The Road Not Taken Poem MCQs and Extra Questions Class 9 CBSE

Class 9 Poem ‘The Road Not Taken’ MCQs: Students are asked a series of MCQs and extra competency-based questions to test their understanding of the poem. The MCQs and extra competency-based questions are designed to help students develop their critical thinking and analytical skills. By answering these questions, students can deepen their understanding of the poem and its themes.

Stanza Wise MCQs of ‘The Road Not taken’

Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow. (Poem: The Road Not taken)

Stanza 1 MCQs

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveller, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

1. In which direction did the two roads diverge?
a) North and south
b) East and west
c) Right and left
d) Up and down

2. Why was the speaker sorry?
a) Because he was lost
b) Because he could not travel both roads
c) Because the roads were dangerous
d) Because he was alone

3. What did the speaker do before choosing a road?
a) He looked down both roads
b) He flipped a coin
c) He asked for directions
d) He closed his eyes and pointed

4. What could the speaker see in the undergrowth?
a) The end of the road
b) A bend in the road
c) A tree
d) A river

5. What is the setting of the poem?
a) A city
b) A yellow wood
c) A beach
d) A desert

6. What does the poet mean by “sorry I could not travel both”?
a) The poet regrets not being able to take both roads.
b) The poet is apologetic for standing there for a long time.
c) The poet is sad about the yellow wood.
d) The poet is tired and wants to rest.

7. What is the poet’s reaction when he sees the roads diverging?
a) He immediately takes one of the roads.
b) He stands there for a long time.
c) He is confused and doesn’t know which road to take.
d) He is happy to have two options.

8. Which poetic device is used in the line “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood”?

a) Simile
b) Metaphor
c) Personification
d) Hyperbole

Answers with explanations:

  1. b) East and west – The speaker says, “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,” implying that the two roads went in different directions.
  2. b) Because he could not travel both roads – The speaker says, “And sorry I could not travel both,” indicating his regret at not being able to explore both options.
  3. a) He looked down both roads – The speaker says, “And looked down one as far as I could / To where it bent in the undergrowth,” suggesting that he examined both roads before making a decision.
  4. b) A bend in the road – The speaker says, “To where it bent in the undergrowth,” indicating that he could see a bend in one of the roads.
  5. b) A yellow wood – The opening line of the poem establishes the setting as a “yellow wood”.
  6. a) The poet regrets not being able to take both roads – The phrase “sorry I could not travel both” suggests that the poet would have liked to take both roads but couldn’t.
  7. b) He stands there for a long time – The line “And be one traveller, long I stood” implies that the poet spends a considerable amount of time contemplating the two roads.
  8. b) Metaphor – because the two roads represent two different paths in life, and the speaker must choose which one to take.

Stanza 2 MCQs

Then took the other, just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same.

1. Why did the speaker choose the second road?
a) Because it was shorter
b) Because it was safer
c) Because it was grassy and wanted wear
d) Because it was more scenic

2. What does the speaker mean by “the passing there had worn them really about the same”?
a) Both roads were equally popular
b) Both roads were equally difficult to travel on
c) Both roads were equally beautiful
d) Both roads were equally unused

3. What did the speaker think about the first road?
a) He regretted not taking it
b) He thought it was too dangerous
c) He thought it was too long
d) He thought it was too boring

4. Why does the poet choose the second road?
a) Because it looks easier.
b) Because it is less travelled.
c) Because it is more beautiful.
d) Because it has a better view.

5. What is the better claim that the second road has?
a) It is less dangerous than the first road.
b) It has better scenery than the first road.
c) It is less travelled than the first road.
d) It is easier to walk on than the first road.

Answers with explanations:

  1. c) Because it was grassy and wanted wear – The speaker says, “Then took the other, just as fair, / And having perhaps the better claim, / Because it was grassy and wanted wear,” suggesting that he chose the second road because it looked less travelled.
  2. a) Both roads were equally popular – The speaker says, “Though as for that the passing there / Had worn them really about the same,” indicating that both roads were equally used.
  3. a) He regretted not taking it – The speaker says, “Oh, I kept the first for another day! / Yet knowing how way leads on to way, / I doubted if I should ever come back,” implying that he wished he could have explored the first road too.
  4. b) Because it is less travelled – The line “Then took the other, just as fair” suggests that the poet chooses the second road because it is “just as fair” as the first one, but also “less travelled”.
  5. c) It is less travelled than the first road – The phrase “having perhaps the better claim” refers to the fact that the second road is less travelled than the first road, which makes it more appealing to the poet.

Stanza 3 MCQs

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

1. What is the speaker going to do in the future?
a) He is going to forget about the roads
b) He is going to tell a story about the roads
c) He is going to take the first road
d) He is going to take the second road again

2. What does the speaker mean by “way leads on to way”?
a) Each decision leads to more decisions
b) Each road leads to a different destination
c) Each step leads to a new adventure
d) Each choice leads to regret

5. What does the poet mean by “Oh, I kept the first for another day!”?
a) The poet decides to take the first road the next day.
b) The poet regrets not taking the first road.
c) The poet forgets about the first road.
d) The poet thinks the first road is not worth taking.

6. Why does the poet doubt he will ever come back?
a) He thinks the second road will lead him far away.
b) He thinks he will be too old to travel again.
c) He thinks he will forget the way back.
d) He thinks he will find something better.

Answers with explanations:

  1. b) He is going to tell a story about the roads – The speaker says, “I shall be telling this with a sigh / Somewhere ages and ages hence,” suggesting that he will reminisce about the two roads.
  2. a) Each decision leads to more decisions – The speaker says, “Yet knowing how way leads on to way,” indicating that each decision leads to more choices and possibilities.
  3. a) The poet decides to take the first road the next day – The line “Oh, I kept the first for another day!” implies that the poet plans to take the first road at some point in the future.
  4. a) He thinks the second road will lead him far away – The line “Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back” suggests that the poet thinks the second road will lead him far away from the first road and he might not be able to find his way back.

Stanza 4 MCQs

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence;
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I —
I took the one less travelled by,
And that has made all the difference.

1. What does the poet mean by “I took the one less travelled by, And that has made all the difference”?
a) The poet regrets taking the less travelled road.
b) The poet is happy he took the less travelled road.
c) The poet thinks the less travelled road was a mistake.
d) The poet thinks both roads were equally good.

2. Which poetic device is used in the following line?
“I took the one less traveled by”

a) Simile
b) Metaphor
c) Personification
d) Hyperbole

3. Which poetic device is used in the following lines from “The Road Not Taken”?
“I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence”

a) Symbolism
b) Imagery
c) Irony
d) Rhyme

Answers with explanations:

  1. b) The poet is happy he took the less travelled road – The final lines of the poem “I took the one less travelled by, And that has made all the difference” suggest that the poet is happy with the road he chose and believes it has had a positive impact on his life.
  2. c) Metaphor – because the road less traveled represents the less popular or conventional choice in life.
  3. c) Irony because the speaker expresses regret for not taking the other path, but acknowledges that both paths were equally worn and both would have led to different outcomes.

Also Read

MCQs From the Whole Poem ‘The Road Not Taken’

1. Which of the following is the central theme of the poem “The Road Not Taken”?
a) The importance of making choices
b) The beauty of nature
c) The inevitability of regret
d) The advantages of taking the road less traveled

2. Why does the speaker feel sorry in the first stanza?
a) Because he is lost in the woods
b) Because he can only choose one path to take
c) Because he is tired and wants to rest
d) Because he doesn’t like the look of either path

3. In the second stanza, what is the reason the speaker chooses the second road?
a) Because it is more beautiful than the first road
b) Because it is less traveled than the first road
c) Because it is shorter than the first road
d) Because it leads to a specific destination

4. What is the meaning of the line “Because it was grassy and wanted wear”?
a) The speaker likes grassy roads
b) The road needs to be traveled to keep it from becoming overgrown
c) The road is uninviting and needs to be improved
d) The road is difficult to navigate because of the grass

5. What is the tone of the poem?
a) Optimistic and joyful
b) Melancholic and regretful
c) Indifferent and detached
d) Confident and decisive

6. What is the effect of the repetition of the word “road” in the poem?
a) To create a sense of confusion and uncertainty
b) To emphasize the importance of the decision the speaker must make
c) To convey the idea that the speaker is lost and doesn’t know where he is going
d) To suggest that the speaker is exploring a new place and discovering new paths

7. What is the significance of the title “The Road Not Taken”?
a) It implies that the speaker has chosen the less-traveled path
b) It suggests that the speaker is lost and doesn’t know which way to go
c) It indicates that the speaker has made a wrong decision
d) It implies that the speaker has missed out on something by not choosing the other path.

Answers & Explanations:

  1. a) The importance of making choices
    Explanation: The central theme of the poem “The Road Not Taken” is the importance of making choices. The speaker is faced with a decision between two paths, and his choice will have a significant impact on his life. The poem explores the idea that the choices we make shape our future.
  2. b) Because he can only choose one path to take
    Explanation: The speaker feels sorry in the first stanza because he can only choose one path to take. He is faced with a decision between two paths, and he knows that once he chooses one, he will not be able to travel the other. This creates a sense of regret and uncertainty for the speaker.
  3. b) Because it is less traveled than the first road
    Explanation: In the second stanza, the speaker chooses the second road because it is less traveled than the first road. The speaker believes that this path has not been taken as often as the other path, and therefore it may offer more opportunities for discovery and adventure.
  4. b) The road needs to be traveled to keep it from becoming overgrown
    Explanation: The meaning of the line “Because it was grassy and wanted wear” is that the road needs to be traveled to keep it from becoming overgrown. The speaker believes that this path has been less traveled than the other path, and therefore it needs to be used more often to keep it from becoming overgrown with grass.
  5. b) Melancholic and regretful
    Explanation: The tone of the poem is melancholic and regretful. The speaker is faced with a difficult decision, and he knows that once he makes his choice, he will not be able to go back and explore the other path. This creates a sense of regret and nostalgia for what might have been.
  6. b) To emphasize the importance of the decision the speaker must make
    Explanation: The repetition of the word “road” in the poem is used to emphasize the importance of the decision the speaker must make. The word “road” is repeated throughout the poem to create a sense of importance and urgency, highlighting the significance of the speaker’s choice.
  7. a) It implies that the speaker has chosen the less-traveled path
    Explanation: The significance of the title “The Road Not Taken” is that it implies that the speaker has chosen the less-traveled path. The title suggests that the speaker has made a choice that is different from what most people would have chosen, and this choice has made all the difference in his life.

MCQs Based on Poetic Devices: The Road Not taken

1. In the poem “The Road Not Taken,” the lines “And sorry I could not travel both / And be one traveler” use which poetic device?
a. Alliteration
b. Metaphor
c. Personification
d. Oxymoron

2. In “The Road Not Taken,” which lines use the poetic device of repetition to emphasize the theme of choice?
a. “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood”
b. “And sorry I could not travel both”
c. “I took the one less traveled by”
d. “And that has made all the difference”

3. Which of the following lines from “The Road Not Taken” use the poetic device of imagery?
a. “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood”
b. “And both that morning equally lay”
c. “And sorry I could not travel both”
d. “I took the one less traveled by”

4. In “The Road Not Taken,” which poetic device is used in the line “And be one traveler, long I stood” to convey the speaker’s indecision?
a. Personification
b. Imagery
c. Repetition
d. Metaphor

5. Which of the following lines from “The Road Not Taken” uses the poetic device of symbolism?
a. “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood”
b. “And sorry I could not travel both”
c. “I took the one less traveled by”
d. “And that has made all the difference”


  1. d. Oxymoron
  2. a. “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood”
  3. a. “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood”
  4. d. Metaphor
  5. c. “I took the one less travelled by”

Explanations of Answers:

  1. d. Oxymoron. An oxymoron is a figure of speech that combines two contradictory terms, such as “jumbo shrimp” or “bittersweet.” In this case, the phrase “And sorry I could not travel both / And be one traveler” is an oxymoron because it combines the idea of being two things at once (traveling both roads) with the reality that the speaker can only be one thing at a time (a single traveler).
  2. a. “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood.” Repetition is a poetic device that involves repeating a word or phrase for emphasis. In this case, the repetition of the phrase “And both that morning equally lay” emphasizes the equal appearance of the two roads and highlights the difficulty of making a choice between them.
  3. a. “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood.” Imagery is a poetic device that uses sensory details to create a mental picture in the reader’s mind. In this case, the image of two roads diverging in a yellow wood creates a vivid visual image that helps to set the scene and establish the central metaphor of the poem.
  4. d. Metaphor. A metaphor is a figure of speech that describes something by comparing it to something else, without using the words “like” or “as.” In this case, the phrase “And be one traveler, long I stood” is a metaphor because it compares the speaker’s indecision to standing in one place for a long time, unable to move forward.
  5. c. “I took the one less traveled by.” Symbolism is a poetic device that uses a physical object or image to represent an abstract idea. In this case, the less-traveled road represents the speaker’s choice to take a path that is different from the one most people would choose, symbolizing the idea of individualism and nonconformity.

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