Class 6 NCERT English Study Notes & Solutions

NCERT Textbook Study notes and questions answers are available for Class 6 CBSE students for the books “Honeysuckle”, the main literature reader and “The Pact with Sun”, the supplementary reader. These study materials include summaries in both English and Hindi, textbook exercise and intext question answers, word meanings, stanza-wise explanations, and poetic devices in the poetry section.

✔So, Enjoy the Free Study Resources Here 👍😊❤

 Prose: Honeysuckle 

Who did Patrick’s Homework?

How the Dog Found Himself a New Master?

Taro’s Reward

An Indian-American Woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla

A Different Kind of School

Who I Am

Fair Play

The Banyan Tree

 Poetry: Honeysuckle 

A House, A Home by Henery Wordsworth Longfellow

The Kite

The Quarrel


Where do all the Teachers go?

The Wonderful Words


 Supplementary Reader: ‘The Pact with the Sun’ 

A Tale of Two Birds

The Friendly Mongoose

The Shepherd’s Treasure

The Old-Clock Shop


The Monkey and the Crocodile

The Wonder Called Sleep

The Pact with the Sun

What Happened to the Reptiles

A Strange Wrestling Match

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