The Summit Within Class 8 Explanation & Meanings

The Summit Within Class 8 Explanation & Meanings: The explanation and meanings of Class 8’s lesson ‘The Summit Within’ from the Honeydew book are provided in this article post. It includes word meanings and Hindi translation, paragraph by paragraph. Click here for other lessons of class 8 English .


Of all the emotions which surged through me as I stood on the summit of Everest, looking over miles of panorama below us, the dominant one I think was humility. The physical in me seemed to say, ‘Thank God, it’s all over!” However, instead of being jubilant, there was a tinge of sadness. Was it because I had already done the ‘ultimate’ in climbing and there would be nothing higher to climb and all roads hereafter would lead down? By climbing the summit of Everest you are overwhelmed by a deep sense of joy and thankfulness. It is a joy which lasts a lifetime. The experience changes you completely. The man who has been to the mountains is never the same again. As I look back at life after climbing Everest I cannot help remarking about the other summit — the summit of the mind — no less formidable and no easier to climb.

एवरेस्ट के शिखर पर खड़े होकर जब मैं नीचे की असीम दृश्यमय दृश्यों को देख रहा था, तब मुझमें उठने वाली सभी भावनाओं में, मेरा मानना है कि विनम्रता सबसे प्रमुख थी। मेरे शारीरिक भाग में ऐसा लग रहा था, ‘धन्यवाद भगवान, यह सब खत्म हो गया है!’ हालांकि, खुशी में थोड़ा सा दुःख था। क्या इसलिए कि मैंने पहले से ही ‘अंतिम’ को कर लिया था और ऊँचाई और कोई नहीं थी और इसके बाद सभी रास्ते नीचे जाएंगे? एवरेस्ट के शिखर को चढ़कर आप एक गहरी आनंद और कृतज्ञता की भावना से अभिभूत हो जाते हैं। यह एक ऐसी खुशी है जो जीवन भर रहती है। यह अनुभव आपको पूरी तरह से बदल देता है। पहाड़ों पर गए व्यक्ति कभी भी पहले जैसा नहीं होता। एवरेस्ट चढ़ने के बाद जब मैं जीवन की ओर देखता हूँ, तो मन की दूसरी चोटी – मन की शिखर – के बारे में टिप्पणी करने से रोक नहीं पा रहा हूँ।

  1. Emotions: Feelings or states of mind.
  2. Surged: Rapidly and strongly increased.
  3. Summit: The highest point or peak.
  4. Panorama: A wide and impressive view of an area.
  5. Humility: A modest or humble state of mind.
  6. Dominant: The most important or influential.
  7. Jubilant: Feeling or expressing great happiness and triumph.
  8. Tinge: A slight trace or hint of something.
  9. Ultimate: The highest or greatest point.
  10. Overwhelmed: Overpowered or deeply affected by something.
  11. Thankfulness: Feeling or expressing gratitude.
  12. Formidable: Difficult to overcome or deal with.
  13. Summit of the mind: Referring to the highest point or peak of intellectual or mental achievement.

The passage describes the author’s experience of standing on the summit of Mount Everest and the emotions they felt. The dominant emotion they felt was humility, likely due to the awe-inspiring view and the realization of the immense challenge they had overcome. Despite the physical relief of reaching the summit, there is a tinge of sadness, possibly because they have achieved the “ultimate” in climbing and wonder if there will be anything higher to strive for in the future.

The author then reflects on the profound joy and gratitude that comes from climbing Everest, stating that it is an experience that changes a person completely. They also draw a parallel between the physical summit of Everest and the metaphorical summit of the mind, emphasizing that the mental challenges and achievements are equally formidable and difficult to conquer.


Even when getting down from the summit, once the physical exhaustion had gone, I began asking myself the question why I had climbed Everest. Why did the act of reaching the summit have such a hold on my imagination? It was already a thing of the past, something done yesterday. With every passing day, it would become more remote. And then what would remain? Would my memories fade slowly away? All these thoughts led me to question myself as to why people climb mountains. It is not easy to answer the question. The simplest answer would be, as others have said, “Because it is there.” It presents great difficulties. Man takes delight in overcoming obstacles. The obstacles in climbing a mountain are physical. A climb to a summit means endurance, persistence and will power. The demonstration of these physical qualities is no doubt exhilarating, as it was for me also.

चोटी से उतरते समय, जब शारीरिक थकान गई थी, मैंने खुद से सवाल पूछना शुरू किया कि मैंने एवरेस्ट पर चढ़ा क्यों था। क्यों मेरी कल्पना में चोटी तक पहुंचने का कार्य इतना महत्वपूर्ण था? यह पहले ही एक गुजरा हुआ काम था, कल किया हुआ कुछ। हर बीतते दिन के साथ, यह और दूर हो जाएगा। और फिर क्या बचेगा? क्या मेरी यादें धीरे-धीरे मिट जाएँगी? ये सभी विचार मुझे खुद को सवाल करने पर ले आए कि लोग पहाड़ों पर क्यों चढ़ते हैं। इस सवाल का जवाब देना आसान नहीं है। सबसे सरल जवाब यह होगा, जैसा कि दूसरे ने कहा है, “क्योंकि वहाँ है।” इसमें बड़ी मुश्किलें होती हैं। इंसान को बाधाओं को पार करने में आनंद आता है। पहाड़ी चढ़ने की बाधाएँ शारीरिक होती हैं। चोटी की ओर चढ़ना सहनशीलता, स्थायित्व और इच्छा शक्ति का मतलब है। इन शारीरिक गुणों का प्रदर्शन निस्साहस रहित है, जैसा कि मेरे लिए भी था।

  1. Physical exhaustion: Extreme tiredness and fatigue.
  2. Hold on my imagination: A strong grip or influence on one’s thoughts and ideas.
  3. Remote: Distant or far away in time or space.
  4. Memories fade slowly away: The recollection of the experience becoming less clear or vivid over time.
  5. Question myself: To reflect on and examine one’s own thoughts and motivations.
  6. Delight: A feeling of great pleasure or satisfaction.
  7. Overcoming obstacles: Successfully overcoming challenges or difficulties.
  8. Endurance: The ability to withstand or sustain prolonged physical or mental effort.
  9. Persistence: Continuing to pursue or strive for a goal despite setbacks or difficulties.
  10. Will power: The strength of determination and self-control.

The passage continues with the author reflecting on their descent from the summit of Everest. Once the physical exhaustion subsides, they begin questioning why they climbed Everest and why reaching the summit had such a strong impact on their imagination. They wonder if the significance of the achievement will fade over time and what will remain in their memories.

These thoughts lead the author to ponder why people climb mountains in general. While acknowledging that it is not an easy question to answer, they suggest that one possible explanation is the inherent human desire to overcome obstacles. Climbing a mountain requires physical endurance, persistence, and will power, and the demonstration of these qualities can be exhilarating.

Overall, the passage explores the complex emotions and motivations behind climbing mountains, including the personal satisfaction and sense of achievement that comes from conquering physical challenges.


I have a more personal answer to the question. From my childhood I have been attracted by mountains. I had been miserable, lost, when away from mountains, in the plains. Mountains are nature at its best. Their beauty and majesty pose a great challenge, and like many, I believe that mountains are a means of communion with God. Once having granted this, the question remains: Why Everest? Because it is the highest, the mightiest and has defied many previous attempts. It takes the last ounce of one’s energy. It is a brutal struggle with rock and ice. Once taken up, it cannot be given up halfway even when one’s life is at stake. The passage back is as difficult as the passage onwards. And then, when the summit is climbed, there is the exhilaration, the joy of having done something, the sense of a battle fought and won. There is a feeling of victory and of happiness. Glimpsing a peak in the distance, I get transported to another world. I experience a change within myself which can only be called mystical. By its beauty, aloofness, might, ruggedness, and the difficulties encountered on the way, the peak draws me to it — as Everest did. It is a challenge that is difficult to resist.

मेरे पास सवाल का एक और व्यक्तिगत जवाब है। मेरे बचपन से ही पहाड़ों की ओर मुझे आकर्षित किया गया है। मैं पहाड़ों से दूर रहते समय उदास और हारा हुआ रहता था। पहाड़ प्रकृति की श्रेष्ठता है। उनकी सुंदरता और महानता एक महान चुनौती पेश करती हैं, और जैसा कि अनेकों लोग मानते हैं, मुझे लगता है कि पहाड़ भगवान के साथ संवाद का एक साधन है। इसे मान लेने के बाद भी, सवाल बना रहता है: क्यों एवरेस्ट? क्योंकि यह सबसे ऊँचा, सबसे शक्तिशाली है और इसने कई पूर्व प्रयासों को ताकत दी है। इसके लिए आवश्यक होता है अपनी आखिरी ऊर्जा का इस्तेमाल करना। यह पत्थर और बर्फ के साथ एक कठोर संघर्ष है। एक बार जब इसे उठा लिया जाता है, तो यह आधे मारे हुए हालात में भी छोड़ा नहीं जा सकता। वापसी का मार्ग आगे के मार्ग की तरह कठिन होता है। और फिर, जब शिखर चढ़ा जाता है, तो उसके बाद उत्कटता, कुछ कर दिया होने की खुशी, एक युद्ध लड़ा हुआ और जीता हुआ महसूस होता है। विजय और खुशी का एहसास होता है। दूरी में एक पर्वत की झलक देखते ही, मैं किसी अन्य दुनिया में पहुंच जाता हूँ। मैं अपने अंदर एक बदलाव का अनुभव करता हूँ जिसे केवल आध्यात्मिक कहा जा सकता है। इसकी सुंदरता, अलगाव, शक्ति, कठोरता और रास्ते में आने वाली कठिनाइयों द्वारा, पर्वत मुझे खींचता है – जैसा कि एवरेस्ट ने किया। यह एक चुनौती है जिसे सुनिश्चित करना कठिन होता है।

  1. Attracted: Drawn to or fascinated by.
  2. Miserable: Unhappy or in a state of distress.
  3. Plains: Flat, open areas of land.
  4. Beauty and majesty: The aesthetic appeal and grandeur of mountains.
  5. Pose a great challenge: Present a significant and difficult task or obstacle.
  6. Communion with God: A spiritual connection or interaction with a higher power.
  7. Defied: Resisted or withstood successfully.
  8. Brutal struggle: A harsh and intense battle or conflict.
  9. Passage back: The return journey after reaching the summit.
  10. Exhilaration: Intense excitement or joy.
  11. Battle fought and won: Overcoming a difficult challenge and achieving victory.
  12. Aloofness: A sense of distance or remoteness.
  13. Ruggedness: Rough and uneven terrain.
  14. Difficulties encountered: Challenges faced along the way.
  15. A challenge that is difficult to resist: A compelling and irresistible task or goal.

In this personal answer, the author explains their lifelong attraction to mountains and the sense of misery they feel when away from them. They believe that mountains represent nature at its best, and their beauty and majesty present a great challenge. Like many others, the author sees mountains as a way to connect with God.

When it comes to Everest specifically, the author explains that they were drawn to it because it is the highest and most formidable mountain, having defied previous attempts. Climbing Everest requires giving one’s last ounce of energy and engaging in a brutal struggle with rock and ice. Once committed to the climb, there is no turning back, even when one’s life is at stake. The passage back is just as difficult as the ascent.

Reaching the summit of Everest brings a sense of exhilaration, joy, and the feeling of having accomplished something significant. The author describes the mystical change they experience within themselves when they catch a glimpse of a distant peak, and how the beauty, aloofness, might, ruggedness, and challenges of the mountain draw them towards it. They view the challenge of climbing mountains, including Everest, as something difficult to resist.


Looking back I find that I have not yet fully explained why I climbed Everest. It is like answering a question why you breathe. Why do you help your neighbour? Why do you want to do good acts? There is no final answer possible. And then there is the fact that Everest is not just a physical climb. The man who has been to the mountain-top becomes conscious in a special manner of his own smallness in this large universe. The physical conquest of a mountain is only one part of the achievement. There is more to it than that. It is followed by a sense of fulfilment. There is the satisfaction of a deep urge to rise above one’s surroundings. It is the eternal love for adventure in man. The experience is not merely physical. It is emotional. It is spiritual.

मुझे याद करते हुए मुझे लगता है कि मैंने अभी तक पूरी तरह से नहीं समझाया है कि मैंने एवरेस्ट क्यों चढ़ा. यह उत्तर देने के समान है जैसे आप सवाल का जवाब क्यों देते हैं कि आप सांस क्यों लेते हैं. आप अपने पड़ोसी की मदद क्यों करते हैं? आप अच्छे काम करना क्यों चाहते हैं? इसका कोई अंतिम उत्तर संभव नहीं है. और फिर यह तथ्य है कि एवरेस्ट केवल एक शारीरिक चढ़ाई नहीं है. पहाड़ के शिखर तक पहुंचने वाला आदमी अपनी छोटाई की एक विशेष तरीके से जागरूक हो जाता है, इस बड़े ब्रह्मांड में. पहाड़ की शारीरिक विजय केवल उपलब्धि का एक हिस्सा है. इससे ज्यादा है. इसके बाद एक पूर्णता की भावना होती है. अपने आस-पास के वातावरण से ऊपर उठने की गहरी इच्छा की संतुष्टि होती है. यह मनुष्य में साहस के लिए अनन्य प्यार है. यह अनुभव केवल शारीरिक नहीं है. यह भावनात्मक है. यह आध्यात्मिक है.

  1. Fully explained: Providing a complete and comprehensive explanation.
  2. Like answering a question: Similar to responding to a query or inquiry.
  3. Why you breathe: The basic and instinctual act of inhaling and exhaling.
  4. Help your neighbor: Assisting or supporting someone in need.
  5. Good acts: Actions or deeds that are considered positive, kind, or beneficial.
  6. No final answer possible: There is no definitive or ultimate response.
  7. Conscious: Aware or mindful.
  8. Smallness: A sense of being insignificant or humble.
  9. Large universe: The vastness and enormity of the cosmos.
  10. Physical conquest: The act of physically overcoming or conquering.
  11. Achievement: A notable accomplishment or success.
  12. Sense of fulfillment: A feeling of satisfaction and contentment.
  13. Deep urge: A strong and profound desire or inclination.
  14. Rise above one’s surroundings: To transcend or surpass one’s current circumstances.
  15. Eternal love for adventure: A perpetual and enduring passion for exploration and excitement.
  16. Not merely physical: Not solely related to the physical aspect, but also involving emotions and spirituality.

In this reflection, the author acknowledges that they have not fully explained why they climbed Everest, comparing it to answering why one breathes or helps their neighbor. They suggest that there is no final answer possible because climbing Everest is not just a physical endeavor. It goes beyond the physical conquest of the mountain and encompasses a sense of fulfillment, a deep urge to rise above one’s surroundings, and an eternal love for adventure.

The experience of climbing Everest is described as not only physical but also emotional and spiritual. It brings about a special consciousness of one’s own smallness in the vast universe. The author implies that the act of climbing Everest satisfies a deep inner longing and provides a sense of purpose and meaning. It is an experience that goes beyond the physical realm and taps into the emotional and spiritual aspects of human existence.


Consider a typical climb, towards the summit on the last heights. You are sharing a rope with another climber. You firm in. He cuts the steps in the hard ice. Then he belays and you inch your way up. The climb is grim. You strain every nerve as you take every step. Famous climbers have left records of the help given by others. They have also recorded how they needed just that help. Else they might have given up. Breathing is difficult. You curse yourself for having let yourself in for this. You wonder why you ever undertook the ascent. There are moments when you feel like going back. It would be sheer relief to go down, instead of up. But almost at once you snap out of that mood. There is something in you that does not let you give up the struggle. And you go on. Your companion keeps up with you. Just another fifty feet. Or a hundred, maybe. You ask yourself: Is there no end? You look at your companion and he looks at you. You draw inspiration from each other. And then, without first being aware of it, you are at the summit.

एक सामान्य चढ़ाई को ध्यान में लें, शिखर की ओर की ओर। आप एक रस्सी साझा कर रहे हैं दूसरे चढ़ाई के साथी के साथ। आप मजबूत बर्फ में कदम कटते हैं। फिर वह बेलेस करता है और आप धीरे-धीरे ऊपर बढ़ते हैं। चढ़ाई कठिन है। आप हर एक कदम पर हर नस तानते हैं। प्रसिद्ध चढ़ाई करने वाले ने दूसरों द्वारा दी गई मदद के रिकॉर्ड छोड़े हैं। उन्होंने यह भी दर्ज किया है कि उन्हें वही मदद चाहिए थी। अन्यथा वे हार मान लेते। सांस लेना मुश्किल है। आप खुद को दोषी मानते हैं क्योंकि आपने खुद को इसके लिए आने दिया। आप सोचते हैं कि आपने कब इस चढ़ाई की शुरुआत क्यों की। कुछ पल होते हैं जब आप वापस जाने की भावना महसूस करते हैं। ऊपर की बजाय नीचे जाने में बहुत आराम होगा। लेकिन लगभग तत्काल ही आप उस मूड से बाहर निकल जाते हैं। आपके अंदर कुछ ऐसा है जो आपको संघर्ष छोड़ने नहीं देता। और आप जारी रखते हैं। आपका साथी आपके साथ चलता है। बस और पचास फीट। या शायद सौ। आप सोचते हैं: क्या कोई समाप्ति नहीं है? आप अपने साथी को देखते हैं और वह आपको देखता है। आप एक दूसरे से प्रेरणा लेते हैं। और फिर, पहले से ही इसके अवगत न होने के बावजूद, आप शिखर पर होते हैं।

  1. Typical climb: A typical or common ascent up a mountain.
  2. Towards the summit: Moving in the direction of the highest point.
  3. Sharing a rope: Using a rope to connect and support multiple climbers.
  4. Firm in: Holding onto the rope securely.
  5. Cuts the steps: Creating footholds in the hard ice.
  6. Belay: Providing support and security for the climber.
  7. Inch your way up: Progressing slowly and steadily.
  8. Grim: Difficult and challenging.
  9. Strain every nerve: Exerting maximum effort and concentration.
  10. Famous climbers: Well-known and accomplished mountaineers.
  11. Help given by others: Assistance provided by fellow climbers.
  12. Records: Documented accounts or testimonies.
  13. Might have given up: Could have abandoned the climb.
  14. Breathing is difficult: The thin air makes it challenging to breathe.
  15. Undertook the ascent: Decided to embark on the climb.
  16. Moments when you feel like going back: Times when the desire to descend becomes strong.
  17. Sheer relief: A feeling of great comfort or release.
  18. Snap out of that mood: Quickly overcome that mindset or feeling.
  19. Struggle: A difficult and intense effort.
  20. Companion: The fellow climber who is with you.
  21. Fifty feet or a hundred: A short distance remaining.
  22. Is there no end?: Wondering if there is no limit or conclusion.
  23. Draw inspiration: Gain motivation and encouragement.
  24. At the summit: Reaching the highest point of the mountain.

In this depiction of a climb towards the summit, the author describes the challenging and arduous nature of the ascent. They are connected to another climber by a rope and rely on each other for support and progress. The climb is described as grim, with every step requiring intense effort and strain. The author reflects on the accounts of famous climbers who have documented the help they received from others and how that assistance was crucial in their own climbs.

During the climb, there are moments of doubt and difficulty. Breathing becomes difficult, and the author questions why they undertook the ascent in the first place. The desire to go back and descend for relief arises, but it quickly dissipates. There is something within the climber that refuses to give up, and they continue onward.

The companion climber plays an important role in providing inspiration and motivation. As the summit draws closer, the climber wonders if there is no end to the climb. However, with mutual support and inspiration, they reach the summit without even realizing it.

This description highlights the physical and mental challenges faced during a climb, the importance of support from others, and the determination required to overcome obstacles and reach the summit.


Looking round from the summit you tell yourself that it was worthwhile. Other silvery peaks appear through the clouds. If you are lucky the sun may be on them. The surrounding peaks look like a jewelled necklace around the neck of your summit. Below, you see vast valleys sloping into the distance. It is an ennobling, enriching experience to just look down from the summit of a mountain. You bow down and make your obeisance to whichever God you worship. I left on Everest a picture of Guru Nanak. Rawat left a picture of Goddess Durga. Phu Dorji left a relic of the Buddha. Edmund Hillary had buried a cross under a cairn (a heap of rocks and stones) in the snow. These are not symbols of conquest but of reverence. The experience of having climbed to the summit changes you completely.

चोटी से देखकर आपको यह लगता है कि यह लायक था। बादलों के माध्यम से अन्य चांदी के शिखर दिखाई देते हैं। अगर आप भाग्यशाली हैं तो सूर्य उन पर हो सकता है। चारों ओर के शिखर आपकी चोटी के गले में मणिमय हार की तरह दिखते हैं। नीचे, आप दूरी में झूलते बड़े घाटियों को देखते हैं। एक पहाड़ की चोटी से नीचे देखना एक महान कार्य और समृद्धि भरा अनुभव है। आप झुक जाते हैं और जिस भगवान की आप पूजा करते हैं, उसके सामने नमस्कार करते हैं। मैंने एवरेस्ट पर गुरु नानक की एक तस्वीर छोड़ी। रावत ने देवी दुर्गा की एक तस्वीर छोड़ी। फू दोर्जी ने बुद्ध के एक समाधि छोड़ी। एडमंड हिलरी ने बर्फ में एक कैरन (पत्थरों और पत्थरों का ढेर) के नीचे एक क्रॉस दफना दिया था। ये विजय के प्रतीक नहीं, बल्कि सम्मान के प्रतीक हैं। चोटी तक पहुंचने का अनुभव आपको पूरी तरह से बदल देता है।

  1. Looking round from the summit: Observing the surroundings from the highest point.
  2. Silvery peaks: Other mountains covered in snow.
  3. The sun may be on them: The sunlight illuminating the peaks.
  4. Jewelled necklace: The surrounding peaks resembling a necklace made of precious gems.
  5. Vast valleys sloping into the distance: Large valleys extending into the distance.
  6. Ennobling, enriching experience: A transformative and uplifting experience.
  7. Look down from the summit: Gazing downwards from the highest point.
  8. Obeisance: A gesture of respect or reverence.
  9. God you worship: The deity or higher power one believes in.
  10. Picture of Guru Nanak: A representation of the Sikh spiritual leader.
  11. Picture of Goddess Durga: A depiction of the Hindu goddess.
  12. Relic of the Buddha: An object associated with the teachings or life of Buddha.
  13. Cross under a cairn: A Christian symbol buried beneath a pile of rocks.
  14. Symbols of conquest: Representations that signify victory or domination.
  15. Symbols of reverence: Objects that evoke deep respect and honor.
  16. The experience of having climbed to the summit: The act of reaching the highest point of the mountain.
  17. Changes you completely: Causes a profound transformation in one’s being.

From the summit, the author describes the breathtaking view of other peaks, potentially illuminated by the sun. The surrounding scenery is compared to a jeweled necklace, and the vast valleys below stretch into the distance. Looking down from the summit is described as an ennobling and enriching experience.

The author expresses a sense of reverence and gratitude by bowing down and paying homage to their chosen deity or higher power. They mention leaving symbols or relics associated with different religious figures, emphasizing that these objects represent reverence rather than conquest.

Finally, the author asserts that the experience of climbing to the summit brings about a complete change in a person. It is a transformative journey that goes beyond the physical act of climbing and touches the core of one’s being.


There is another summit. It is within yourself. It is in your own mind. Each man carries within himself his own mountain peak. He must climb it to reach to a fuller knowledge of himself. It is fearful, and unscalable. It cannot be climbed by anyone else. You yourself have to do it. The physical act of climbing to the summit of a mountain outside is akin to the act of climbing the mountain within. The effects of both the climbs are the same. Whether the mountain you climb is physical or emotional and spiritual, the climb will certainly change you. It teaches you much about the world and about yourself.

एक और शिखर है। यह आपके अंदर है। यह आपके अपने मन में है। हर आदमी अपने अंदर अपने खुद के पहाड़ी शिखर को ले जाता है। वह इसे चढ़ना होगा ताकि वह अपने आप के पूर्ण ज्ञान तक पहुंच सके। यह डरावना और अचूक है। इसे कोई और चढ़ नहीं सकता है। आपको ही इसे करना होगा। एक पहाड़ी के शिखर तक चढ़ने की शारीरिक क्रिया बाहरी पहाड़ी की चढ़ाई के समान है। दोनों चढ़ाई के प्रभाव समान हैं। चाहे आप जिस पहाड़ी को चढ़ रहे हों, वह शारीरिक हो या भावनात्मक और आध्यात्मिक हो, चढ़ाई आपको निश्चित रूप से बदल देगी। यह आपको दुनिया और अपने बारे में बहुत कुछ सिखाती है।

  1. Another summit: A metaphorical peak or goal.
  2. Within yourself: Inside your own mind and being.
  3. Each man carries within himself his own mountain peak: Every individual has their own personal challenges and obstacles to overcome.
  4. Fuller knowledge of oneself: Gaining a deeper understanding and awareness of one’s own character and identity.
  5. Fearful and unscalable: Difficult and intimidating to confront.
  6. Cannot be climbed by anyone else: The journey of self-discovery and personal growth is individual and cannot be done by someone else.
  7. Physical act of climbing: The literal ascent of a mountain.
  8. Effects of both the climbs are the same: The transformative impact of both physical and internal journeys is similar.
  9. Emotional and spiritual: Pertaining to one’s feelings and inner self, and relating to one’s beliefs and connection to the divine.
  10. The climb will certainly change you: The process of overcoming challenges and self-reflection leads to personal growth and transformation.
  11. Teaches you much about the world and about yourself: The journey provides insights and lessons about the external world and one’s own inner nature.

The author suggests that there is another summit to be reached, one that exists within each individual’s mind and being. This metaphorical mountain represents the challenges and obstacles that one must face in order to gain a deeper understanding of oneself. It is described as fearful and unscalable, emphasizing the difficulty and personal nature of this internal journey.

The author draws a parallel between the physical act of climbing a mountain and the internal process of self-discovery. Both journeys have similar effects, leading to personal growth and transformation. Whether the mountain is physical or emotional and spiritual, the climb will change the individual and provide valuable insights about themselves and the world around them.

This passage highlights the importance of introspection and self-reflection, and the transformative power of confronting and overcoming personal challenges. It suggests that the journey within oneself is just as significant and impactful as any external accomplishment.


I venture to think that my experience as an Everester has provided me with the inspiration to face life’s ordeals resolutely. Climbing the mountain was a worthwhile experience. The conquest of the internal summit is equally worthwhile. The internal summits are, perhaps, higher than Everest.

मुझे लगता है कि मेरे तौर पर एक एवरेस्टर के रूप में मेरे अनुभव ने मुझे जीवन के मुश्किलात का सामना करने के लिए प्रेरणा प्रदान की है। पहाड़ चढ़ना एक मूल्यवान अनुभव था। आंतरिक शिखर का विजय भी उसी तरह मूल्यवान है। आंतरिक शिखर शायद एवरेस्ट से भी ऊंचा हो सकता है।

  1. Experience as an Everester: Refers to the author’s experience of climbing Mount Everest.
  2. Inspiration to face life’s ordeals resolutely: The author’s experience has given them the courage and determination to confront life’s challenges.
  3. Climbing the mountain was a worthwhile experience: The author found the experience of climbing Mount Everest to be valuable.
  4. Conquest of the internal summit: Overcoming personal challenges and reaching one’s full potential.
  5. Equally worthwhile: The internal journey is just as valuable and significant as the external accomplishment of climbing a mountain.
  6. Internal summits are perhaps higher than Everest: The challenges and obstacles within oneself may be more difficult to overcome than any external challenge.

The author reflects on how their experience of climbing Mount Everest has provided them with the inspiration and strength to confront life’s challenges with determination. They suggest that the experience of climbing the mountain was valuable, but equally valuable is the journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

The author asserts that the conquest of the internal summit, or overcoming personal challenges and reaching one’s full potential, is just as worthwhile and significant as the external accomplishment of climbing a mountain. In fact, they suggest that the internal summits may be even higher and more difficult to conquer than any external challenge.

This passage emphasizes the importance of personal growth and self-discovery, and suggests that the journey within oneself is just as valuable and significant as any external accomplishment. It highlights the transformative power of overcoming personal challenges and reaching one’s full potential.

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