The Rebel Poem Summary and Analysis Class 7 NCERT Book Honeycomb

The Rebel’ Poem Summary Class 7: The summary of the poem “The Rebel “is given in English and Hindi for students and learners. “The Rebel” is a poem by D. J. Enright that explores the idea of rebellion against authority and conformity. The poem begins by describing a rebel who stands out from the crowd, refusing to conform to societal norms and expectations. The rebel is described as being brave and independent, but also lonely and isolated. The poem then questions the rebel’s motivations, suggesting that perhaps they rebel for the sake of rebellion itself, rather than for any noble cause. The poem concludes by acknowledging the complexity of rebellion, and suggesting that while it may be tempting to rebel against authority, it is important to consider the consequences of one’s actions and to question whether rebellion is truly justified.

The Rebel Poem

When everybody has short hair,
The rebel lets his hair grow long.

When everybody has long hair,
The rebel cuts his hair short.

When everybody talks during the lesson,
The rebel doesn’t say a word.

When nobody talks during the lesson,
The rebel creates a disturbance.

When everybody wears a uniform,
The rebel dresses in fantastic clothes.

When everybody wears fantastic clothes,
The rebel dresses soberly.

In the company of dog lovers,
The rebel expresses a preference for cats.

In the company of cat lovers,
The rebel puts in a good word for dogs.

When everybody is praising the sun,
The rebel remarks on the need for rain.

When everybody is greeting the rain,
The rebel regrets the absence of sun.

When everybody goes to the meeting,
The rebel stays at home and reads a book.

When everybody stays at home and reads a book,
The rebel goes to the meeting.

When everybody says, Yes please,
The rebel says, No thank you.

When everybody says, No thank you,
The rebel says, Yes please.

It is very good that we have rebels.
You may not find it very good to be one.


Summary – The Rebel Poem

Short Summary:

The poem ‘The Rebel’ is about someone who likes to do things differently. When everyone has short hair, the rebel grows long hair. When everyone wears a uniform, the rebel wears something fun and colourful.

The rebel also likes to challenge what people expect of them. If everyone likes dogs, the rebel might say they like cats instead. The rebel likes to be different and not do what everyone else is doing.

The poem says that it’s good to have rebels because they can help change things and make them better. But being a rebel can be hard because people might not understand or like what they do.

Long Summary:

The poem ‘The Rebel’ by D.J. Enright is about the nature of rebellion. The rebel is someone who goes against the norm and challenges the status quo. The poem highlights that the rebel’s actions are not predictable and can vary depending on the situation. For example, when everyone has short hair, the rebel grows long hair and when everyone wears a uniform, the rebel dresses in fantastic clothes. The rebel’s actions are not necessarily driven by a desire to be different, but rather to challenge the norm.

The poem also highlights that the rebel’s actions can be contradictory, as they go against what is expected of them in any given situation. For example, in the company of dog lovers, the rebel prefers cats, but in the company of cat lovers, the rebel speaks in favour of dogs. The rebel’s actions are not motivated by a desire to conform, but rather to challenge the expectations of others.

The poem concludes by stating that although it is good to have rebels, it may not be easy to be one. The rebel is someone who goes against the norm, challenges expectations, and can be unpredictable in their actions. The poem suggests that although the rebel’s actions may not be understood or appreciated by others, they are necessary for progress and change.

Summary in Hindi – The Rebel Poem

कविता ‘द रिबेल’ किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति के बारे में है जो चीजों को अलग तरह से करना पसंद करता है। जब हर किसी के छोटे बाल होते हैं, तो विद्रोही लंबे बाल उगाता है। जब हर कोई वर्दी पहनता है, तो विद्रोही कुछ मजेदार और रंगीन पहनता है।

विद्रोही यह चुनौती देना भी पसंद करते हैं कि लोग उनसे क्या उम्मीद करते हैं। यदि हर कोई कुत्तों को पसंद करता है, तो विद्रोही कह सकता है कि वे इसके बजाय बिल्लियों को पसंद करते हैं। विद्रोही अलग होना पसंद करता है और वह नहीं करता जो हर कोई कर रहा है।

कविता कहती है कि विद्रोहियों का होना अच्छा है क्योंकि वे चीजों को बदलने और उन्हें बेहतर बनाने में मदद कर सकते हैं। लेकिन विद्रोही होना कठिन हो सकता है क्योंकि लोग समझ नहीं सकते हैं या पसंद नहीं कर सकते हैं कि वे क्या करते हैं।


डीजे एनराइट की कविता ‘द रिबेल’ विद्रोह की प्रकृति के बारे में है। विद्रोही वह है जो मानदंड के खिलाफ जाता है और यथास्थिति को चुनौती देता है। कविता इस बात पर प्रकाश डालती है कि विद्रोही के कार्य अनुमानित नहीं हैं और स्थिति के आधार पर भिन्न हो सकते हैं। उदाहरण के लिए, जब हर किसी के छोटे बाल होते हैं, तो विद्रोही लंबे बाल उगाता है और जब हर कोई वर्दी पहनता है, तो विद्रोही शानदार कपड़े पहनता है। विद्रोही के कार्य आवश्यक रूप से अलग होने की इच्छा से प्रेरित नहीं हैं, बल्कि आदर्श को चुनौती देने के लिए हैं।

कविता इस बात पर भी प्रकाश डालती है कि विद्रोही के कार्य विरोधाभासी हो सकते हैं, क्योंकि वे किसी भी स्थिति में उनसे अपेक्षा के खिलाफ जाते हैं। उदाहरण के लिए, कुत्ते के प्रेमियों की कंपनी में, विद्रोही बिल्लियों को पसंद करता है, लेकिन बिल्ली प्रेमियों की कंपनी में, विद्रोही कुत्तों के पक्ष में बोलता है। विद्रोही के कार्य अनुरूप होने की इच्छा से प्रेरित नहीं हैं, बल्कि दूसरों की अपेक्षाओं को चुनौती देने के लिए हैं।

कविता यह कहते हुए समाप्त होती है कि हालांकि विद्रोहियों का होना अच्छा है, लेकिन एक होना आसान नहीं हो सकता है। विद्रोही वह व्यक्ति है जो आदर्श के खिलाफ जाता है, अपेक्षाओं को चुनौती देता है, और अपने कार्यों में अप्रत्याशित हो सकता है। कविता बताती है कि यद्यपि विद्रोही के कार्यों को दूसरों द्वारा समझा या सराहा नहीं जा सकता है, वे प्रगति और परिवर्तन के लिए आवश्यक हैं।

Explanation of “The Rebel” Poem

The poem “Rebel” by D.J. Enright explores the nature of rebellion and the role of rebels in society. The poem consists of a series of contrasting statements that highlight the rebel’s tendency to go against the prevailing norms and expectations. The rebel is portrayed as someone who deliberately opposes the majority, regardless of the prevailing circumstance. 

D.J. Enright presents a series of contrasting behaviours and attitudes exhibited by a rebellious individual in different situations. The poem explores the concept of rebellion as a reaction to prevailing norms and expectations. 

The poem begins by stating that when everyone around the rebel has short hair, they let their hair grow long. This signifies a desire to differentiate oneself from the crowd. Similarly, when everyone has long hair, the rebel cuts theirs short, indicating a refusal to conform to popular trends. 

The rebel’s behaviour extends beyond appearance. When others talk during a lesson, the rebel remains silent, yet when nobody talks, they disrupt the silence. This suggests that the rebel seeks to challenge both excessive conformity and absolute rebellion. 

The poem continues to illustrate the rebel’s contrasting choices. In a group of dog lovers, the rebel expresses a preference for cats, and in a company of cat lovers, they speak up for dogs. This demonstrates the rebel’s inclination to challenge dominant opinions and show appreciation for alternative perspectives. 

The rebel’s contradictory actions continue with the weather. While others praise the sun, the rebel emphasizes the need for rain. Conversely, when people are celebrating rain, the rebel expresses a longing for sunshine. This highlights the rebel’s tendency to question prevailing attitudes and to value what is overlooked or neglected. 

In social situations, the rebel’s behaviour remains inconsistent. When everyone attends a meeting, the rebel chooses to stay home and read a book. Conversely, when everyone stays home and reads, the rebel attends the meeting. This indicates a desire to defy expectations and challenge established routines. 

The final lines of the poem reflect on the importance of rebels while acknowledging that being one might not be desirable for everyone. The rebel is seen as a necessary figure who questions the status quo and challenges societal norms. However, the poem suggests that embracing a rebellious mindset comes with its own challenges and may not always be comfortable or well-received. 

Overall, “Rebel” explores the idea of rebellion as a counterpoint to conformity and emphasizes the value of dissenting voices in society, even if being a rebel can be a difficult path to follow. 

Theme of the Poem “The Rebel”

The theme of the poem “Rebel” by D. J. Enright is the nature of rebellion and the role of the rebel in society. The poem explores how the rebel’s actions and choices are defined by going against the prevailing norms and expectations of society. The rebel is depicted as someone who instinctively opposes the majority, regardless of the specific circumstances. 

The poem presents a series of contrasting situations where the rebel’s actions are in opposition to the general consensus. Whether it’s in matters of appearance, behaviour, preferences, or opinions, the rebel consistently takes a stance that goes against the prevailing trend. 

The underlying theme of the poem suggests that rebels play a crucial role in society. They challenge established norms and encourage critical thinking, diversity, and individuality. However, the poem also acknowledges that being a rebel may not always be easy or comfortable. It implies that while rebellion is important, it can be isolating and potentially unpopular. 

Overall, the theme of the poem “Rebel” explores the idea of nonconformity and the value of rebellion in a world where conformity often prevails. It highlights the significance of individuals who are willing to question, challenge, and offer alternative perspectives, even if they face opposition or discomfort in doing so. 

Critical Analysis of the Poem “The Rebel”

“Rebel” by D.J. Enright is a concise and thought-provoking poem that explores the nature of rebellion and its relationship to societal norms. The poem presents a series of contrasting actions taken by the rebel, highlighting the rebel’s tendency to go against the prevailing trends or expectations of the majority. Through these paradoxical statements, Enright invites readers to reflect on the role of rebellion in society and the implications it has for individuals. 

The poem begins with the rebel’s response to changing hairstyles. In the first stanza, when everyone has short hair, the rebel grows his long. Conversely, when everyone has long hair, the rebel cuts his short. This establishes the rebel’s opposition to conformity and a desire to stand out from the crowd. The rebel’s actions are not driven by personal preference but by the need to challenge prevailing norms. 

Similarly, the rebel’s behaviour in the classroom exemplifies this contrarian spirit. When everybody talks during the lesson, the rebel remains silent, rejecting the herd mentality. However, when nobody talks, the rebel disrupts the silence, once again positioning himself in opposition to the majority. 

The poem continues to explore various scenarios where the rebel defies societal expectations. The rebel’s choice of clothing, expressed preference for pets, and contrasting opinions on weather conditions all serve to emphasize the rebel’s inclination to challenge popular opinions and to provoke critical thought. By doing so, the rebel refuses to align himself with any particular group, choosing instead to embrace individuality and a fluid identity that adapts to the context. 

The final stanzas of the poem depict the rebel’s response to collective actions. The rebel intentionally deviates from the group’s behaviour, whether it be attending a meeting or expressing agreement or disagreement. These actions imply that the rebel’s motives are not driven by a desire for attention or personal gain but rather a genuine commitment to independent thinking. 

The poem’s conclusion states, “It is very good that we have rebels. You may not find it very good to be one.” This statement conveys a paradoxical perspective on rebellion. While the existence of rebels is celebrated as a necessary counterbalance to conformity and stagnation, it also acknowledges the potential challenges and hardships faced by individuals who choose to be rebels. The rebel’s path is often met with resistance, alienation, and misunderstanding from the majority. This juxtaposition highlights the complexity and often conflicting emotions associated with taking a rebellious stance. 

In terms of form, the poem is structured in a repetitive and symmetrical manner, with each stanza presenting a dualistic contrast between the rebel’s actions and the majority’s behaviour. This repetitive structure reinforces the idea of rebellion as an ongoing and cyclical process, reflecting the continuous tension between conformity and nonconformity. 

Overall, “Rebel” by D.J. Enright presents a critical analysis of rebellion and its relationship to societal norms. Through the rebel’s contradictory actions, the poem challenges readers to question their own conformity and encourages them to appreciate the role of rebels in promoting individuality and independent thinking.  

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