Rain on The Roof Poem Question Answers Class 9

Rain on The Roof Poem Question Answers: ‘Rain on the Roof’ poem written by Coates Kinney is a part of NCERT Class 9 English Reader ‘Beehive’. Here we are giving standard quality answers to textbook exercise questions on the poem ‘Rain on the Roof’. Click here for its explanation and other study materials.

Rain on The Roof’ NCERT Question Answers

Thinking about the Poem (Page 42)

I. 1. What do the following phrases mean to you? Discuss in class.

  • (i) humid shadows
  • (ii) starry spheres
  • (iii) what a bliss
  • (iv) a thousand dreamy fancies into busy being start
  • (v) a thousand recollections weave their air-threads into woof


  • (i) Humid Shadows: “Humid shadows” refers to the dark, damp, and moist feeling that accompanies the rain. It sets the tone for a muggy and atmospheric environment when rain is about to fall.
  • (ii) Starry Spheres: “Starry spheres” represents the night sky filled with stars. It suggests the vastness and beauty of the cosmos, creating a celestial and dreamy atmosphere.
  • (iii) What a Bliss: “What a bliss” expresses a feeling of immense joy, happiness, and contentment. It signifies the poet’s delight and satisfaction in the given situation.
  • (iv) A Thousand Dreamy Fancies into Busy Being Start: This phrase describes how the sound of raindrops on the roof triggers the poet’s imagination and leads to the emergence of numerous daydreams and fantasies.
  • (v) A Thousand Recollections Weave Their Air-Threads into Woof: This phrase indicates that the sound of rain on the roof brings forth countless memories that interweave like threads, forming a fabric (woof) of intertwined recollections.

2. What does the poet like to do when it rains?

Ans. The poet likes to lie in a cottage-chamber bed and listen to the patter of soft raindrops falling on the roof. He finds bliss and comfort in this simple act, and it brings him joy and contentment.

3. What is the single major memory that comes to the poet? Who are the “darling dreamers” he refers to?

Ans. The single major memory that comes to the poet is of his mother. He remembers how she used to watch over him and his siblings fondly before they went to sleep, referring to them as the “darling dreamers.” The memory of his mother’s loving presence is evoked by the sound of the rain on the roof.

4. Is the poet now a child? Is his mother still alive?

Ans. From the poem, it is not explicitly stated whether the poet is currently a child or an adult. However, since he mentions memories of his mother, it can be inferred that the poet is no longer a child. As for his mother’s current status, the poem doesn’t provide specific information. The mention of her in past tense (“used in years agone”) suggests that she may no longer be alive, but this cannot be confirmed definitively based solely on the poem’s content.

II. 1. When you were a young child, did your mother tuck you in, as the poet’s did?

Answer: (Students should write here their own answers. We are giving here a sample answer.)

Yes, my mother always tucked me in just like the poet’s did! It was so cozy and comforting to have her there before I went to sleep. I loved feeling safe and loved as she made sure I was all snug in bed.

2. Do you like rain? What do you do when it rains steadily or heavily as described in the poem?

Answer: (Students should write here their own answers. We are giving here a sample answer.)

Oh, I absolutely love the rain! It’s so much fun and refreshing. When it rains steadily or heavily like in the poem, I like to stay indoors, preferably in my cozy bed or by the window with a warm blanket. I listen to the sound of raindrops falling on the roof, and it makes me feel so calm and peaceful. Sometimes, I may even daydream or imagine exciting stories while I enjoy the rainy weather from the comfort of my home. Rainy days are the best!

3. Does everybody have a cosy bed to lie in when it rains? Look around you and describe how different kinds of people or animals spend time, seek shelter etc. during rain.

Answer: (Students should write here their own answers. We are giving here a sample answer.)

Not everyone has a cozy bed like the one described in the poem when it rains. People and animals around us have various ways of spending time and seeking shelter during rainy weather. Here are some examples:

  1. Some people may have comfortable beds in their homes, just like the poet in the poem. They would stay indoors, relax, and enjoy the soothing sound of rain.
  2. Homeless individuals may seek shelter in public spaces, under bridges, or in temporary shelters provided by organizations to protect themselves from the rain.
  3. Some people who work or travel outdoors might wear raincoats, use umbrellas, or find temporary shelters to stay dry.
  4. Farmers and gardeners may be happy about the rain as it nourishes their crops and plants.
  5. Animals might find shelter under trees, inside their burrows, or in nests during the rain. Birds may huddle together in their nests to stay warm and dry.
  6. Pets, like dogs and cats, may find a cozy spot inside the house or stay close to their human companions during rainy weather.
  7. In urban areas, rainwater may flow into drains and sewers, preventing flooding.
  8. People in some regions might celebrate the rain with cultural or religious significance, seeing it as a blessing for their land.

It’s important to remember that people’s experiences during the rain can vary greatly depending on their living conditions, resources, and environment. Some might find the rain enjoyable and comforting, while others may face challenges in dealing with it.

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