoy for young readers. Here, you would find answers to textbook questions. Clear here to see explanation and notes based on the poem ‘Sneezles’ as given in the class 7 English textbook ‘Lavender’.

Sneezles Poem: Textbook Exercise

Time to Answer

  1. What did Christopher Robin suffer from?
    cough and cold (Correct)
  2. What type of a poem is ‘Sneezles’?
    humurous (Correct)
  3. Which one of these lines from the poem suggests that the parents were not satisfied after examining the boy’s body?
    Of his body for swellings and lumps.
    They sent for some doctors (Correct)
    And some more for a cold
    They gave him what goes
  4. Which remedy did the doctors suggest?
    to take medicines
    to go out in the open
    to sleep throughout the day
    to be happy and relaxed (Correct)
  1. According to the doctors, when can measles grow?
  2. What were the symptoms of Christopher’s illness?
  3. What questions did the doctors ask to understand the illness?
  4. What did the doctors explain to Christopher’s parents?
  5. What was Christopher ready to do, the next morning?


  1. Measles can easily grow if you “teazle” a sneezle or wheezle.
  2. Christopher had wheezles and sneezles, and he was bundled into bed. He also had a cold in the nose and head.
  3. The doctors asked if the sneezles came after the wheezles, or if the first sneezle came first. They also checked the state of his throat and asked if he suffered from thirst.
  4. The doctors explained the reasons for sneezles and wheezles, how measles develop, and warned about the possibility of “PHTHEEZLES” if Christopher gets cold in drafts or breezes.
  5. Christopher was ready to get up in the morning, as his sneezles had vanished away. He seemed to want to amuse them i.e his parents and family members that day.

Another Set of Answers:

  1. According to the doctors, measles can grow if you teazle a sneezle or wheeze. (Line 18) This is a playful way of saying that worrying or stressing Christopher Robin might make him worse.
  2. The symptoms of Christopher’s illness are wheezles (high-pitched breathing) and sneezles (a made-up word, likely suggesting sniffles or sneezing). (Lines 1-2)
  3. The doctors asked questions to understand the illness: They asked if the sneezles came after the wheezles, or if the first sneezle came first. (Line 20)
  4. The doctors explained to Christopher’s parents:
    • They offered (made-up) explanations for the reazles for sneezles and wheezles. (Line 21)
    • They mentioned that if he freezles in draughts and in breezles, then PHTHEEZLES may even ensue. (Line 22) This suggests they connected getting cold with a worsening of the illness.
  5. Christopher was ready to amuse the people he lives among like his parents, siblings. (Line 25) The look in his eye suggests he’s feeling well enough to play again.

Reference to the context

  1. They bundled him
    His bed.
    a. Who are ‘they’?

    i. doctors
    ii. nurses
    iii. parents
    iv. teachers
    b. Why did they bundle him in bed?
    c. What do you understand by the phrase “bundled him into his bed’?
  2. They said, ‘If you teazle A sneezle Or wheezle, A measle May easily grow.
    a. Who are ‘they’ in the above lines?
    i. doctors
    ii. Nurses
    iii. parents
    iv. teachers
    b. Who are the speakers speaking to?
    c. What are the speakers advising the boy?


1. a. iii. parents (The poem mentions the family being worried and taking care of Christopher Robin.)

b. They likely bundled him in bed to keep him warm and comfortable while he was sick. (This is a common way to care for someone with a cold-like illness.)

c. This phrase suggests they wrapped him up warmly, possibly with blankets and clothes. (It implies they tucked him in securely.)

2. a. i. doctors (The poem mentions doctors being called in to examine Christopher Robin.)

b. iii. parents (The doctors are giving advice on how to care for Christopher Robin.)

c. The doctors are advising the parents (and indirectly Christopher Robin) not to worry or stress him out. (They use the playful language of “teazing” a “sneezle” or “wheeze” to suggest that anxiety might make him worse.)

Another Set of Answers:

  1. They bundled him Into His bed.
    a. Who are ‘they’?
    • iii. parents
    • b. Why did they bundle him in bed?
    • They bundled him into bed because he was sick with wheezles and sneezles, so they wanted him to rest and get better.
      c. What do you understand by the phrase “bundled him into his bed’?
    • “Bundled him into his bed” means they carefully wrapped him up and put him in bed, possibly covering him with blankets to keep him warm and comfortable.
  2. They said, ‘If you teazle A sneezle Or wheezle, A measle May easily grow.
    a. Who are ‘they’ in the above lines?
    • i. doctors
      b. Who are the speakers speaking to?
    • The doctors are speaking to Christopher Robin’s parents or caregivers.
      c. What are the speakers advising the boy?
    • The speakers are advising caution, saying that if you irritate or bother a sneezle or wheezle, it might turn into measles. They’re warning against actions that could worsen the boy’s condition.

Time to think and answer

  1. Do you think Christopher’s parents were worried about his illness? What did they do?
  2. Do you think Christopher Robin was seriously ill or pretending to be ill? Which line in the poem tells us so?
  3. How can you relate to the poem?


  1. Yes, Christopher’s parents seemed concerned about his illness because they bundled him into bed, sent for doctors, and examined his body for any signs of sickness. They wanted to make sure he received proper care and treatment.
  2. It’s likely that Christopher Robin was seriously ill because the poem describes him as having wheezles and sneezles, and the doctors were called to examine him. There’s no indication in the poem that he was pretending to be ill. The line “They bundled him into his bed” suggests that his illness was taken seriously by his caregivers.
  3. Many people can relate to the experience of being sick and cared for by their parents or caregivers. The poem captures the concern and attention given to someone who is unwell, as well as the relief and readiness to enjoy life again once the illness passes. It reminds us of the importance of taking care of our health and appreciating the comfort and support of loved ones during times of sickness.

Another Set of Answers:

  1. Yes, Christopher Robin’s parents were definitely worried about his illness. Here’s why:
  • The poem starts with them putting him to bed, which suggests they noticed he wasn’t feeling well (Lines 1-2).
  • They gave him medicine typically used for colds (Lines 5-6).
  • The most telling sign is that they “sent for some doctors” (Line 11). This shows they were concerned enough to seek professional help.
  1. The poem suggests Christopher Robin likely wasn’t seriously ill and might have been exaggerating a bit. Here’s why:
  • His illness has the made-up names “wheezles” and “sneezles” (Lines 1-2). This creates a playful tone and makes it sound less serious.
  • The doctors themselves come up with explanations like “reazles” for “sneezles” and “wheezles” (Line 21). Their fancy terms sound more like wordplay than real medical terms.
  • Most importantly, Christopher Robin recovers very quickly. By the next morning, the “sneezles had vanished” and he’s thinking about playing (Line 23-25).
  • So, while he wasn’t feeling great, it seems like he might have been playing up his symptoms a bit.
  1. Anyone can relate to the poem depending on your their experiences. Here are some possibilities:
  • One might relate to Christopher Robin if you’ve ever pretended to be sick to get out of something you didn’t want to do.
  • One might relate to the parents if you’ve ever worried about a child who seemed unwell.
  • One might even relate to the doctors if you’ve ever had to deal with a situation where someone seemed more worried than the patient themselves!

Time to Enjoy

Ans. In “Sneezles” by A.A. Milne, enjambment is used subtly to maintain the flow of the poem and create a sense of continuity between lines.

Example: 1

“They bundled him
His bed.”

Example: 2

They wondered
If wheezles
Could turn
Into measles,

The poet likely used enjambment to keep the rhythm of the poem natural and to avoid interrupting the narrative flow. By allowing the thoughts and actions to extend beyond individual lines, enjambment helps maintain the momentum of the poem, making it easier for readers to follow along.

Ans. Regarding repetition in the poem, examples include:

  1. “sneezles” and “wheezles” – These words are repeated throughout the poem to emphasize Christopher’s illness and the focus on his symptoms.
  2. “measle” – This word is repeated to highlight the potential consequences of aggravating sneezles or wheezles.

These repetitions serve to reinforce key elements of the poem, such as Christopher’s sickness and the cautionary advice given by the doctors. They also contribute to the playful and rhythmic nature of the poem.

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  1. Anonymous

    Wonderful odea

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