Poem ‘Wind’ Word meanings Class 9 English

Word meanings as well usage explanation of the poem “Wind” by Subramania Bharti. The wind is seen as a powerful natural force that tests and shapes the strength and resolve of individuals and their surroundings. The meanings given here would help understand the different meanings contained in the poem.


Wind, come softly.

Don’t break the shutters of the windows.

Don’t scatter the papers.

Don’t throw down the books on the shelf.

There, look what you did — you threw them all down.

You tore the pages of the books.

You brought rain again.

You’re very clever at poking fun at weaklings.

Frail crumbling houses, crumbling doors, crumbling rafters,

crumbling wood, crumbling bodies, crumbling lives,

crumbling hearts —

the wind god winnows and crushes them all.

He won’t do what you tell him.

So, come, let’s build strong homes,

Let’s joint the doors firmly.

Practise to firm the body.

Make the heart steadfast.

Do this, and the wind will be friends with us.

The wind blows out weak fires.

He makes strong fires roar and flourish.

His friendship is good.

We praise him every day.

Subramania Bharti

Word Meanings

Here are the meanings of important words in the poem:

WindवायुThe natural movement of air, often characterized by its force and direction.
Softlyआराम से, मंद गति सेGently and quietly, without causing disturbance or destruction.
Breakतोड़नाTo cause damage or destruction by separating into pieces.
Shuttersकिवाड़, कपाटProtective coverings for windows that can be opened or closed.
Scatterबिखराना, छितरानाTo disperse or spread things in different directions.
Throw downफेंक देना, गिरा देनाTo drop or toss something forcefully.
Shelfताख, अलमारीA flat, elevated surface used for storing or displaying objects.
Tore Past tense of “tear,”फाड़ना, चीरनाwhich means to rip or pull something apart forcefully.
Cleverचालक, सिद्ध, माहिरIntelligent or resourceful in a creative way.
Poking funमजाक ओर उपहास उड़ाते हुए छेड़ना, नीचा या कमतर दिखाना Mocking or making fun of someone or something.
Weaklingsकमजोर ओर दुर्बल चीजें People or things that are physically or emotionally frail or lacking strength.
Frailदुर्बल ओर पतलाFragile, delicate, or easily damaged.
Crumblingटूट कर बिखरना, चूर-चूर होना Breaking apart or disintegrating into small pieces.
Raftersछत को सहारा देने वाली कड़ी Beams that support the roof of a building.
Woodपेड़-पौधे Hard fibrous material derived from trees.
LivesजीवनExistences or periods of being alive.
Heartsदिल ओर भावनाएँ, हिम्मत ओर हौसलाSymbolic references to emotions, feelings, or the centre of one’s being.
Winnowsओसाना, फटकनाTo separate or sift out by blowing or other methods.
Crushesकुचल देना, बुरी तरह आहत कर देनाTo press or squeeze with force, causing destruction or deformation.
Jointजोड़, कड़ीTo connect or unite securely.
Firmमजबूत, सख्तStrong, stable, or solid.
Practiseअभ्यास करना Engage in repeated exercise or activity to improve or develop a skill.
Steadfastअटल, अडिग, अविचल, निष्ठावानFirmly fixed or unwavering in purpose, loyalty, or resolve.
Roarगड़गड़ाना, प्रचंड रूप से भभकना, ओर मजबूत ओर ताकतवर हो जाना A loud, deep, and continuous sound.
Flourishबढ़ना, प्रगति ओर उन्नति करना To thrive, grow, or prosper.
Friendshipमित्रता, साथThe mutual bond or affection between individuals.
Praiseप्रशंसा करना, मानना, खुले मन से स्वीकार करनाExpressing admiration or approval for someone or something.

Usage of words and phrases in the poem:

  1. Wind: Refers to the natural phenomenon of moving air. In the context of the poem, the wind symbolizes forces that can cause destruction and disruption.
  2. Come softly: This phrase is an appeal to the wind to approach gently, without causing harm or disturbance.
  3. Don’t break the shutters of the windows: The poet requests the wind to avoid damaging the window shutters, which are the protective coverings for windows.
  4. Don’t scatter the papers: The poet asks the wind not to disperse or throw around loose papers, indicating a desire for order and tidiness.
  5. Don’t throw down the books on the shelf: The poet expresses a wish for the wind to refrain from knocking down books that are neatly arranged on a shelf.
  6. You tore the pages of the books: The poet accuses the wind of causing damage by tearing the pages of the books, suggesting a disregard for knowledge and learning.
  7. You brought rain again: Implies that the wind is responsible for bringing rain, which can be seen as a disruptive force or as a reminder of the wind’s power to affect the natural elements.
  8. Poking fun at weaklings: The wind is personified as a clever entity that enjoys ridiculing or teasing those who are vulnerable or feeble.
  9. Frail crumbling houses, crumbling doors, crumbling rafters, crumbling wood, crumbling bodies, crumbling lives, crumbling hearts: This series of phrases emphasizes the destructive power of the wind. It signifies that the wind has the ability to weaken and deteriorate various physical and metaphorical aspects of life.
  10. The wind god winnows and crushes them all: Suggests that the wind acts as a deity who sifts and pulverizes everything in its path, further emphasizing its ability to cause destruction.
  11. Let’s build strong homes: The poet suggests that people should construct sturdy and resilient houses to withstand the force of the wind.
  12. Joint the doors firmly: Refers to the act of securely fastening the doors to ensure they remain intact during strong winds.
  13. Practise to firm the body: Encourages physical exercise and training to develop a strong and resilient body.
  14. Make the heart steadfast: Implies cultivating emotional strength and resilience to face challenges and adversity.
  15. The wind blows out weak fires: Indicates that the wind extinguishes small or feeble fires, symbolizing its power to diminish or quell weakness.
  16. He makes strong fires roar and flourish: Suggests that the wind fuels and intensifies strong fires, allowing them to burn brightly and thrive.
  17. His friendship is good. We praise him every day: The poem concludes by acknowledging the positive aspects of the wind and praising its qualities. It suggests that by adapting and aligning with the wind’s power, one can benefit from its force and find harmony with nature.

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