The Tempest – Notes & Explanation Class 7 English

‘The Tempest’ is paly writtrn by Shakespeare. It is trgic comic, Here is given explanation of the lesson “The Tempest” given in Class 7 English Textbook. Click here for more detailed line by line explanation.

The Tempest: Character Snapshot


  • Prospero: Powerful sorcerer (with magic powers), rightful Duke of Milan, shipwrecked with daughter Miranda, seeks revenge and redemption.
  • Miranda: Prospero’s innocent daughter, raised on the island, unaware of the outside world, encountering love for the first time when she sees Ferdinand.
  • Ariel: Playful air spirit, longs for freedom, serves Prospero with magical abilities.
  • Caliban: Gruff and resentful islander, enslaved by Prospero, feels cheated of his home (the island).
  • Ferdinand: Prince of Naples, brave and kind, falls in love with Miranda at first sight.
  • Antonio: Duke of Milan, Prospero’s treacherous brother who usurped his dukedom.
  • Sebastian: King Alonso’s scheming brother, plots to overthrow him with Antonio.
  • Alonso: King of Naples, father of Ferdinand. grief-stricken, believes his son Ferdinand lost at sea.
  • Gonzalo: Wise and loyal counselor to Alonso, offers comfort and hope during the tempest.
  • Trinculo: Jester, finds humor in misfortune, partners with drunken butler Stephano.
  • Stephano: Drunken and gullible butler, sees Caliban as a monster and dreams of power.

Relationship of Characters

  1. Prospero
    • Role: Father
    • Relationship: Miranda (Daughter), Antonio (Brother)
  2. Miranda
    • Role: Daughter
    • Relationship: Prospero (Father), Ferdinand (Love interest)
  3. Ferdinand
    • Role: Son
    • Relationship: Alonso (Father), Miranda (Love interest)
  4. Alonso
    • Role: Father
    • Relationship: Ferdinand (Son), Sebastian (Brother)
  5. Sebastian
    • Role: Brother
    • Relationship: Alonso (Brother), Antonio (Conspirator)
  6. Antonio
    • Role: Brother
    • Relationship: Prospero (Brother), Sebastian (Conspirator)

Story Board Glossary & Explanation


  • Tiny boat without sails: A very small boat that doesn’t have sails to catch the wind and move.
  • Supplies: Necessary things like food, water, and other items needed for survival.
  • Magic and power: Prospero’s ability to perform magical acts and his strength.
  • Tempest: A violent storm.
  • Chief magical agent: Ariel is Prospero’s main helper in performing magic.
  • Witch named Sycorax: A powerful and evil woman who imprisoned Ariel before Prospero freed him.
  • Sea nymph: A mythical creature associated with the sea.
  • Invisible: Unable to be seen.
  • Berate: To scold or criticize someone strongly and angrily. When you berate someone, you express your disapproval of their actions in a harsh manner.
  • Lure: To attract or entice someone, often by offering something appealing or tempting.
  • Smitten: Feeling strongly attracted or infatuated.
  • Charm: To use magic to influence or control someone.
  • Ashore: On land, after being at sea.
  • Grieves: Feels deep sorrow or sadness.
  • Convinces: Persuades or talks someone into believing or doing something.
  • Seize the throne: Take control of the kingdom or become the ruler.
  • Mourns: Expresses sorrow or grief for a loss.
  • Apparent loss: It seems like Ferdinand is lost or dead, though it may not be true.
  • Tension: Uncomfortable or strained feelings between characters.


A ship carrying the King of Naples, his son Ferdinand, a man named Antonio, and some other important people is caught in a big storm. The people on the ship, except for the calm Boatswain, start to worry about their lives.

After being betrayed, Prospero and his daughter, Miranda, were put in a tiny boat without sails and landed on an island. They survived because a kind man named Gonzalo left them supplies, including Prospero’s magic books. Prospero, the master, had a magical agent named Ariel, who created a tempest (storm) to bring a ship to the island. Ariel had been imprisoned by a witch named Sycorax until Prospero freed him.

Later, Prospero ordered Ariel to take the form of a sea nymph and become invisible. Prospero and Miranda visit Caliban, Prospero’s servant and Sycorax’s son, but there is tension between them. Caliban feels Prospero stole the island from him.

Ariel’s magical song lures Ferdinand to Prospero and Miranda. Although Miranda and Ferdinand are attracted to each other, Prospero charms Ferdinand and leads him away to a prison.

Meanwhile, the King of Naples, Alonso, and his group reach another part of the island. Alonso is worried about his son Ferdinand and mourns his apparent loss. Antonio, Prospero’s brother, convinces Sebastian, the king’s younger brother, to seize the throne.

Act III: Scene I –

Explanation Line by Line

Here, The easy explanation of the dialogues is given so that the complexity of understanding Shakespearian English is very much solved for the scene and dialogues given here.

Before Prospero’s Cell
Enter Ferdinand, bearing a log

Summary (Above Dialogue):

Ferdinand, carrying a log, talks about how some activities are difficult but become enjoyable because the satisfaction of completing them makes the effort worthwhile. He mentions that certain humble tasks lead to valuable outcomes. Although his current job of moving logs would be unpleasant, serving his kind and gentle mistress, who is even more gentle than her harsh father, makes the work enjoyable for him. Ferdinand has to move thousands of logs under a strict order, but Miranda, Prospero’s daughter, appreciates his efforts and becomes emotional seeing him work. Prospero, Miranda’s father, is watching from a distance, unseen.


  • Cell: A small room or dwelling.
  • Labour: Hard work or effort.
  • Baseness: Low or humble qualities.
  • Nobly undergone: Facing difficulties with dignity and honor.
  • Quickens: Gives life or energy to.
  • Odious: Hateful or unpleasant.
  • Crabbed: Harsh or difficult to deal with.
  • Sore injunction: A strict and challenging order.
  • Executor: Someone who carries out a task or order.
  • Refresh my labors: Provide relief or make the work more enjoyable.
  • Unseen: Not noticed or observed.

Summary (Above Dialogues):

Miranda is expressing concern for Ferdinand, who is working hard to pile up logs. She wishes that a lightning strike had destroyed the logs he is ordered to move. Miranda wants him to take a break and assures him that her father is busy studying and won’t check on them for three hours.

Ferdinand, in response, expresses his dedication to his task, saying he must complete it before sunset. Miranda offers to help carry the logs, but Ferdinand refuses, stating he would rather endure physical pain than let her do such a humble task.

Miranda insists that it would be appropriate for her to help, and Prospero, watching secretly, comments that Ferdinand is now infected with love. Ferdinand denies feeling weary and asks Miranda for her name. Miranda hesitates but eventually reveals her name, feeling guilty for disobeying her father’s command not to disclose it.

Ferdinand continues praising Miranda, expressing that he has admired many women but found faults in each. However, Miranda, in her modesty, claims to know only her reflection and her father. She confesses her strong feelings for Ferdinand but acknowledges that she may be speaking too boldly and forgetting her father’s teachings.

Ferdinand declares his love for Miranda, explaining that he feels like a prince or even a king when he’s with her. He uses metaphors, comparing his labour to “wooden slavery” and expressing that he became her servant the moment he saw her. Miranda, overwhelmed, asks if he truly loves her, and Ferdinand passionately affirms his love, calling upon heaven and earth to witness it.

Miranda admits to being a fool for crying when she is happy. Prospero, secretly observing, appreciates the rare and genuine affection between Ferdinand and Miranda. They exchange vows of love and commitment, with Miranda declaring herself Ferdinand’s wife. They exit separately, and Prospero expresses his joy while acknowledging he has important tasks to attend to before supper.


  • Baseness: low level work
  • Undergo: To go or suffer through
  • Odious: Extremely unpleasant
  • Crabbed: Annoying, irritable, angry & upset
  • Sore: Painful & uncomfortable
  • Injunction: A formal command or instruction
  • Enjoin’d: Ordered or instructed.
  • Wearied: Feeling tired
  • Strive: To try very hard
  • Sinews: Tissue bands joining muscles to bones, it represents source of strength and power
  • Dishonour: Insulting and shameful
  • Visitation: Meeting, punishment, test under troublesome situations
  • Beseech: Beg earnestly
  • Hest: Command or order.
  • Broke your hest: Disobeyed your command.
  • Admiration: Deep respect or wonder.
  • Top of admiration: Someone or something highly admired.
  • Virtues: Qualities of good moral conduct and sensible nature
  • Foil: To render useless, make ineffective
  • To the foil: To defeat or surpass.
  • Peerless: Better than all others, unsurpassed, matchless
  • Modesty: Polite and without any vanity or conceit, very humble
  • Dearest: Most precious or valuable.
  • Dower: A woman’s property or wealth brought to her husband in marriage.
  • Prattle: To chatter or babble, talk a lot unimportant thing
  • Precepts: Rules or guidelines of moral conduct.
  • Therein: In or into that
  • Wooden slavery: Tedious or monotonous work.
  • Flesh-fly: A fly that feeds on decaying flesh.
  • Log-man: Someone who works with logs or wood.
  • Witness: See or watch as a proof to happening something
  • Profess: Declare openly.
  • Hollowly: Insincerely or without true feelings.
  • Boded: Predicted or foretold.
  • Trifling: Petty small, of almost no value, negligible
  • Bashful: Shy or modest.
  • Cunning: Cleverness or skill.
  • Bashful: Shy or modest.
  • Bashful cunning: Shyness mixed with cleverness.
  • Surprised withal: Overwhelmed or taken by surprise.
  • Rejoicing: Expressing joy or happiness.
  • Appertaining: Relating to or connected with.
  • Exeunt: Exit or leave the stage.

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