Travelling with Grandfather’s Zoo Meanings Summary and Solutions

‘Travelling with Grandfather’s Zoo’ is written by Ruskin Bond. Here the support study material includes a summary, meanings and answers to questions as published in Wind Chimes Class 6.

Travelling with Grandfather’s Zoo

Meanings: Travelling with Grandfather’s Zoo

exotic – unusually strange or colourful, of foreign origin (आकर्षक, विदेशी जानवरों की प्रजातियां) 

tempting – attracting and alluring (लुभाना, ललचाना) 

resources – supply and support (उपयोगी संसाधन) 

upkeep – maintenance, care and sustenance (देखरेख, रखरखाव) 

habitat– natural home and surroundings (पशुओं का प्राकृतिक निवास स्थान) 

all aboard – on to or into a vehicle (सवार होना) 

insist – to assert or demand firmly, (जोर देकर कहना या जिद्द करना) 

along – in company together (के साथ ) 

prudent – sensible and careful (समझदारी, बुद्धिमानी) 

entire – all, whole (सब और सारा का सारा) 

admit – to agree ( स्वीकार करना, मानना) 

all the same – still, nevertheless ( ऐसा होते हुए भी, फिर भी )

object – express your dislike or disagreement (रोकना टोकना, आपत्ति जताना) 

poking – to push through to see or watch (झांकना) 

nip – give a quick bite (काटना  या कुतरना ) 

tweak – to pull and twist (मोड़ना ऐंठना) 

emerge – come out (बाहर की तरफ निकलना) 

scurrying – moving quickly (जल्दी – जल्दी चलना) 

paradise – heaven (स्वर्ग) 

pull out – to leave the station

help yourself – serve yourself (अपना काम या सेवा स्वयं करना) 

doze off – fall asleep (आंख लग जाना) 

nod – move head up and down (सर हिलाना) 

ham – pig meat 

tug – pull (पकड़ कर अपनी तरफ खींचना) 

undone – opened the fastening (खोलना) 

gasp – a quick deep breath (लंबी सांस लेना) 

contentedly – with a satisfaction (संतुष्टि के साथ) 

remained – left out parts (बचा-खुचा हिस्सा) 

snuggle – to get into a comfortable position (आराम से सट कर बैठना या लेटना) 

stare – look at for a long (घूरना) 

sleek – smooth and shiny (चिकना और चमकदार) 

make out – identify (पहचानना) 

presume – suppose and assume (अंदाजे से मान लेना) 

evidently – clearly (स्पष्ट, साफ – साफ) 

beneath – below, under (नीचे की ओर) 

forays – a quick raid, a short journey (छापा, सैर) 

intent – purpose, aim or goal (इरादा) 

clamour – many people shouting (शोरगुल) 

casually – without giving much thought and care (बस ऐसे ही , यूं ही) 

make way – to allow to pass (रास्ता देना) 

pry up – to raise open with force (जोर लगा कर खोलना ) 

set out – leave to begin a journey or any task (रवाना  होना) 

overfed – given or eaten too much food (जरूरत से ज्यादा खाए हुए) 

get rid of – to get free from (मुक्ति या छुटकारा पाना) 

unconvinced – not believing (विश्वास न होना) 

despairingly – without hope (हतोत्साहित) 

terrified – afraid (डरा  हुआ) 

perch – sit upon (ऊपर बैठना) 

considerable – great and large in amount and degree (काफी ज्यादा) 

spotted – identified (पहचान लिया) 

exclamation – sudden expression of emotions and feelings 

bulging – protruding, swelling outward (आगे की तरफ फूला  हुआ ) 

firmly – strongly, tightly (सख्ती से) 

likelihood – possibility (संभावना) 

enormous – extremely large (विशाल, बड़ा)

tumble – move or fall in a relaxed and noisy way (लुढ़क कर धम्म से गिरना, लेटना, बैठना आदि) 

shot off – moved or left very quickly (तेजी से आगे बढ़ना) 

suspicious – doubtful (शक होना ) 

quivering – trembling (कांपते हुए) 

hamper – a basket with a lid  

faint – lose consciousness (बेहोश होना) 

promptly – quickly (जल्दी से) 

drape – hang (लपेटना) 

recover – regain health (वापस होश में आना, सेहत का वापस अच्छा होना ) 

see things – get illusioned (भ्रम होना की आपने कुछ देखा या सुना  जबकि ऐसा कुछ भी नहीं हुआ होता) 

maniacal – crazy (किसी सनकी, झक्की या पागल की तरह ) 

double up – laugh so much controllably that you bend down (हंस-हंस के दोहरा होना) 


The tale is full captivating and thrilling events involving pets. The narrator, his grandfather, grandmother are taking a train from Dehra to Lucknow to visit his aunt. Accompanying them are a diverse group of pets, including a squirrel named Chips, a parrot named Popeye, a teenage tiger named Timothy, and a python who unknowingly smuggled itself into the lunch basket. At the start of the journey, Popeye exhibits aggression, while Chips quickly becomes sociable with everyone, and Timothy remains a gentleman throughout.

As time passes, Grandmother dozes off, and the narrator and Grandfather become hungry, opening the tiffin basket to find a well-fed python. They handle the situation calmly, hiding the snake from Grandmother to avoid an argument. Later in the night, they realize the python has escaped and caused a commotion among panicked passengers. Grandfather rescues the snake without causing a disturbance, but Grandmother eventually finds out. She is displeased but mainly concerned since her sister, Aunt Mabel, is frightened of snakes.

Upon arriving in Lucknow, Aunt Mabel eagerly seizes the food basket and clings to it throughout the taxi ride home. However, when she opens the basket and sees the python, she faints. The grandfather then places the basket on a guava tree in the garden. When Aunt Mabel regains consciousness, everyone attributes her fainting spell to the heat.

Solutions to Exercise Questions


A. Answer these questions in brief.

  1. What does ‘all aboard’ mean?
  2. What kind of passengers was the guard used to?
  3. How did Popeye and Chips create excitement for the passengers?
  4. Why did the python enter the toilet?
  5. Why was the taxi driver nervous?
  6. Why was Popeye suspicious?


  1. A message is being conveyed to passengers to board a vehicle that is about to depart.
  2. He had grown accustomed to passengers who engaged in theft from vendors, shouting at coolies, damaging railway property, and spitting on the platform.
  3. Popeye expressed his objection to vendors and other people poking their hands through the windows. He responded by nipping their fingers and tweaking the ear of a ticket inspector. Chips noticed passengers with a large amount of roasted peanuts and became friendly with them, enjoying the treats they offered.
  4. After finishing a heavy meal, the python became thirsty and easily pried open the lid of the tiffin basket. It then set out in search of water and eventually reached the toilet.
  5. The taxi driver felt anxious after seeing his passengers with pet animals, including a tiger.
  6. Popeye became suspicious when he noticed the tiffin basket trembling.

B. Answer these questions with reference to the context.

  1. …the lid flew open and I let out a gasp of surprise.
    a. Who is speaking?
    b. Why does the speaker say ‘the lid flew open’ instead of ‘the lid opened’?
    c. What was the surprise?
  2. ‘Well, what are you staring at?’
    a. Who is speaking and to whom?
    b. What was the other person staring at?
    c. What did the speaker do?
  3. Thanks,’ I said. ‘If you keep bringing me peanuts all night, I might last until morning.’
    a. Who is being thanked and why?
    b. What is the tone of this sentence like?
    c. What is the meaning of the word ‘last’ in this sentence?


  1. a. The narrator
    b. The lid flew open as the snake’s head bobbed up.
    c. The presence of the python was a surprise.
  2. a. Grandfather is speaking to the narrator.
    b. The narrator was staring at the python.
    c. Grandfather snapped the basket shut and pushed it back beneath the berth.
  3. a. The narrator is thanking Chips for offering him the peanuts he collected.
    b. The tone of the sentence is sarcastic.
    c. ‘Last’ means survive.

C. Answer these questions.

  1. In what ways was Timothy a perfect passenger?
  2. In what way was the train a squirrel’s paradise?
  3. …before we reached Lucknow, there was excitement enough for everyone.
    What excitement is the speaker referring to? Describe it briefly.
  4. How did Grandfather react to the clamour at midnight?
  5. What do we get to know about Aunt Mabel from the story?
  6. He’s had his dinner already, so no one is in any danger!
    What did Grandfather mean when he said that line?
  7. Grandmother was sitting up on the berth.
    What might be the significance of this statement at this point in the story? What kind of expression might she have had on her face?
  8. What does the speaker mean by ‘Aunt Mabel was no Eve’?
  9. How did Grandfather and the narrator fool Aunt Mabel?
  10. Why do you think Grandmother said nothing after Aunt Mabel recovered?
  11. Apart from the direct references to it by the narrator, what other aspects of the text tell you about the time period it is set in?
  12. After reading this story, which relationship do you think is closer? Justify your answer.
    a. Grandmother and the narrator
    b. Grandfather and the narrator
    c. Grandmother and the Grandfather


  1. Timothy acted respectfully and responsibly throughout the journey, without causing any disruptions or fear. He did not steal, shout at workers, damage any property, or spit on the platform.
  2. The squirrel moved around freely and made friends with some passengers who offered him roasted peanuts, his favourite treat.
  3. Popeye nipped at vendors and tweaked a ticket inspector’s ear. Chips escaped from the pocket and collected peanuts from passengers. Chaos erupted when pet python was seen in the washroom. Grandmother became angry.
  4. In an attempt to take charge of the situation, Grandfather declared himself an expert on snakes and proceeded to pick up the python, transporting it to his compartment.
  5. Despite her love for good food, Aunt Mabel, a schoolteacher, harboured a fear of reptiles, particularly snakes.
  6. To reassure the passengers, the speaker explained that pythons only hunt when hungry, and since the python had already eaten, it posed no danger to anyone.
  7. The grandmother appeared displeased and disapproving of the activities taking place.
  8. In reference to the Biblical story of Eve being tempted by a snake to eat the apple from the tree in the Garden of Eden, the speaker notes that Aunt Mabel was not tempted by such things.
  9. The others tricked Aunt Mabel by claiming that the tiffin contained an entire chicken, and went so far as to suggest that she was hallucinating.
  10. Grandmother was aware of Aunt Mabel’s fear of snakes and did not wish to upset her.
  11. The story takes place in the 1950s, as evidenced by the steam engine on the train and the use of a 1950 Chevrolet car as their hired taxi.
  12. The narrator and Grandfather had a close relationship, as evidenced by their agreement on all issues throughout the journey, indicating a harmonious bond and mutual understanding.


A. Use these verbs from the text in sentences to bring out their appropriate meanings.

1.  emerge2.snuggle3.scurry4.  smuggle
5.  lull6.perch7.squawk8.  drape
9.  double up10.bunch together   


  1. The butterfly will emerge from its cocoon soon.
  2. I love to snuggle with my teddy bear at night.
  3. The mouse will scurry away if it hears us coming.
  4. It is illegal to smuggle things across borders.
  5. The sound of the ocean waves can lull me to sleep.
  6. The bird likes to perch on the branch of the tree.
  7. The parrot loves to squawk and talk to us.
  8. The curtains drape beautifully over the window.
  9. I will double up my socks to keep my feet warm.
  10. The flowers are pretty when they bunch together.

B. List at least five more words describing manners of eating/drinking.


  1. Gobbling – eating quickly and greedily
  2. Sipping – drinking slowly in small amounts
  3. Nibbling – eating in small bites or nibbles
  4. Gulping – drinking quickly and in large quantities
  5. Munching – eating with a continuous and repetitive chewing motion


A. Choose the correct options to complete these sentences.

  1. Every child dread/dreads the darkness.
  2. He are/is the target of my caricature.
  3. Everybody is/are relaxed.
  4. The art I have chosen rub/rubs everyone the wrong way.
  5. They are/is very proud of me.
  6. Go/Goes to the market at once if you want to have breakfast.


A. 1. dreads 2. is 3. is 4. rubs 5. are 6. Go

B. Complete this letter by using the present continuous forms of the verbs in the brackets.

Dear Arun

I am    here at  last in Canada. I …………………………………………………… (have) a great time.

My semester …………………………………………………… (begin) in September.

So I …………………………………………………… (take) this opportunity to earn some money.

I …………………………………………………… (stay) with a family who had emigrated from

Kenya. I …………………………………………………… (learn) French from them. This weekend,

I …………………………………………………… (go) on a fishing trip with them.

I …………………………………………………… (enjoy) life to the  hilt here.

Do give me all the details about what you…………………………………………………………………………………………….. (do)

these days.

With love



B. am having; is beginning; am taking; am staying; am learning; am going; am enjoying; are doing

C. Complete these sentences by using the present perfect forms of the verbs in the brackets.

  1. Ram …………………………………… (answer) all the questions.
  2. Bobby …………………………………… (stop) painting.
  3. Three hours …………………………………… (pass) and the exam 1s over.
  4. The peon …………………………………… (ring) the bell.
  5. The teacher …………………………………… ( collect) all the papers.
  6. All the students …………………………………… (do) their assignments well.


C. 1. has answered 2. has stopped 3. have passed 4. has rung 5. has collected 6. have done

D. Fill in the blanks with since or for.

  1. He has not met his brother …………………………………… last year.
  2. Reena has not written to me …………………………………… a long time.
  3. I have not read a good book …………………………………… some months.
  4. The clinic has been open …………………………………… two hours.
  5. This centre has been operational …………………………………… December 2009.
  6. Our club has been organising this charity drive 1919.


D. 1. since 2. for 3. for 4. for 5. since 6. since

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