‘A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal’ Poem Question & Answers CBSE Class 9 English

Question & Answers of the poem “A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal” are given here to help students. Click here for explanation & Notes on “A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal”.

Question & Answers of ‘A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal’

Thinking about the Poem

Q. 1. “A slumber did my spirit seal,” says the poet. That is, a deep sleep ‘closed off’ his soul (or mind). How does the poet react to his loved one’s death? Does he feel bitter grief ? Or does he feel a great peace?

Q. 2. The passing of time will no longer affect her, says the poet. Which lines of the poem say this?

Q. 3. How does the poet imagine her to be, after death? Does he think of her as a person living in a very happy state (a ‘heaven’)? Or does he see her now as a part of nature? In which lines of the poem do you find your answer?


Ans. 1. The poet’s reaction to his loved one’s death is complex, not easily defined as simply “bitter grief” or “great peace.” Here’s a breakdown:

  • Initial denial: The “slumber” suggests a state of blissful ignorance about death and his loved one’s mortality. He might have felt secure and protected from these realities.
  • Shattered illusion: When faced with her death, the “slumber” breaks, and the harshness of reality hits him. This likely brings pain and sorrow.
  • Acceptance and potential solace: The poem doesn’t explicitly show “great peace,” but there’s a hint of acceptance. Imagining her as part of the eternal flow of nature might bring some comfort, knowing she’s no longer bound to earthly suffering. The speaker acknowledges the inevitability of death and the impermanence of life. This acceptance might bring a sense of peace, not necessarily joy, but a quiet understanding of the larger cycle.

Therefore, the reaction is a mix of grief, acceptance, and perhaps a glimmer of solace in the face of death.

Ans. 2. These lines suggest the loved one is no longer affected by the passage of time. Death has frozen her beyond its influence:

  • “No motion has she now, no force; / She neither hears nor sees;” (Lines 3-4)
  • “Rolled round in earth’s diurnal course / With rocks and stones and trees.” (Lines 7-8)

These lines depict her stillness and lack of interaction with the world, signifying her transcendence from earthly limitations, including the passage of time.

Ans. 3. The poet doesn’t explicitly depict a “heaven” but rather portrays her as part of nature:

  • Line 7: “Rolled round in earth’s diurnal course” emphasises her connection to the Earth’s natural cycle.
  • Line 8: “With rocks and stones and trees” further strengthens her association with the natural world.

Therefore, the poem doesn’t describe a specific afterlife but suggests a peaceful integration into the eternal cycle of nature, offering a different kind of solace. 

This doesn’t necessarily imply a blissful state, but rather a new existence beyond human understanding. The poem leaves it open to interpretation, allowing readers to imagine their own version of her afterlife.

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