Slow Motion is Now So Rare Poem Answers Summary and Meaning

‘Slow Motion is Now So Rare’ is a poem by Santhini Govindan. Here you would find question answers, a summary, and meanings of the poem ‘Slow motion is now so rare’.

Slow Motion Is Now So Rare Poem Explanation in Hindi

Poem: Slow Motion is Now So Rare

A snail once to a tortoise said:
‘What is your speed per hour?’
The tortoise answered: ‘Oh, not much,
I’m but one tortoise-power.’

‘But didn’t you,’ the snail remarked,
‘Once beat the nimble hare?’
‘Not I, ‘this modest tortoise said,
‘Great grandpa was there.’
‘You see, the hare went off to sleep
Great grandpa was gone;
And while the hare slept, our old man
Just kept on going on.’

‘I see, ‘the snail at length replied,
‘I always thought it queer.
D’you think if I tried such a race,
I need have any fear?’

The tortoise smiled and shook his head;
‘The times have vastly changed,
(Great grandpa had a lot of luck),
Thing are now not so arranged,
That crowds of sporting folks would come,
And keep the hare awake;

So what a toil it would be for you,
What strides you’d have to take!
Besides why should we nowadays
Be proud to beat a hare?
We’re most distinguished as we are—
Slow motion’s now so rare.’


remarked – to make a comment, express opinion

nimble – quick and light in movement (फुर्तीला )

modest – humble and moderate in opinion or behaviour (संकोची)

at length – in detail

queer – odd, strange and unusual

vastly – very great in size, greatly

arranged – put or organised in some or proper order

folks – the common people (आम जनता)

toil – to work hard, to move with difficulty

stride – long step

distinguished – unique and different from others and are respected for that

motion – movement

Summary: Slow Motion is Now So Rare

The snail approached the tortoise, mistaking him for the one from the famous fable where a tortoise outpaced a hare. Curious about the tortoise’s speed, the snail inquired, and the tortoise clarified that it was actually his great-grandfather who won the race by chance as the hare dozed off.

Upon hearing this, the snail expressed interest in competing against the hare and defeating it. However, the tortoise pointed out that nowadays, the sports arena is much larger and more competitive, and the hare would not be able to afford to take a nap in the middle of the race. The tortoise also advised the snail not to aim for speed, as in a world where everything moves quickly, being slow and steady can be a unique and valuable trait.

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  1. a. The tortoise is being spoken to by the snail.
    b. The incident to which the snail refers is the one involving the hare and the tortoise in the fable.
    c. The hare is referred to as nimble because of its swiftness.
  2. a. The tortoise is being spoken to by the snail.
    b. “Such a race” refers to the one between the hare and the tortoise in the fable.
    c. The tortoise asserts that the snail wouldn’t be able to win a race like that in today’s time due to the large crowds at sporting events that would keep the hare from falling asleep.
  3. a. The tortoise and the snail are referred to as “we.”
    b. Both of them are unique and stand out.
    c. In a world that is becoming increasingly fast-paced in every aspect, a creature that is slow and patient stands out.

B. Answers

  1. Both the snail and tortoise share the trait of being slow-moving creatures on earth.
  2. Sporting events now draw larger, noisier crowds than before, which would awaken the hare, marking a significant change.
  3. The tortoise appears content with their unique life, while the snail is restless and eager to defeat the hare in a race.
  4. The tortoise explained that they are part of a slow-moving group among fast walkers in an age of large crowds and noise that would disturb the hare’s sleep.
  5. The tortoise says so because the time has changed and the things are not so arranged as were during his grandpa’s days.
  6. I think ‘slow motion’ refers to the physical movement. It is clear in the poem that the snail and the tortoise were talking about their walking movements as unique among the fast-moving other creatures.


A. 1. was going (past continuous); was (simple past)

  1. was (simple past); had worked (past perfect)
  2. were bought (simple past)
  3. saw (simple past); pop (simple past)
  4. wished (simple past); had…spent (past perfect)
  5. was (simple past); had forgotten (past perfect)
  6. was (simple past)
  7. was playing (past continuous); arrived (simple past)
  8. left (simple past)
  9. had planned (past perfect)

B. 1. will be travelling

2. shall eat

3. will be

4. will be finishing

5. will arrive

6. will be reaching

7. will lend

8. will

9. will be leaving

10. will be writing

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  1. Anonymous

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