Athos Porthos and Aramis: Question and Answers Meanings Summary Class 6

The chapter extract is based on The Three Musketeers a novel written by Alexander Dumas about the adventures of a young man named D’Artagnan after he leaves his home to join the Musketeers of the Guard. It was published as a serial from March to July 1844. D’Artagnan is the main adventurous hero among other characters Athos, Prothos and Aramis.

Meanings: Athos Prothos and Aramis

Musketeera soldier of the royal French household between the 17th and the 19th centuries.बन्दूकधारी सैनिक
knock down  cause to come or go down नीचे गिराना
barely  just and not more than or almost none नाममात्र का, मुश्किल से ही
seize  to capture or take hold by force हाथ से पकड़ना या जकड़ना
intention  any pre thought out plan इरादा, मतलब
rude  not in a polite and respectful manner उद्दंड, असभ्य
bump into  to hit by accident, to meet somebody by chance अचानक मिल जाना या टकरा जाना
duel  a fight between two people with weapons to settle a quarrel द्वंद्व युद्ध
cloak  a loose outer garment कपड़ों के ऊपर पहना हुआ लबादा
demanded  asked for the answer   जवाब मांगा
run after to run to try to catch किसी के पीछे दौड़ना
pointedly  clearly and with fixed attentionसीधा आँख गड़ाते हुए  
spotted  saw, noticed or caught sight of दिख गया या देख लिया
gracious  behaving in a polite, kind and generous way especially to people of lower rank दयालु ओर शालीन स्वभाव का
intruder  someone who is in a pace he or she is not wantedघुसपैठिया, जो बिना बुलाए आ जाए या बीच में बोल पड़े
embroidered  with design on cloth made with stitches कढ़ाई किया हुआ
blush  reddening of face due to embarrassment and feeling ashamedशर्माना या लज्जा से गाल लाल हो जाना
pretend  to behave to cheat people believe something that is not true बहाना या दिखावा करना
part to move away from a person or place अलग होना या बिदा होना
tie  a match मुकाबला, प्रतियोगिता
Comfort  a sense of relief  राहत का एहसास
gong  a round piece of metal that hangs in a frame which makes a deep ringing sound when hit with a stick घंटा
second a friend who assists in a duel द्वंद्व युद्ध सहायक
astonishment  surprise आश्चर्य
Inseparables (n) friends always remaining togetherहमेशा साथ-साथ, अलग न रहने वाले
murmur   to say so quietly that others don’t understand बड़बड़ाना, फुसफुसाना
Cardinal’s guards  a soldier in the service of the French clergy in earlier times चर्च के पादरी के रक्षक
companion  a person who is with you to share, live or spend time with you साथी, मित्र
remain on feet  still continued fighting पैरों पर डटे रहना
against  in opposition के खिलाफ
surrender  to accept fault or defeat, make yourself available for arrest समर्पण, खुद को हवाले कर देना
beaten   defeated हार जाना
scabbards  a metal or leather cover for the blade of a sword तलवार की म्यान
convent  a Christian religious residence especially for nuns मठ या आश्रम

Summary: Athos Porthos and Aramis

The lesson’s story is about a young and impulsive trainee Musketeer named d’Artagnan, who manages to antagonize three senior Musketeers in just an hour. Firstly, he bumps into Athos and fails to apologize properly, then he insults Porthos’ belt while getting tangled up in his cloak, and finally, he reveals Aramis’ love affair to his acquaintances in a misguided attempt to help. Due to his rashness, d’Artagnan agrees to duel all three of them, starting at noon.

However, Athos, Porthos, and Aramis are the closest of friends, known as the Inseparables. When d’Artagnan arrives for the first duel with Athos, Porthos and Aramis join him as seconds. But before they can fight, five of the Cardinal’s guards, led by de Jussac, arrive to arrest them for breaking the law against dueling. A fight breaks out, and d’Artagnan shows great bravery as he joins the Musketeers. In the end, the four victorious men walk arm in arm, and d’Artagnan unknowingly becomes part of the Inseparables.

Exercise Answers: Athos Prothos and Aramis


A. Complete these sentences.

  1. D’Artagnan was in such a hurry because …………………………………
  2. Madame de Bois-Tracy was …………………………………
  3. When Aramis said ‘and from there, we will proceed to a quiet and lonely place’, it tells us that …………………………………
  4. The difficult situation in which d’Artagnan found himself was …………………………………
  5. Athos calls d’Artagnan ‘a man with a lot of courage’ because …………………………………
  6. The Musketeers saluted Biscarrat because …………………………………


1. He was running after the man from Meung

2. Aramis’ beloved

3. they will be fighting a duel

4. the prospect of fighting three duels in three hours

5. the latter had agreed to duel three Musketeers

6. they admired his courage and sense of honour

B. Answer these questions with reference to the context.

  1. He had barely gone down the first step when an iron hand seized him and stopped him from running down.
    a. Who is ‘he’?
    b. What happened just before?
    c. Whose iron hand was it?
  2. ‘Thanks to my eyes I can see what others do not.’
    a. Who is saying this and to whom?
    b. What has he seen?
    c. How does the other person react to this statement?
  3. ‘I believe, Sir, this kerchief belongs to you?’
    a. Who is ‘I’ and who is ‘Sir’?
    b. Why did the speaker pick up the kerchief?
    c. Whose kerchief was it?


  1. a. d’Artagnan.
    b. He had run into a deathly pale Musketeer and knocked him down.
    c. It was Athos’ iron hand.
  2. a. D’Artagnan is saying to Porthos.
    b. He has seen Porthos’ belt, which had gold in the front, but was simple leather for the rest of it.
    c. Porthos gets angry and tells d’Artagnan that he does not know how to talk to Musketeers. He
    tells d’Artagnan to meet him at one o’clock behind the Luxembourg Palace, where he will teach
    him how to speak to a Musketeer.
  3. a. ‘I’ and ‘Sir’ are d’Artagnan and Aramis, respectively.
    b. The speaker picked up the kerchief simply to be helpful.
    c. It was Madame de Bois-Tracy’s kerchief.

C. Answer these questions.

  1. Describe d’Artagnan’s encounter with Porthos.
  2. What made Aramis blush?
  3. How did the other guards react when Aramis snatched the handkerchief?
  4. What kind of a Musketeer was Athos? Give examples from the text to support your answer.
  5. Describe how the Musketeers’ opinion of d’Artagnan changed?
  6. Who was Biscarrat? What do we get to know about him?
  7. Why was d’Artagnan happy in the end?
  8. Bravery is always respected, even in an enemy. Is this the main idea of this extract? Give reasons.
  9. Do you agree that d’Artagnan had the heart and soul of a Musketeer? Give reasons.
  10. Of all the characters in this extract, who do you admire the most? Give reasons.


  1. While running to catch the man from Meung, d’Artagnan ran into Porthos who was chatting with another Musketeer on the street corner. D’Artagnan tried to pass between them, but Porthos’ cloak flew open and d’Artagnan got entangled in it. D’Artagnan noticed that Porthos’ belt was made of gold only in the front, while the rest was simple leather. When Porthos got angry and questioned d’Artagnan’s eyesight, d’Artagnan mocked him about the belt, which made Porthos even angrier. As a result, Porthos challenged d’Artagnan to a duel behind the Luxembourg Palace at one o’clock.
  2. The realization that he was carrying Madame de Bois-Tracy’s kerchief made Aramis blush.
  3. Aramis was teased by the other guards when he snatched the handkerchief.
  4. Athos was a man of strong honor, but he was also easily angered and offended. D’Artagnan’s apology for knocking him down was not enough, as he believed that d’Artagnan was deliberately trying to insult him. Athos displayed his courage during the fight with the Cardinal’s guards. He appreciated this quality in others, as seen in his admiration for Biscarrat and d’Artagnan.
  5. Initially, the Musketeers were annoyed by d’Artagnan’s behavior. He had nearly knocked down Athos, made fun of Porthos’ unfashionable belt, and exposed Aramis’ love for de Bois-Tracy. However, they had to acknowledge his bravery when he stood up to three experienced Musketeers in three duels without any assistance. Even after the fight with the Cardinal’s guards, they recognized him as having the heart and soul of a Musketeer, despite not being officially part of the group.
  6. Biscarrat was one of the Cardinal’s guards who realized during the fight with the Musketeers that he was the only one left. Despite being outnumbered, he refused to surrender his sword, as it would mean admitting defeat. Instead, he broke his sword across his knee, which earned him the respect of the Musketeers and d’Artagnan.
  7. D’Artagnan was pleased that the Musketeers had accepted him and recognized his bravery.

Perfect – Vocabulary

A. Make a pair of sentences with each of these homonyms to bring out the different meanings of these words.

  1. watch
  2. rose
  3. fair
  4. die


1. watch:

  • I like to watch movies on my big screen TV.
  • Please watch my dog while I’m out of town?

2. rose:

  • She gave her mother a bouquet of roses for her birthday.
  • He rose from his seat and walked towards the door.

3. fair:

  • The fair is coming to town next week and I can’t wait to go on the rides.
  • It’s not fair that some people have more opportunities than others.

4. die:

  • He watched his grandmother die peacefully in her sleep.
  • If you don’t water your plants, they will die.

B. Guess the homographs being referred to from the explanations provided.

  1. a weapon used for shooting arrows
    the act of bending forward to show respect
  2. the part of the pencil that makes the mark take charge
  3. water that comes out of one’s eye np
  4. sixty seconds very small
  5. things or ideas or information that is contained satisfied

Ans. 1. bow 2. lead 3. tear 4. minute 5. content

C. Fill in the blanks with the correct homophones from the box.

sea-see,  feet-feat,  bear-bare,  piece-peace,  fare-fair

  1. Not only were his clothes torn, but his were
    . too.
  2. Joao found ……………………………… in his villa by the ………………………………
  3. Most people went to the circus to ……………………………… the wrestler’s ……………………………… of strength.
  4. The steep increase in the train ……………………………… on this route 1s
    certainly not ……………………………….
  5. It is only after Tulsi’s rudeness became too much to that I gave her a ……………………………… of my mind .

Ans. 1. feet; bare 2. peace; sea 3. see; feat 4. fare; fair 5. bear; piece


A. Fill in the blanks with the correct interrogative pronouns.

  1. …………………………………………… is supposed to take care of these plants?
  2. …………………………………………… is the train to Darjeeling arriving?
  3. …………………………………………… would you like to vote for?
  4. …………………………………………… performance did you like the best?
  5. …………………………………………… has the weather been like here?
  6. …………………………………………… is the largest mammal in the world?


1. Who

2. When

3. Whom

4. Which

5. How

6. Which

B. Use the correct forms of the verbs to go with the indefinite pronouns used m these sentences.

  1. Everyone ………………………… (enjoy/enjoys) a good film.
  2. No one ………………………… (know/knows) when the rain will stop.
  3. Few ………………………… (has/have) visited this museum.
  4. Most of the books ………………………… (have/has) been sold.
  5. Several stories written by her ………………………… (have/has) been published.
  6. …………………………. (Has/Have) someone got the keys?


1. enjoys

2. knows

3. have

4. have

5. have

6. Has

C. Say whether the highlighted words in these sentences are demonstrative pronouns (P) or demonstrative adjectives (A).

  1. This is a gift from my teacher.
  2. That is the Red Fort.
  3. Those huts were built by us.
  4. What was that noise?
  5. These are lame excuses.
  6. Put these flowers in the vase.


1. P

2. A

3. P

4. P

5. A

6. A


A. Your friend from another town will be visiting you. Email her/him the directions from the bus terminus to your house.
Here are a few things to keep in mind.
• Write a salutation and a simple introductory line before starting on the directions.
• Make the instructions as vivid as possible. In addition to left turns, right turns etc, mention landmarks that she/he can refer to.
• Alert her/him about specific things she/he might encounter such as bad roads, heavy traffic or one-way lanes.
• Include a valediction before you end.


Subject: Directions from the Bus Terminus to My House

Dear friend,

I am so excited to hear that you’ll be visiting me soon! Here are the directions from the bus terminus to my house:

  • Exit the bus terminus and turn left onto Main Street.
  • Walk straight for about 5 blocks until you reach the big red post office on your right.
  • Turn right at the post office onto Oak Street.
  • Walk down Oak Street for 2 blocks until you reach the intersection with Elm Street.
  • Turn left onto Elm Street.
  • Continue on Elm Street until you reach the corner with Maple Avenue.
  • Turn right onto Maple Avenue and my house is the third one on the left, with a green door and a white fence.

Please note that the roads in this area can be quite bumpy and uneven, so watch your step. Also, be aware of heavy traffic during rush hour and some one-way streets in the area.

Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Best regards

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