The Lake Isle of Innisfree Question & Answers Class 9

The Lake Isle of Innisfree Question & Answers Class 9: Get here answers to textbook exercise for the poem “The Lake Isle of Innisfree”. Click here to see the explanation of the poem. Click here for other poems of NCERT Class 9 Book ‘Beehive’.

Thinking about the Poem

I. 1. What kind of place is Innisfree? Think about:

(i) the three things the poet wants to do when he goes back there (stanza I);

(ii) what he hears and sees there and its effect on him (stanza II);

(iii) what he hears in his “heart’s core” even when he is far away from Innisfree (stanza III).


(i) Innisfree is portrayed as a serene and natural place. In stanza I, the poet expresses his desire to go there and build a small cabin, cultivate bean rows, and keep honeybees. This suggests that Innisfree is a peaceful and rustic location in the countryside.

(ii) In stanza II, Innisfree is depicted as a place of natural beauty and tranquillity. The poet describes it as a place where peace arrives slowly, where mornings are veiled in mist and dew, and where the cricket sings, signifying the calm and harmony of the natural environment.

(iii) In stanza III, even when the poet is far away from Innisfree, he hears the sound of the lake water lapping against the shore in his “heart’s core.” This implies that Innisfree holds a special place in his heart, and its presence remains with him wherever he goes.

2. By now you may have concluded that Innisfree is a simple, natural place, full of beauty and peace. How does the poet contrast it with where he now stands? (Read stanza III.)

Answer: The poet contrasts Innisfree with his current location by emphasizing the peace and natural beauty of Innisfree in stanza III. He hears the lake water lapping with low sounds in Innisfree, while he stands on the roadway or on the grey pavements of his current urban environment. This contrast highlights the noise and hustle of his current surroundings in contrast to the tranquillity and serenity of Innisfree.

3. Do you think Innisfree is only a place, or a state of mind? Does the poet actually miss the place of his boyhood days?

Answer: Innisfree can be interpreted as both a physical place and a state of mind. It symbolizes the poet’s yearning for a simpler, more harmonious life and connection with nature. While he may miss the physical place of his boyhood days, Innisfree also represents an idealized state of peace and contentment.

Another Answer:

Innisfree can be seen as both a physical place and a state of mind. While the poet may be physically longing for the place of his boyhood days, Innisfree also represents an idealized state of peace, simplicity, and connection with nature that he seeks to attain. It embodies his yearning for a more harmonious and contemplative way of life, which may be both a physical location and a mental state.

II. 1. Look at the words the poet uses to describe what he sees and hears at Innisfree

(i) bee-loud glade

(ii) evenings full of the linnet’s wings

(iii) lake water lapping with low sounds What pictures do these words create in your mind?


(i) “Bee-loud glade” – creates a mental image of a meadow or glade filled with the buzzing sound of bees. It conveys the idea of a vibrant and active natural environment.

(ii) “Evenings full of the linnet’s wings” – paints a picture of the evenings on Innisfree, where the wings of small birds called linnets are in motion. This suggests a scene of birds flying and chirping, adding to the peaceful ambiance.

(iii) “Lake water lapping with low sounds“- evokes the gentle and soothing sound of the lake water softly splashing against the shore. It creates an auditory image of the tranquil waters.

2. Look at these words;

… peace comes dropping slow

Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings

What do these words mean to you? What do you think “comes dropping slow…from the veils of the morning”? What does “to where the cricket sings” mean?


  • “Peace comes dropping slow” suggests that peace arrives gradually and naturally, like the slow descent of dewdrops from the morning mist. It implies that peace is not abrupt but a serene and unhurried state of mind.
  • “Dropping from the veils of the morning” signifies that peace descends from the mist or dew that shrouds the morning landscape, emphasizing its connection with the natural world.
  • “To where the cricket sings” suggests that peace settles in the same place where one can hear the cricket’s song. This implies that the presence of nature and its sounds contributes to the sense of peace and harmony.

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