The Rebel Poem Stanza Wise Explanation and Analysis Class 7 English

“The Rebel” by D.J. Enright is a short and concise poem that explores the nature of rebellion and the role of the rebel and such individuality in society by emphasizing their willingness to question norms and express contrary views. The poem invites contemplation on the value of individuality and the importance of dissent and diverse perspective in promoting critical thinking and discussion and thus fostering growth and progress.

The poem celebrates the presence of rebels in society while acknowledging that not everyone may choose or find it desirable to adopt such a role.

The Rebel: Stanza Wise Explanation

Each stanza presents a contrasting situation where the rebel acts in opposition to the majority, highlighting their tendency to go against the prevailing norms and expectations. Let’s break it down the poem and its inherent explanations stanza by stanza:

Stanza 1:

When everybody has short hair,
The rebel lets his hair grow long.
When everybody has long hair,
The rebel cuts his hair short.


  • Rebel: A person who resists or defies authority or control.
  • Fantastic: Extraordinary or imaginative; bizarre.
  • Soberly: In a serious, restrained, or solemn manner.

Explanation: In this stanza, the rebel differentiates himself from others based on the hairstyle. the rebel’s behaviour revolves around hair length. When it becomes fashionable or expected for people to have short hair, the rebel defies this trend by growing hair long. Conversely, when long hair becomes the norm, the rebel defies it by cutting hair short.

When short hair is in fashion, the rebel chooses to grow long hair, and vice versa. The rebel intentionally sets himself apart from the crowd, defying or opposing societal conventional standards of appearance.

Stanza 2:

When everybody talks during the lesson,
The rebel doesn’t say a word.
When nobody talks during the lesson,
The rebel creates a disturbance.


  • Lesson: A period of instruction or teaching.
  • Disturbance: A disruption or interruption of the normal course of something.

Explanation: Here, the rebel’s behaviour relates to classroom dynamics. When everyone engages in disruptive conversation during a lesson, the rebel remains silent, refusing to be a part to contribute to the noise or talking or engaging any discussion. However, when the class becomes silent, the rebel disrupts the tranquillity by creating a disturbance. This stanza highlights the rebel’s inclination to defy expectations and challenge the status quo.

When everyone else is talking during a lesson, the rebel remains silent. Conversely, when there is silence, the rebel disrupts the calm by causing a disturbance. This showcases the rebel’s refusal to conform to social conventions and his desire to challenge established norms.

Stanza 3:

When everybody wears a uniform,
The rebel dresses in fantastic clothes.
When everybody wears fantastic clothes,
The rebel dresses soberly.


  • Uniform: A distinctive set of clothing worn by members of a particular group.
  • Fantastic: Extraordinary or imaginative; bizarre.
  • Soberly: In a serious, restrained, or solemn manner.

Explanation: This stanza discusses the rebel’s fashion choices and their significance in expressing their refusal to conform. When uniforms are the norms or the prevailing attire, the rebel stands out by wearing eye-catching and unconventional clothes or we can assume non-uniform sort of clothes. Conversely, when others adopt flamboyant, extravagant fantastic fashion styles, the rebel deliberately dresses modestly and soberly. The rebel’s clothing choices serve as a visual expression of the desire to differentiate from the crowd and assert individuality by going against the current fashion trends.

Stanza 4:

In the company of dog lovers,
The rebel expresses a preference for cats.
In the company of cat lovers,
The rebel puts in a good word for dogs.


  • Preference: A greater liking or inclination for one thing over another.
  • Remarks: Expresses or makes a comment about something.
  • Cat lovers: People who have a strong affection or fondness for cats.
  • Puts in a good word: Speaks positively or advocates for something.

Explanation: Here, the rebel’s contrarian nature extends to his preferences for animals or pets as companions. When surrounded by people who adore dogs, the rebel declares his fondness for cats. Conversely, in the presence of cat lovers, the rebel speaks positively about dogs. This stanza underscores the rebel’s inclination to challenge popular opinions and show support for the less favoured choice by challenging the prevailing sentiment.

Stanza 5:

When everybody is praising the sun,
The rebel remarks on the need for rain.
When everybody is greeting the rain,
The rebel regrets the absence of sun.


  • Remarks: Expresses or makes a comment about something.
  • Regrets: Feels sorry or disappointed about the absence or loss of something.

Explanation: This stanza focuses on the rebel’s perspective on weather and contrasts it with the majority opinion. When everyone is appreciating the sun, the rebel emphasizes the importance of rain. Conversely, when others are expressing joy at the arrival of rain, the rebel laments the absence of sunshine. Once again, the rebel goes against the popular sentiment, expressing a dissenting viewpoint. The rebel’s contradictory viewpoint challenges the consensus and offers a different perspective, reminding us of the value of diversity in opinions.

Stanza 6:

When everybody goes to the meeting,
The rebel stays at home and reads a book.
When everybody stays at home and reads a book,
The rebel goes to the meeting.


  • Meeting: A gathering or assembly of people for a particular purpose.
  • Stays at home: Chooses to remain in one’s place of residence.
  • Reads a book: Engages in the act of reading literature.

Explanation: This stanza examines the rebel’s response to social gatherings and obligations. When everyone attends a meeting, the rebel chooses to stay at home and engage in solitary reading. Conversely, when others decide to remain at home and read, the rebel goes against the grain by attending the meeting. This highlights the rebel’s inclination to act contrary to the majority, opting for solitude when others seek social engagement and vice versa.

The rebel’s actions reflect a desire for independence and a willingness to go against the majority’s choices. Overall, this stanza highlights the rebel’s inclination to deviate from expected social behaviour and pursue their own interests

Stanza 7:

When everybody says, Yes please,
The rebel says, No thank you.
When everybody says, No thank you,
The rebel says, Yes please.


  • Says: Expresses or states something.
  • Rebel: A person who resists or defies authority or control.

Explanation: This stanza highlights the rebel’s response to offers and requests or his attitude towards agreement and disagreement. When everyone agrees by saying “Yes please,” the rebel counters with a with a defiant refusal by saying “No thank you.” Similarly, when others refuse by saying “No thank you,” the rebel chooses to express agreement by saying “Yes please.”

This exemplifies the rebel’s tendency to challenge prevailing opinions and exhibit a contradictory stance to the prevailing consensus. The rebel’s contrariness challenges social norms and shows a willingness to go against the flow.

Stanza 8:

It is very good that we have rebels.
You may not find it very good to be one.


  • Very good: Highly commendable or desirable.
  • Rebels: Individuals who resist or defy authority or control.
  • Find: Perceive or experience something.
  • Be: Exist or live in a certain way.

Explanation: The final stanza offers a reflective comment on the importance of rebels in society. It acknowledges the value of individuals who challenge the status quo and inspire change. However, it also acknowledges that being a rebel may not be appealing or comfortable for everyone. This closing statement encourages appreciation for rebels while acknowledging the challenges that come with adopting a rebellious mindset.

The final stanza concludes the poem by emphasizing the value of rebels in society. It acknowledges that having rebels is beneficial, as they bring new ideas, diversity and alternative perspectives to challenge the status quo. However, the speaker also acknowledges that being a rebel may not be appealing or comfortable for everyone and being a rebel may not be perceived as a positive experience by everyone, suggesting that the rebellious path can be challenging and isolating.

The poem ends by acknowledging the complex nature of rebellion and the mixed feelings it can evoke. This closing statement encourages appreciation for rebels while acknowledging the challenges that come with adopting a rebellious mindset.


“The Rebel” highlights the role of the rebel in society, emphasizing their willingness to question norms and express contrary views. The poem invites contemplation on the value of individuality and the importance of dissent in fostering growth and progress.

However, the closing lines also suggest that being a rebel might not always be easy or well-received by others. It implies that while rebels play a vital role in fostering change and critical thinking, they may face challenges or criticism for their non-conformist attitudes. 

In short, the poem celebrates the presence of rebels in society while acknowledging that not everyone may choose or find it desirable to adopt such a role.

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