Monkey See Monkey Do Questions & Answers Oxford Modern English Book 2

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See question and answers of the “Monkey See Monkey Do” from Oxford Modern English Book 2. It is for class 2. All answers of ‘Monkey See Monkey Do” are easy for class 2 students.

Monkey See Monkey Do Questions & Answers

Questions: Monkey See Monkey Do

Q.1. What did Shamir do when he woke up?

Q.2. Did Shamir go downstairs slowly? How did he go downstairs?

Q.3. How was Shamir dressed?

Q.4. Why did Shamir’s father say, ‘People might mistake you for one of them’?

Q.5. What did the family do first inside the zoo?

Q.6. What did Shamir tell his father about the monkeys?

Q.7. What did Mrs Khan find odd about the monkeys?

Q.8. How did Mr Khan show that sometimes humans behave like monkeys?

Answers: Monkey See Monkey Do

  1. When Shamir woke up, he tapped the button on his alarm clock, rolled over, and thought about going back to sleep.
  2. Shamir raced downstairs, not slowly.
  3. Shamir was wearing striped pajamas.
  4. Shamir’s father said, “People might mistake you for one of them” because he was joking that the stripes on Shamir’s pajamas looked like the stripes on a zebra.
  5. The first thing the family did at the zoo was go to see the monkeys.
  6. Shamir told his father that the big monkey looked like him.
  7. Mrs. Khan found it odd that the monkeys copied them.
  8. Mr. Khan showed that sometimes humans behave like monkeys by pointing to the sky and making noises, and other people copied him.

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