‘Nazism and the Rise of Hitler’ Question & Answers Class 9 History NCERT Solutions

Question & Answers the class 9 history chapter 3 ‘Nazism and the Rise of Hitler’. All answers are well crafted as per CBSE standards. Click here more study materials.

NCERT Solutions: Nazism and the Rise of Hitler

Activities (Page 73)

1. Write a one page history of Germany

  • (i) as a schoolchild in Nazi Germany
  • (ii) as a Jewish survivor of a concentration camp
  • (iii) as a political opponent of the Nazi regime


(i) Germany Through Different Perspectives

A Schoolchild in Nazi Germany:
As a schoolchild in Nazi Germany, I am taught to believe in the superiority of the Aryan race and the ideology of National Socialism. Our textbooks are filled with stories glorifying German history and emphasizing our nation’s strength and potential. We are indoctrinated with anti-Semitic views, believing that Jews are responsible for our problems. We learn about the greatness of our leader, Adolf Hitler, and how he is leading us to a better future. We are encouraged to participate in youth organizations like the Hitler Youth, where we learn the values of loyalty, discipline, and obedience to the regime.

(ii) A Jewish Survivor of a Concentration Camp:
As a Jewish survivor of a concentration camp, my experience of Germany is one of unimaginable suffering and horror. I witnessed the systematic dehumanization, forced labour, starvation, and death that millions of us endured under the Nazi regime. I lost my family, my friends, and my sense of security. The memories of the gas chambers, the cruelty of the SS guards, and the constant fear haunt my every waking moment. The Holocaust has scarred my body and soul, leaving me with a deep sense of loss and the urgent need to ensure that such atrocities are never forgotten.

(iii) A Political Opponent of the Nazi Regime:
As a political opponent of the Nazi regime, my view of Germany is one of resistance and struggle. I have witnessed the erosion of civil liberties, the suppression of dissent, and the brutal tactics used against those who dare to challenge Hitler’s rule. My comrades and I fight to preserve the principles of democracy, equality, and freedom that the Nazis seek to destroy. We have seen the persecution of minorities, the erosion of human rights, and the rise of a tyrannical government. Our hope is to inspire change, to one day see a Germany free from the grip of oppression.

2. Imagine that you are Helmuth. You have had many Jewish friends in school and do not believe that Jews are bad. Write a paragraph on what you would say to your father

Ans. Helmuth’s Perspective on Jewish Friends:
Father, I know you have concerns about Jews, but I want to share my perspective. I’ve had Jewish friends in school, and they are no different from us. They are kind, smart, and caring individuals. The propaganda we hear about them doesn’t match my experiences. I believe that blaming an entire group for our problems is unfair and unjust. It’s important to see people as individuals, not as stereotypes. Our strength as a society comes from unity and understanding, not division and hatred.

Questions (Page 74)

The textbook questions given here carry a short answer and a long answer each. Students can avail them doe their learning and fair notebook work.

Q. 1. Describe the problems faced by the Weimar Republic.

Ans. Problems Faced by the Weimar Republic:

  • Economic Turmoil: War reparations, hyperinflation, and unemployment.
  • Political Polarization: Difficulty forming stable governments due to multiple parties and proportional representation.
  • Extremist Groups: Rise of radical factions like the Communists and Nazis, causing political violence.
  • Treaty of Versailles: Humiliation and resentment over Germany’s defeat in World War I.
  • Lack of Popular Support: Struggle to establish legitimacy and win public trust.

Long Answer:

Problems Faced by the Weimar Republic:

  • Economic Turmoil: The aftermath of World War I left Germany economically devastated. Reparation payments, combined with hyperinflation and unemployment, led to widespread poverty and financial instability.
  • Political Polarization: The multiparty system and proportional representation in the Reichstag made it challenging to form stable governments. This led to frequent changes in leadership and weakened the government’s ability to address pressing issues.
  • Extremist Groups: The political landscape saw the rise of radical factions, including the Communists and the Nazis. These groups engaged in violent clashes, further destabilizing the society and creating an environment of fear.
  • Treaty of Versailles: The Treaty imposed heavy penalties on Germany, resulting in national humiliation and resentment among the population. Many Germans perceived the Treaty as unjust and blamed the Weimar Republic for accepting it.
  • Lack of Popular Support: The Weimar Republic struggled to establish legitimacy and gain widespread public trust due to its association with the Treaty of Versailles, economic hardships, and political turmoil. This weakened its ability to effectively govern.

Q.2. Discuss why Nazism became popular in Germany by 1930.

Ans. Rise of Nazism in Germany:

  • Great Depression: Economic hardships and unemployment fostered discontent.
  • Charismatic Leadership: Adolf Hitler’s oratory skills and promise of change.
  • Effective Propaganda: Manipulation of media and mass rallies to inspire hope.
  • Scapegoating: Blaming Jews and minorities for Germany’s problems.
  • Failure of Mainstream Parties: Inability to address challenges, leaving a void for the Nazis.

Long Answers:

Rise of Nazism in Germany:

  • Great Depression: The global economic downturn of the Great Depression worsened Germany’s economic conditions, leading to mass unemployment and increased dissatisfaction among the population.
  • Charismatic Leadership: Adolf Hitler’s compelling speeches and promises of economic recovery, national pride, and a return to power resonated with many Germans who sought a strong leader to address their grievances.
  • Effective Propaganda: The Nazi regime utilized propaganda through mass rallies, posters, and media to convey a sense of hope, unity, and a better future under Nazi rule.
  • Scapegoating: Hitler and the Nazis scapegoated Jews and other minorities for Germany’s problems, presenting them as enemies of the nation responsible for its woes.
  • Failure of Mainstream Parties: The inability of mainstream political parties to effectively address the challenges facing the country left a void that the Nazis were able to exploit and fill.

Q.3. What are the peculiar features of Nazi thinking?

Ans. Peculiar Features of Nazi Thinking:

  • Racial Hierarchy: Belief in Aryan supremacy and racial purity.
  • Expansionism: Pursuit of “living space” through aggressive territorial conquests.
  • Extreme Nationalism: Emphasis on German identity and pride.
  • Authoritarianism: Advocacy for strong, centralized leadership.
  • Misogyny and Militarism: Promotion of male dominance and glorification of violence.

Long Answers:

Peculiar Features of Nazi Thinking:

  • Racial Hierarchy: The Nazis propagated the belief in the superiority of the Aryan race and advocated for the preservation of racial purity by eliminating perceived “inferior” races.
  • Expansionism: Hitler’s idea of “Lebensraum” (living space) emphasized the need for territorial expansion to accommodate the growing Aryan population, leading to aggressive conquests.
  • Extreme Nationalism: The Nazis promoted an extreme form of nationalism that focused on German identity, pride, and exceptionalism.
  • Authoritarianism: The Nazi ideology supported a centralized authoritarian government, which was seen as necessary for maintaining control and enforcing the regime’s policies.
  • Misogyny and Militarism: The Nazis upheld traditional gender roles, glorifying men

Q.4. Explain why Nazi propaganda was effective in creating a hatred for Jews.

Ans. Effectiveness of Nazi Propaganda against Jews:

  • Dehumanization: Use of derogatory language, stereotypes, and negative imagery.
  • Scapegoating: Blaming Jews for societal problems, fostering unity against a common enemy.
  • Media Control: Manipulation of education, media, and cultural outlets to spread anti-Semitic messages.
  • Repetition and Normalization: Repeated exposure to propaganda reinforced negative perceptions.
  • Deep-seated Hatred: Successful indoctrination led to widespread anti-Semitic sentiment.

Long Answers:

Effectiveness of Nazi Propaganda:

  • Dehumanization: Nazi propaganda dehumanized Jews through derogatory language, portraying them as vermin, parasites, and threats to the Aryan race.
  • Stereotyping: By reinforcing negative stereotypes of Jews and other targeted groups, propaganda fueled pre-existing biases and fostered a sense of “us versus them.”
  • Emotional Appeal: Propaganda used emotional imagery, evoking fear, anger, and disgust, to create a visceral and emotional response among the population.
  • Repetition: The constant repetition of anti-Semitic messages in media, schools, and public spaces helped reinforce negative perceptions and normalize the hatred.
  • Unity and Solidarity: Propaganda depicted the Nazi regime as a unifying force that could restore Germany’s former glory and address the challenges facing the nation. This fostered a sense of loyalty and commitment among the population.

Q.5. Explain what role women had in Nazi society. Return to Chapter 1 on the French Revolution. Write a paragraph comparing and contrasting the role of women in the two periods.

Ans. Women’s Role in Nazi Society and the French Revolution:

  • Nazi Society:
    • Traditional Roles: Emphasis on women as wives and mothers.
    • Racial Purity: Encouragement to maintain Aryan ideals and prioritize family.
    • Limited Workforce Participation: Discouragement of women in the workforce.
  • French Revolution:
    • Active Participation: Women engaged in demonstrations, advocated for equality.
    • Political Involvement: Formation of women’s clubs and active political discourse.

Long Answers:

Women’s Role in Nazi Society and Comparison to the French Revolution:

In Nazi Society:

  • Motherhood Emphasis: Women were encouraged to embrace their roles as mothers and homemakers, with the state promoting large families of “pure” Aryan children.
  • Limited Participation: Women were excluded from political decision-making and leadership roles, as the Nazis believed that their primary duty was to support the family and the nation.
  • Propaganda and Control: The regime used propaganda to emphasize women’s importance in maintaining the Aryan race’s purity and raising future soldiers for the Reich.

Comparison to the French Revolution:

  • French Revolution: The French Revolution of 1789 aimed to abolish feudal privileges, promote equality, and challenge the monarchy’s authority.
  • Women’s Involvement: Women in revolutionary France played active roles, participating in protests, demanding equal rights, and advocating for social and political change.
  • Challenges to Traditional Roles: The French Revolution saw some challenges to traditional gender roles, as women sought recognition and an end to discrimination.

Q.6. In what ways did the Nazi state seek to establish total control over its people?

Ans. Nazi State’s Total Control over its People:

  • Manipulating Education: Indoctrination of youth through organizations like Hitler Youth.
  • Controlled Media: Propaganda dissemination and censorship of dissenting voices.
  • Suppression of Opposition: Ban on opposition parties, labor unions, and establishment of one-party state.
  • Secret Police: Gestapo used fear and surveillance to eliminate dissent.
  • Enabling Act: Granting Hitler dictatorial powers, consolidating control over governance.

Long Answers:

Nazi State’s Total Control:

  • Propaganda and Censorship: The Nazi regime tightly controlled information and media, using propaganda to shape public opinion and eliminate dissent.
  • Repression and Surveillance: The Gestapo and SS established a network of informers, conducting surveillance on citizens suspected of opposing the regime.
  • Education and Indoctrination: The curriculum in schools was rewritten to reflect Nazi ideology, and youth organizations like Hitler Youth were used to indoctrinate children with Nazi values.
  • Legal Changes: The Enabling Act of 1933 granted Hitler dictatorial powers, allowing the regime to bypass the constitution and rule by decree.
  • Purge of Opposition: The Night of the Long Knives saw the elimination of potential rivals within the Nazi Party, ensuring Hitler’s uncontested leadership.

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