In a Wood on a Windy Day Poem Question & Answers

In a Wood on a Windy Day’ Question & Answers: Here you will get answers to textbook questions based on the poem “In A Wood on A Windy Day”. Click here to see stanza wise explanation, glossary & Poetic devices.


  1. The speaker’s spirit is _______ .
  2. The sunlight is bouncing off the ________ .
  3. The branches of the bare trees are _______ .
  4. The wind is _______ the dead leaves around.


  1. The speaker’s spirit is soaring.
  2. The sunlight is bouncing off the grass/dry / withered grass.
  3. The branches of the bare trees are moving up and down.
  4. The wind is merrily dancing the dead leaves around.
  1. Why is the speaker’s soul awakened?
  2. Why are the clouds moving quickly across the sky?
  3. And hear the wild roar of their thunder to-day. Whose “wild roar does the speaker want to hear? Why does she want to hear it on that day?


  1. The speaker’s soul is awakened because she is feeling the excitement and joy of the windy day in the woods.
  2. The clouds are moving quickly across the sky because of the strong wind.
  3. The speaker wants to hear the “wild roar of their thunder” from the proud waves of the ocean. She wants to hear it on that day to experience the powerful and exciting sounds of nature.

Another set of Answers:

  1. The speaker’s soul is awakened because the wild wind is roaring, making everything around her feel alive and exciting. The wind fills her with joy and energy.
  2. The clouds are moving quickly across the sky because of the strong wind.
  3. The speaker wants to hear the “wild roar of their thunder” from the ocean’s waves. She desires this because she believes that the ocean waves are crashing with great force and making a loud, thunder-like noise on that particular day.

Do you think the day seems so windy because the speaker’s soul is awakened and her spirit is soaring or is it the other way round? Give reasons for your answer.

Answer: The day seems windy because the speaker’s soul is awakened and her spirit is soaring. Her description of the wind making everything around her come alive and vibrant suggests that her feelings and emotions are influencing how she perceives the day. The windy day is a reflection of her inner excitement and happiness.

Another Answer:

The day seems windy because the speaker’s soul is awakened, and her spirit is soaring. The reason for this is that the poet first describes her awakened spirit and soaring soul and then mentions how the wind and nature respond to her inner feelings. The wind roars, and everything in nature seems lively and joyful in response to her awakened spirit. So, it’s the speaker’s inner emotions that are causing the wind and nature to be so windy and lively.

Appreciating the Poem

We use the -ing form of verbs to show an action is unfinished and continues to happen. The speaker has used several words ending with -ing.

Answer: The speaker uses words ending with -ing to show ongoing actions and create a sense of movement and liveliness in the poem. These -ing words help convey the dynamic and energetic atmosphere of the windy day in the woods, making the reader feel the same sense of excitement and joy that the speaker is experiencing.

Another Answer:

The use of words ending with -ing in the poem helps convey ongoing actions and a sense of liveliness in the natural world. These -ing words make the poem more dynamic and capture the energy of the windy day. For example, “merrily dancing” and “tossing their branches on high” show that even inanimate objects like leaves and trees seem to be animated and full of life because of the wind.

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