Word Formations: Same Word used as Different Parts of Speech English Grammar

Words as different part of Speech

There are many words in English which are used as more than one Parts of Speech without any change in their spellings. The usage and position of a word in a sentence determines whether it is used as noun or pronoun or as verb or as an adjective or an adverb.

किसी शब्द के व्याकरणिक चरित्र को वाक्य में उसके उपयोग से निर्धारित किया जा सकता है। यह कहना कठिन है कि कोई विशेष शब्द संज्ञा है या क्रिया। वाक्य में शब्द के प्रयोग और स्थिति का अध्ययन करके ही हम कह सकते हैं कि यह संज्ञा या सर्वनाम या क्रिया के रूप में या विशेषण या क्रिया विशेषण के रूप में प्रयुक्त होता है।

हम नीचे कुछ महत्वपूर्ण शब्द दे रहे हैं जो वाक्यों में भाषण के विभिन्न भागों के रूप में उपयोग किए जाते हैं। इन शब्दों के उपयोग का सावधानीपूर्वक अध्ययन करने से छात्रों को शब्दों और उनके उपयोगों के व्याकरणिक ज्ञान को बढ़ाने में मदद मिलेगी।

Word formations

Let us take the word ‘water’

Water can be used as three parts of speech – noun, verb and adjective

पानी (जल) का उपयोग पार्ट्स ऑफ स्पीच यानि शब्द-भेद के तीन भागों के रूप में किया जा सकता है – संज्ञा, क्रिया और विशेषण


The plants need water. [noun i.e. a thing that we call water]

पौधों को पानी की जरूरत होती है। [संज्ञा यानी एक चीज जिसे हम पानी कहते हैं]

Ok, I will water the plants. [verb i.e. giving water to or pouring water on plants]

ठीक है, मैं पौधों को पानी दूंगा (सींचूँगा)। [क्रिया अर्थात पौधों को पानी देना या पानी डालना]

Ok, I will give water to the plants. [noun – giving something that we call water]

ठीक है, मैं पौधों को पानी दूंगा। [संज्ञा – कुछ देना जिसे हम पानी कहते हैं]

Many water snakes are found here. [adjective – what type of snakes – the snakes that live in water]

यहाँ आसपास बहुत से पनिहर सांप पाए जाते हैं। [विशेषण – कैसे सांप – पानी वाले सांप]

Some more examples

The valley is watered by a small river. [verb]

घाटी को एक छोटी नदी द्वारा पानी मिलता है। [क्रिया]

The smell of Halwa made her mouth water [verb]

हलवे की गंध ने उसके मुंह में पानी ला दिया [क्रिया]

We were fed with food and water. [noun]

हमें भोजन और पानी दिया गया। [संज्ञा]

The guests were fed and watered. [verb]

मेहमानों को खाना खिलाया गया और पानी पिलाया गया। [क्रिया]

Now we are in the waters of India Ocean. [noun]

अब हम हिंद महासागर के पानी में हैं। [संज्ञा]

Examples of Same Word Used as Different Parts of Speech

Noun – The blessings came from above.
Adverb – The Gods live above in heaven.
Preposition – The sun was above our head at that time.

Adverb – I have not met you before.
Conjunction – She went away before he came.

Adverb – She wandered about in inner garments.
Preposition – There is nothing pleasing about her gait.

Adverb – She arrived soon after.
Conjunction – She went away after her husband had left.
Preposition – He looks after his mother.

Noun – Age is more important than the physical fitness.
Verb – He is aging, my dear.

Adverb – Time passes by.
Preposition – He was much loved by his wife.

Pronoun – There is no one, but praise her.
Adverb – It is, but a natural consequence.
Conjunction – He tried hard, but failed.

Noun – Ramesh was summoned to the court of law.
Verb – He courted her all the week.

Adjective – The chances of winning the game are even.
Verb – Let them even the field first.
Adverb – He cannot even see me.

Noun – He has one eye only.
Verb – The policeman eyed him with suspicion.

Conjunction – We should help him because he is very poor.
Preposition – I was looking for her.

Noun – He keeps fast on Tuesday.
Adjective – He is a very fast today.
Verb – He fasted for a week.
Adverb – He ran so fast to win the race.

Noun – There are red pimples on her face.
Verb – He faced the situation with courage.

Noun – His timely help saved him.
Verb – God help those who help themselves.

Noun – She was wearing a large and beautiful hat .
Verb – He headed the list of successful students

Noun – You cannot see her like again.
Adjective – They are man of like physic and stature.
Verb – I like to take some fruit after dinner.

Noun – I have great love for her.
Adjective – She does not like love stories.
Verb – I love you

Adjective – He is my near relative.
Verb – We are nearing the end of the project.
Adverb – Come near and listen to me.
Preposition – His house is near the temple.

Noun – The rich should help the poor.
Adjective – He is a poor man.

Noun – I asked him favour as a right.
Adjective – He is the right man for the job.
Verb – This is a fault that will right itself.
Adverb – She stood right in my gate.

Noun -That night was a round of pleasures.
Adjective -It is a round hole.
Verb -You cannot round it by pen.
Adverb – He brought her round to my point of view.
Preposition – The earth revolves round the sun.

Adverb – I have not seen him since.
Conjunction – Since there is no way, let us kiss and part.
Preposition – Since Monday, I have not seen her.

Pronoun – Some say one thing and other say another.
Adjective – We must find some way out of this problem.
Adverb – Some thirty people were present in the party.

Noun – could hear her cry in the still of night.
Adjective – Still waters run deep.
Verb – With his name the mother still their babes.
Adverb – They are still sleeping.

Noun – Hearing the sound of the trumpets the people woke up.
Adjective – His arguments were not sound and acceptable.
Verb – Sound the horn, please.

Adjective – He is a very slow writer.
Verb – The car slowed down as it reached the hotel.
Adverb – How slow she works ?

Noun – There was perfect silence in the hall.
Verb – He soon silenced her with his arguments and the evidence.

Pronoun – That is what I want.
Adjective – What is that noise ?
Adverb – You have done that much only.
Conjunction – He says that he wants to leave.

Noun – The minister did no wrong.
Adjective – It is a wrong policy.
Verb – He was wronged by the leader of his party.
Adverb – I think that my son is going wrong.

Noun – I have lost my watch.
Adjective – I require a watch-man.
Verb – Let us watch her movements.

Noun – Bring me some cold water.
Adjective – There are water snakes and land snakes.
Verb – He is watering in the garden.

Noun – You should not be worried about why and wherefore of it ?
Adverb – I know why she did it

Pronoun – Which of these two pens you like more ?
Adjective – Which coaching you have joined ?

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