The Rebel Poem MCQs Class 7 English

MCQs based on the Class 7 English Poem “The Rebel” by D. J. Enright. The MCQs would text the objectivity and critical thinking of students. Attempt and test yourself.

MCQs Based on The Poem “The Rebel”

MCQs Set 1

  1. In the poem “The Rebel,” what does the rebel do when everyone has short hair?
    a) Keeps his hair short
    b) Lets his hair grow long
    c) Shaves his head
    d) Gets a haircut
  2. When nobody talks during the lesson, what does the rebel do?
    a) Stays silent
    b) Creates a disturbance
    c) Participates actively
    d) Listens attentively
  3. How does the rebel dress when everybody wears a uniform?
    a) In fantastic clothes
    b) In casual attire
    c) In the same uniform
    d) In plain and simple clothes
  4. In the company of dog lovers, what does the rebel prefer?
    a) Dogs
    b) Cats
    c) Both dogs and cats
    d) No preference
  5. When everyone is praising the sun, what does the rebel remark on?
    a) The need for rain
    b) The beauty of the sun
    c) The warmth of the sunlight
    d) The absence of clouds
  6. What does the rebel do when everybody goes to the meeting?
    a) Stays at home and reads a book
    b) Attends the meeting
    c) Organizes a different meeting
    d) Ignores the meeting completely
  7. When everybody says, “No thank you,” what does the rebel say?
    a) “Yes please”
    b) “No thank you”
    c) “Maybe later”
    d) “I’m not sure”
  8. According to the poem, how does the author feel about rebels?
    a) Indifferent
    b) Disapproving
    c) Amused
    d) Appreciative
  9. How does the rebel behave when everybody stays at home and reads a book?
    a) Goes to the meeting
    b) Joins others in reading
    c) Stays at home and reads a different book
    d) Takes a walk outside
  10. What does the poem imply about being a rebel?
    a) It is exciting and fun
    b) It is challenging and unpopular
    c) It is the only way to fit in
    d) It is a temporary phase in life


Here are the answers to the MCQs based on the poem “The Rebel”:

  1. b) Lets his hair grow long
  2. b) Creates a disturbance
  3. a) In fantastic clothes
  4. b) Cats
  5. a) The need for rain
  6. a) Stays at home and reads a book
  7. a) “Yes please”
  8. d) Appreciative
  9. a) Goes to the meeting
  10. b) It is challenging and unpopular

MCQs Set 2

  1. The rebel in the poem “The Rebel” is characterized by:
    a) Always following the crowd’s actions
    b) Conforming to societal norms
    c) Expressing unconventional behaviour
    d) Being indifferent to others’ opinions
  2. According to the poem, what is the author’s perspective on rebels?
    a) Rebels are essential for society.
    b) Rebels are troublemakers.
    c) Rebels should conform to societal norms.
    d) Rebels are misunderstood individuals.
  3. Which of the following best describes the rebel’s behavior in the poem?
    a) The rebel always opposes the majority.
    b) The rebel randomly switches opinions.
    c) The rebel only rebels for the sake of it.
    d) The rebel tries to fit in with different groups.
  4. How does the author of the poem suggest people might feel about being a rebel?
    a) People might find it difficult to be a rebel.
    b) People might admire rebels.
    c) People might envy the rebels’ freedom.
    d) People might not understand the concept of rebellion.
  5. What is the central idea of the poem “The Rebel”?
    a) The importance of conformity in society.
    b) The rebellious nature of individuals.
    c) The need for diversity and individuality.
    d) The negative consequences of rebellion.
  6. What poetic device is used in the line “The rebel lets his hair grow long”?
    a) Simile
    b) Alliteration
    c) Metaphor
    d) Personification
  7. In the poem, when does the rebel create a disturbance?
    a) When everybody talks during the lesson.
    b) When nobody talks during the lesson.
    c) When everybody wears a uniform.
    d) When everybody praises the sun.
  8. What does the rebel do in the company of dog lovers?
    a) Expresses a preference for cats.
    b) Praises the sun.
    c) Creates a disturbance.
    d) Stays at home and reads a book.
  9. What poetic device is used in the line “The rebel dresses in fantastic clothes”?
    a) Hyperbole
    b) Metaphor
    c) Assonance
    d) Alliteration
  10. According to the poem, when does the rebel go to the meeting?
    a) When everybody goes to the meeting.
    b) When everybody stays at home and reads a book.
    c) When nobody talks during the lesson.
    d) When everybody wears a uniform.
  11. What is the poet’s view on rebels?
    a) They are necessary for society.
    b) They should conform to societal norms.
    c) They are a nuisance.
    d) They should be avoided.
  12. Which statement best describes the rebel’s attitude towards conformity?
    a) The rebel values conformity and follows societal norms.
    b) The rebel rejects conformity and strives for individuality.
    c) The rebel is indifferent to conformity and societal norms.
    d) The rebel alternates between conformity and non-conformity.
  13. What poetic devices are used in the line “The rebel remarks on the need for rain”?
    a) Hyperbole & Metaphore
    b) Irony & Hyperbole
    c) Metaphor & Alliteration
    d) Irony & Alliteration
  14. What is the overall tone of the poem?
    a) Humorous and ironic.
    b) Serious and contemplative.
    c) Sarcastic and critical.
    d) Optimistic and uplifting.


  1. C) Expressing unconventional behaviour
  2. A) Rebels are essential for society.
  3. A) The rebel always opposes the majority.
  4. A) People might find it difficult to be a rebel.
  5. c) The need for diversity and individuality.
  6. b) Alliteration
  7. b) When nobody talks during the lesson.
  8. a) Expresses a preference for cats.
  9. c) Assonance
  10. b) When everybody stays at home and reads a book.
  11. a) They are necessary for society.
  12. b) The rebel rejects conformity and strives for individuality.
  13. d) Irony & Alliteration
  14. a) Humorous and ironic.

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