The Sky Poem Question & Answers Class 5 English Book Magnolia

“The Sky” Poem Question & Answers of Class 5 English Book Magnolia are given here. Click here for “The Sky” Poem’s Notes & Explanations along with poetic devices.

Textbook Exercise Q/Ans.

A. Understanding the Poem

The speaker saw the blue jay on the ground.
b. The sky appeared to be moving away from the speaker.
c. The sky was chained to the poplars.
d. The sky sometimes descends to meet the earth.

Ans. a. The speaker saw the blue jay on the ground. – F
b. The sky appeared to be moving away from the speaker. – T
c. The sky was chained to the poplars. – F
d. The sky sometimes descends to meet the earth. – F

  • a. What did the speaker see on the ground?
  • b. Why did the speaker look up? What did he/she see?
  • c. How did the sky look to the speaker?
  • d. According to the speaker, why does the sky never come down?


a. The speaker saw a shadow on the ground.
b. The speaker looked up because a shadow went across the ground, and he/she saw the sky.
c. The sky looked like it was moving away and never stopping.
d. According to the speaker, the sky never comes down because it always seems to be slipping back and getting far away.

B. Reference to Context

  1. It hung up on the poplar tree,
    But while I looked it did not stay
    a. What does ‘it’ refer to?
    b. Why does the speaker think ‘it’ hangs on the poplar tree?
    c. What happened to ‘it’ as the speaker looked on?
  2. And farther on and farther on
    It moved and never seemed to stop.
    a. What is moving farther on?
    b. Why does it appear to be moving continuously?


  1. It hung up on the poplar tree,
    a. ‘It’ refers to the sky.
    b. The speaker thinks the sky hangs on the poplar tree, metaphorically suggesting a momentary pause or delay in its movement.
    c. As the speaker looked on, the sky did not stay; it moved a little bit away.
  2. And farther on and farther on
    a. The sky is moving farther on.
    b. It appears to be moving continuously because the speaker observes it moving “farther on and farther on,” implying a constant, uninterrupted motion.

Another Answer:

1. It hung up on the poplar tree,

  • a. ‘It’ refers to the sky.
  • b. The speaker thinks the sky hangs on the poplar tree, using a playful and imaginative description.
  • c. As the speaker looked on, the sky did not stay on the poplar tree but moved a little bit away.

2. And farther on and farther on

  • a. ‘It’ (the sky) is moving farther on.
  • b. It appears to be moving continuously, possibly symbolizing the perpetual motion of the sky and the forces that govern it.

C. Vocabulary Enrichment

Ans. The rhyme scheme of the poem is: ABAB

Ans. Different colors and shades of the sky at various times of the day may include:

  • Morning: Pink, orange, and blue hues.
  • Afternoon: Bright blue.
  • Evening: Red, orange, and purple during sunset.
  • Night: Dark blue or black with stars.

Another Answer:

  • Morning: Shades of pink, orange, and purple during sunrise.
  • Afternoon: Bright blue with white clouds.
  • Evening: Sunset colours like red, orange, and pink.
  • Night: Dark blue or black with stars.

D. Discussion and Creative Writing

Sample Ans. 1:

The most beautiful time of the day, in my opinion, is the evening, especially during sunset. As the sun dips below the horizon, the sky transforms into a breathtaking canvas of warm and vibrant colours. The combination of fiery oranges, deep reds, and soft purples creates a mesmerising spectacle. The clouds often catch these hues, casting a soft glow across the sky. The transition from daylight to dusk is magical, and for a fleeting moment, it feels like nature is painting a masterpiece. The tranquility of the evening sky, coupled with the gradual darkening of the landscape, makes it a time of beauty and reflection.

Sample Ans. 2:

I find the sky most beautiful during the evening, especially during sunset. As the sun begins its descent, the sky transforms into a canvas of warm hues, ranging from vibrant oranges and pinks to deep purples. The transition of colours creates a breathtaking panorama, casting a gentle glow on the surroundings. The sun’s rays dance across the clouds, painting them in a myriad of shades. It’s a serene and magical moment, evoking a sense of tranquillity and wonder. The beauty of the evening sky, with its changing colors and the promise of a peaceful night, never fails to captivate my senses and leave me in awe of nature’s artistry.

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