The Happy Prince Question & Answers Class 9 English

The Happy Prince Question & Answers Class 9 English: Get here solutions to questions given in the NCERT class 9 Textbook “Moments”. Click here for more study materials for Class 9 English.


1. Why do the courtiers call the prince ‘the Happy Prince’? Is he really happy? What does he see all around him?

Ans. The courtiers call the prince ‘the Happy Prince’ because he was always seen with a smile on his lips. However, he is not really happy. After his death, his spirit resides in the statue, and from his elevated position, he sees all the misery, poverty, and suffering in the city. He witnesses the struggles and hardships of the people, which deeply sadden him.

2. Why does the Happy Prince send a ruby for the seamstress? What does the swallow do in the seamstress’ house?

Ans. The Happy Prince sends a ruby for the seamstress because he sees her working hard to embroider flowers on a satin gown for the Queen’s maid of honour. The seamstress is poor and cannot afford to buy food or medicine for her sick son. The swallow, following the Happy Prince’s instructions, takes the ruby to the seamstress’ house. Inside, the swallow places the ruby on the table near the seamstress’s thimble and fans the sick boy’s forehead with its wings, providing comfort.

3. For whom does the prince send the sapphires and why?

Ans. The prince sends the sapphires to help a struggling playwright who is trying to finish a play for the Director of the Theatre. The playwright is cold and hungry, unable to write due to his discomfort. The sapphires are sold to buy firewood so that the playwright can complete his play.

4. What does the swallow see when it flies over the city?

Ans. When the swallow flies over the city, it sees the stark contrast between the rich and the poor. It observes the affluent making merry in their beautiful houses while the beggars sit at the gates. The swallow also ventures into dark lanes, where it witnesses the pale faces of starving children looking out listlessly at the black streets. The swallow’s aerial view reveals the city’s harsh realities.

5. Why did the swallow not leave the prince and go to Egypt?

Ans. The swallow did not leave the prince and go to Egypt because it was deeply moved by the prince’s compassion and selflessness. The swallow’s heart was filled with pity for the prince and the people of the city. Despite the impending winter and the allure of warm climates in Egypt, the swallow chose to stay with the Happy Prince, demonstrating unwavering loyalty and friendship.

6. What are the precious things mentioned in the story? Why are they precious?

Ans. The precious things mentioned in the story include the Happy Prince’s gold, sapphires, and ruby. They are considered precious because of their material value. Additionally, the leaden heart of the Happy Prince and the dead swallow become precious in a symbolic sense. The leaden heart represents the prince’s compassion, and the dead swallow represents loyalty and selflessness. These symbolic elements become precious in the eyes of God, signifying the deeper spiritual values of kindness and sacrifice.


The little swallow says, “It is curious, but I feel quite warm now, although it is so cold.” Have you ever had such a feeling? Share your experience with your friends.

Ans. “In the story ‘The Happy Prince,’ the little swallow expresses surprise at feeling warm despite the cold weather. While I don’t have personal experiences, I understand that this feeling could be metaphorical, symbolizing the warmth that comes from doing something kind or selfless for others. Just like the swallow finds warmth in its act of compassion, many people feel a heartwarming sense of fulfilment when they help others in need. Acts of kindness, whether big or small, often create a sense of inner warmth and satisfaction, strengthening bonds and fostering a sense of community among friends and strangers alike.”

Here is my Experience (A sample story)

Once upon a time, in a small town nestled among rolling hills, lived a young girl named Lily. Despite the town’s picturesque surroundings, the bitter winter winds often left the people feeling cold and isolated. However, Lily was different. She possessed a heart as warm as the sun, and her kindness knew no bounds.

One chilly evening, as snowflakes gently fell from the sky, Lily noticed an elderly woman, Mrs. Thompson, struggling to carry her groceries home. Without a second thought, Lily rushed to help her, carrying the bags and offering her arm for support. Mrs. Thompson, grateful for the assistance, smiled warmly at Lily, and a newfound friendship blossomed between them.

Word of Lily’s kindness spread throughout the town, inspiring others to perform acts of goodwill. Soon, a group of children started a community initiative, collecting warm clothes and blankets to distribute among the less fortunate. Families opened their doors to those in need, providing hot meals and a comforting place to stay. The once-cold town was now filled with the warmth of compassion and unity.

One day, as winter tightened its grip, a fierce snowstorm hit the town. Many families found themselves trapped in their homes, unable to venture out for supplies. Lily, always ready to help, rallied her friends and neighbours. Together, they formed a team, braving the icy winds and deep snowdrifts to deliver food, blankets, and medicine to those in need.

During their mission, they discovered an abandoned, shivering puppy, left alone in the snow. Lily, her heart melting at the sight, carefully scooped up the tiny creature and wrapped it in her scarf. Determined to find the pup a loving home, she spread the word, and soon, a kind family adopted the puppy, naming it Snowdrop in honour of the snowstorm that brought them together.

As the storm subsided and spring approached, the town was forever changed. The once-cold streets now echoed with laughter, friendship, and the warmth of shared experiences. Lily and her friends had not only helped their neighbours but had also forged an unbreakable bond of compassion among them.

In the heart of that little town, amidst the warmth of newfound friendships and the shared joy of helping others, Lily realized that the truest warmth came not from the sun but from the kindness that people showed to one another. And so, the town continued to thrive, its spirit forever warmed by the memory of a winter that brought them together and taught them the true meaning of community and love.

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