Class 9 History Question Answers-Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution

CBSE Class 9 NCERT History Chapter 2-‘Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution’ Question Answers and solutions to Activity related intext questions are given here. You can click here to study more on class 9 history.

Activities: Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution

Activities: Page – 48

1. Imagine that you are a striking worker in 1905 who is being tried in court for your act of rebellion. Draft the speech you would make in your defence. Act out your speech for your class.

Answers; Activity 1: Speech of a Striking Worker in 1905

Ladies and gentlemen of the court,

I stand before you today not as a criminal, but as a worker seeking justice and fairness. I, like many others, have chosen to raise my voice against the unjust working conditions that have plagued us for far too long.

As a worker, I toil day in and day out to earn a meagre wage that barely sustains my family. We work long hours in hazardous environments, often risking our lives to make ends meet. We have pleaded with our employers for better wages, reasonable working hours, and safer conditions, but our cries have fallen on deaf ears.

We are not rebels or anarchists; we are simply seeking a better life for ourselves and our families. We are tired of being treated as mere commodities, exploited by those who care only for their own profits. Our struggle is not just for ourselves; it is for the dignity and rights of every worker in this country.

Our actions may be seen as a rebellion, but they are born out of desperation. We have no other recourse but to demand change in whatever way we can. The fault does not lie with us, the workers; it lies with a system that values profit over human lives.

I implore you to consider the suffering of the working class and to understand that our actions are driven by the desire for a fair and just society. We are not enemies of the state; we are its heart and soul. If we are given the respect and rights we deserve, we will work harder and contribute to the progress of this nation.

I ask for your empathy and understanding, for you too are part of this society. Our struggle is not against the law; it is against the oppression and injustice that have plagued us for too long. Let us work together to build a nation that values its workers and treats them with the respect they deserve.

Thank you.

2. Write the headline and a short news item about the uprising of 24 October 1917 for each of the following newspapers

  • a Conservative paper in France
  • a Radical newspaper in Britain
  • a Bolshevik newspaper in Russia

Answer: Activity 2: Newspaper Headlines and News Items

Conservative Paper in France: Headline:

“Bolshevik Coup Plunges Russia into Chaos and Anarchy”

News Item: In a shocking turn of events, Bolshevik forces led by Vladimir Lenin staged an armed uprising on 24 October 1917, overthrowing the Provisional Government in Petrograd. The capital is now under the control of these radical socialists, raising concerns about the stability of the region. The Bolsheviks have seized power, dismantling traditional institutions, and threatening to spread their socialist ideology worldwide. The situation is being closely monitored by European nations.

Radical Newspaper in Britain: Headline:

“Bolshevik Revolution Triumphs, Workers Seize Power in Petrograd”

News Item: The workers’ struggle for equality and justice in Russia has achieved a momentous victory. On 24 October 1917, the Petrograd Soviet, supported by the Bolsheviks, successfully overthrew the Provisional Government. The people of Petrograd have taken control of their destiny, demanding an end to exploitation and oppression. The revolutionary spirit is spreading across Russia, inspiring hope for a brighter future where workers’ rights are upheld.

Bolshevik Newspaper in Russia: Headline:

“Workers’ Uprising: Triumph of the Revolution!”

News Item: Comrades, rejoice! The long-awaited day has arrived when the workers of Petrograd rose in unison, overthrowing the oppressive Provisional Government. On 24 October 1917, the Petrograd Soviet, guided by the Bolshevik Party, claimed victory for the working class. The people have taken power into their own hands, aiming to build a society free from exploitation and inequality. Let the world know that the workers’ revolution has begun, and the socialist cause will not be quelled!

3. Imagine that you are a middle-level wheat farmer in Russia after collectivisation. You have decided to write a letter to Stalin explaining your objections to collectivisation. What would you write about the conditions of your life? What do you think would be Stalin’s response to such a farmer?


[Sender’s Name]

Dear Comrade Stalin,

I hope this letter finds you well and in good health. I am writing to you as a middle-level wheat farmer in Russia to express my deep concerns and objections regarding the policy of collectivisation.

While I understand the government’s intentions to modernise agriculture and increase production, I feel compelled to share the hardships and challenges we, the farmers, are facing under the collectivisation program. Firstly, the forced collectivisation has disrupted our traditional way of life and our connection to the land we have tilled for generations. It is not easy for us to give up our individual farms and join collective farms, where we are required to work under new and unfamiliar conditions.

Moreover, the implementation of collectivisation has not been smooth, leading to conflicts and discontent among farmers. We are experiencing resistance and upheaval, which not only affects the morale of the farming community but also hampers our productivity. Many of us feel frustrated and disheartened, leading to a decline in our enthusiasm for work.

The collective farms lack proper management and adequate resources. The decision-making process often becomes bureaucratic and slow, causing delays and inefficiencies. As a result, we are unable to make timely decisions about planting, harvesting, and other agricultural practices, affecting our yields and income.

Additionally, we face shortages of essential resources such as fertilisers, seeds, and machinery, which are vital for increasing agricultural output. The lack of proper infrastructure, such as storage facilities and transportation, hinders our ability to take full advantage of our harvests and reach wider markets.

Furthermore, the allocation of profits from the collective farms is not always fair and transparent. We, the hardworking farmers, deserve to be adequately compensated for our efforts, but it often feels as though our contributions are undervalued.

I implore you, Comrade Stalin, to reconsider the policies of collectivisation and listen to the grievances of the farmers. While we understand the importance of modernisation and socialism, the current approach is causing immense hardships and discontent among us. We are willing to work for the betterment of the nation, but we request that our voices be heard, and our concerns addressed.

I sincerely hope that you will take our plight into consideration and work towards finding a more balanced and sustainable approach to agricultural reform. Your wisdom and guidance are crucial in shaping the future of our great nation.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter, and I hope that my words will reach your compassionate heart.

Yours sincerely,

[Sender’s Name]

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