‘Intergalactic Idol’ Lesson Glossary Notes and Explanations

Intergalactic Idol : The Tale of the Alien Encounter! Get ready for a cosmic journey filled with twists, turns, and extraterrestrial surprises! In our captivating story, a diligent student finds themselves thrust into a world beyond imagination when an alien spaceship lands in their garden. Join the escapade as we delve into the fantastic encounters, intergalactic contests, and unexpected challenges that unfold in this cosmic tale. The explanations along with glossary would help in understanding the text and themes of the story.

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The story unfolds with the a student, engrossed in doing his Maths homework at his desk when a sudden and loud crash draws his attention. Investigating further, he discovers an alien spaceship in his garden. The hatch of the spaceship opens, revealing Ynos Bandmanager V2.6, an alien in need of help.

Ynos explains that it needs the student’s assistance to participate in the Intergalactic Idol contest on the planet Arkstaro Two. The student agrees, and they embark on a journey through a wormhole, a space-time warp facilitating quick travel. Upon reaching Arkstaro Two, the student realizes he has to be a singer in the contest, representing Earth.

The Intergalactic Idol contest is a grand event in a massive amphitheatre, attracting beings from hundreds of planets. The first contestant, a sound-assassin from Homisonic, performs with lethal sound waves, resulting in the demise of two competitors. The student, singing ‘Heartbreak Hotel,’ doesn’t excel but benefits from the diverse audience with varying tastes.

Despite coming in second, the student faces new challenges. Ynos points out a lack of a safe home delivery contract, and Oogba Lopp‘s daughter claims they are married due to a perceived connection during the performance. To escape this predicament, the student uses a thimble, salt, and clever tactics while hiding in a crate of poisonous lobsters.

On the journey back home, the spaceship faces another ambush by Zigibvox, causing minor damage and a leak in the Ziggonium tank. The student returns home just in time for school but encounters a dilemma. To prevent being sucked into space, the student stuffs a hole in the spaceship with the nearest object – his Maths notebook.

The story concludes with the student explaining to Mrs Gupta, presumably a teacher, why he doesn’t has his Maths homework – a humorous twist resulting from using the notebook to patch a hole in the spaceship.

Intergalactic Goal: Glossary & Explanations


  1. Anguish: Strong feelings of distress or suffering.
  2. Ear-splitting crash: Extremely loud and piercing, capable of causing discomfort or pain to the ears.
  3. Raced out: Moved quickly or hurriedly.
  4. Pausing: Briefly stopping or hesitating.
  5. Gulping: Swallowing quickly or audibly
  6. Pointing: Directing attention or indicating with a finger
  7. Gulping and pointing: Swallowing quickly and directing attention with a finger.
  8. Catch my breath: Taking a moment to breathe and recover, especially after physical exertion or excitement.
  9. Never seen anything like this before: Experiencing something completely new or unfamiliar
  10. Alien spaceship: A vehicle from outer space, possibly carrying extraterrestrial beings.


Ans. it’s open-ended and can be answered differently depending upon the reader’s imaginative perceptions. The story seems to take an unexpected turn with the appearance of an alien spaceship. The next events could involve the protagonist’s (the students’s) interaction with the alien, attempts to understand the situation, or perhaps a series of unforeseen events. The outcome depends on the direction the writer wants to take the narrative.


  1. Hatch: An opening or door, often on a vehicle, that can be opened or closed.
  2. Pelican: A large water bird with a distinctive long beak and a throat pouch.
  3. Tentacles: Long, flexible, and often slender extensions or appendages, similar to those of an octopus.
  4. Spirally things, like springs: Coiled or winding structures resembling springs.
  5. Bounced out: Jumped or leaped energetically.
  6. Saluted: A gesture of respect or greeting, often involving raising one’s hand to the forehead.
  7. Realized: Became aware or understood.
  8. Struggling: Experiencing difficulty or effort.
  9. Yelling: Shouting loudly.
  10. Cleared its throat: Made a noise, often by coughing, to prepare for speaking.
  11. Ynos Bandmanager V2.6: Name of the being from the spaceship.
  12. Summarize briefly: To provide a short and concise overview.
  13. Planet Arkstaro Two: A fictional planet mentioned in the text.
  14. Intergalactic Idol: An intergalactic music contest.
  15. Galaxy’s champion: The representative or winner of a galaxy in a competition.
  16. Intergalactic celebrity: A famous figure recognized across different galaxies.
  17. Violation: Breaking a rule or agreement.
  18. Intergalactic peace treaty: An agreement between different galaxies to maintain peace.
  19. Ambushed: Attacked by surprise.
  20. Zigibvox: The name of an evil warlord mentioned in the text.
  21. Ziggonium tank: A component or device on the spaceship.
  22. Crashed: Experienced a sudden and violent impact.
  23. High Council: A governing body with significant authority.
  24. Elvis: A reference to the famous singer Elvis Presley, suggesting that he might have been taken to participate in the intergalactic contest in the past.


Ans. The narrator is likely referring to the idea that the last time the intergalactic music contest (Intergalactic Idol) was won, it was by a singer from Earth (the narrator’s planet). The alien, Ynos Bandmanager V2.6, was originally sent to find the king of Earth to be the galaxy’s champion in the contest. However, due to unforeseen circumstances and the narrator’s encounter with the alien, the narrator is now chosen to represent Earth in the competition. The mention of Elvis at the end is likely a humorous remark, suggesting that Elvis Presley might have been the previous winner or the king of Earth in the context of the intergalactic music contest.


  1. Stupid discussion: A pointless or unintelligent discussion.
  2. Clutching: Holding tightly or firmly.
  3. Wormhole: A theoretical tunnel in space-time that connects two separate points, allowing for faster travel.
  4. Space-time warp: A distortion or bending of the fabric of space and time.
  5. Metro: An underground railway system, often used for public transportation in cities.
  6. Quick and easy access: Convenient and efficient entry to a destination.
  7. Generations of travellers: Successive groups of people traveling over time.
  8. Contest: A competition or event where participants showcase their skills or talents.
  9. Killed otherwise: Ynos would have faced a dire consequence if they had not arrived in time.
  10. Space adventures: Exciting or extraordinary experiences in outer space.
  11. Completely magnificent amphitheatre: A grand and impressive open-air venue for performances or contests.
  12. Sound-assassin: A being with the ability to use sound waves as a lethal(deadly) force.
  13. Homisonic: A fictional planet mentioned in the text.
  14. Lethal physical force: Deadly or harmful energy exerted through physical means.
  15. Headless: Losing one’s head, often used metaphorically.
  16. Autographs: A person’s signature, often sought after as a memento.
  17. Security troopers: Personnel responsible for ensuring safety and security.
  18. Dramatically increased: Rose significantly or prominently.
  19. Sore throat: Discomfort or pain in the throat, affecting the ability to sing.
  20. Invoke: Call upon or evoke a particular feeling or memory (किसी विशेष भावना या याद को बुलाना या जगाना).
  21. Nostalgia: a feeling of pleasure and also slight sadness when you think about things that happened in the past. खुशी की भावना और हल्की उदासी भी जब आप अतीत में हुई चीजों के बारे में सोचते हैं।
  22. Elvis nostalgia: A longing or sentimental feeling related to Elvis Presley and his music.
  23. Confess: Admitting a truth or acknowledging a fact.
  24. Heartbreak Hotel: A well-known song, likely referring to a famous track by Elvis Presley.
  25. Runner-up: The contestant who finishes in second place.
  26. Life-forms: Various types of living beings.
  27. Similar tastes in music: Shared preferences in musical styles.
  28. On-stage presence: The way a performer carries themselves while on stage.
  29. Easier on the eye: More visually appealing or attractive.


Ans. It’s difficult to predict the exact ending of the story. However, there are a few possibilities based on the current situation:

  1. The protagonist (the student), despite not being a good singer, may win or become the runner-up in the intergalactic music contest due to the unique circumstances, such as the elimination of other contestants.
  2. The story might take an unexpected turn, introducing new challenges or events that could impact the outcome of the contest.
  3. Ynos, the being from the spaceship, may play a crucial role in resolving the situation or influencing the judges’ decision in favour of the protagonist.
  4. The story could continue with more space adventures, exploring the consequences of the protagonist’s participation in the contest and the implications for the galaxy.


  1. Music-wise: Referring to musical ability or talent.
  2. Drumsticks: Sticks used for playing drums.
  3. Rhythms: Repeated patterns of sound or beats.
  4. Antennae: Sensory appendages on certain insects or animals.
  5. Harp: A musical instrument with strings played by plucking.
  6. Shut up: Became quiet or silent.
  7. Across frequencies: Appealing to a wide range of musical styles.
  8. Across tastes: Pleasing to different preferences & likings of different people.
  9. Across space: Attracting attention from various locations.
  10. Rigged: Manipulated or fixed in an unfair way.
  11. Difficult: Uncooperative or challenging.
  12. Contract: A formal agreement between parties.
  13. Safe home delivery: Ensuring a secure return to one’s home.
  14. Sticky: Difficult or problematic.
  15. Daughter of Oogba Lopp of Stimblepok: A character with a complicated background.
  16. Powerful mafia don: A leader of a criminal organization.
  17. Soulful rendition: A heartfelt or emotional performance.
  18. Melty: Easily influenced or moved emotionally.
  19. Giant slug: A metaphorical description of the character’s appearance.
  20. Looked in her direction: A gesture interpreted as significant in Stimblepok tradition.
  21. Ancient Stimblepok tradition: Customs or practices passed down through generations in a fictional context.
  22. Thimble: A small, protective cap used for sewing.
  23. Blackmail: Coercing or threatening someone to gain an advantage.
  24. Poisonous lobsters: Lobsters that can cause harm or danger.
  25. Escape the clutches: Successfully avoid being captured or controlled.
  26. Henchmen: Followers or associates who assist in carrying out tasks.
  27. Persuade: Convince or influence someone to do something.
  28. Adventures: Exciting or unusual experiences.
  29. Won’t go into: Choosing not to discuss or elaborate on specific details.


Ans. The choice to omit details serves both literary and narrative purposes, allowing the narrator to control the flow of the story and engage the reader’s imagination and sustain the story’s tone.

We can give different reasons as follows:

  1. Privacy: The narrator might want to keep certain aspects of their adventures private. Disclosing too much information could invade their personal space or reveal sensitive details that they prefer to keep to themselves.
  2. Length Constraints: Describing many adventures in detail could make the story excessively long. To maintain brevity and keep the narrative focused, the narrator may choose to skip specific details and provide a concise summary instead.
  3. Reader Imagination: Leaving certain parts of the story open to the reader’s imagination can enhance the overall experience. By not providing every detail, the narrator allows readers to fill in the gaps with their own creativity and interpretation.
  4. Story Focus: The primary focus of the narrative might be on specific events or themes. Going into the details of every adventure may distract from the main plot or message the narrator wants to convey.
  5. Humor or Mystery: The narrator might use the decision to skip details as a humorous element or to create a sense of mystery. It adds an element of intrigue, encouraging readers to wonder and imagine what might have happened during those undisclosed adventures.


  1. Brilliance: Exceptional intelligence or ingenuity.
  2. Wormhole-travel technology: Advanced technology allowing travel through wormholes.
  3. Restored to Earth: Returning to Earth.
  4. Round about the same time: Approximately the same time.
  5. Dedicated student: A committed and focused learner.
  6. Went wrong again: Encountered problems or challenges once more.
  7. Passing Ganymede: Moving near or through Ganymede, one of Jupiter’s moons.
  8. Ambushed: Attacked unexpectedly.
  9. Unscathed: Without suffering any harm or damage.
  10. Zigibvox: The evil warlord mentioned earlier.
  11. Ziggonium tank: A component or device on the spaceship.
  12. Off schedule: Not following the planned or expected timetable.
  13. Drop me home: Transport me back to my residence.
  14. Today morning, not yesterday evening: Arriving in the morning instead of the previous evening.
  15. School uniform: Standard clothing worn by students at school.
  16. Eat breakfast: Consume the morning meal.
  17. Laser blast: A concentrated beam of light with destructive capabilities.
  18. Outer membrane: The external layer of the spaceship.
  19. Vacuum of space: The empty space devoid of matter.
  20. Stuffed: Inserted or placed forcibly.
  21. Nearest available object: The closest thing within reach.
  22. Examination: Close inspection or scrutiny.
  23. Mrs Gupta: Presumably a teacher or authority figure.
  24. Maths homework: Assignments or tasks related to mathematics.
  25. Don’t have my Maths homework with me today: Unable to present or submit the math assignments today.

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